<script type="text/x-red" data-help-name="AudioPlayMemory">
	<div class=tooltipinfo>
	<p>Play a short sound clip, stored directly in memory.
		Data files are created with the
		<a href="https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/Audio/tree/master/extras/wav2sketch" target="_blank">wav2sketch program</a>,
		and copied to the sketch folder to become part of your sketch.</p>
	<h3>Audio Connections</h3>
	<table class=doc align=center cellpadding=3>
		<tr class=top><th>Port</th><th>Purpose</th></tr>
		<tr class=odd><td align=center>Out 0</td><td>Sound Output</td></tr>
	<p class=func><span class=keyword>play</span>(data);</p>
	<p class=desc>Begin playing a sound clip.  If already playing, the
		currently playing clip is stopped and this new data begins
		playing from the beginning.
	<p class=func><span class=keyword>stop</span>();</p>
	<p class=desc>Stop playing.  If not playing, this function has no effect.
	<p class=func><span class=keyword>isPlaying</span>();</p>
	<p class=desc>Return true (non-zero) if playing, or false (zero)
		when not playing.
	<p class=func><span class=keyword>positionMillis</span>();</p>
	<p class=desc>While playing, return the current time offset, in
		milliseconds.  When not playing, the return from this function
		is undefined.
	<p class=func><span class=keyword>lengthMillis</span>();</p>
	<p class=desc>Return the total length of the current sound clip,
		in milliseconds.  When not playing, the return from this function
		is undefined.
	<p class=exam>File &gt; Examples &gt; Audio &gt; SamplePlayer
	<p>TODO: supported sample rates: 11.025, 22.05, 44.1</p>
	<p>TODO: ulaw vs uncompressed encoding</p>
	<p>Polyphonic playback can be built by creating multiple
		objects, with their output combined by mixers.</p>
<script type="text/x-red" data-template-name="AudioPlayMemory">
	<div class="form-row">
		<label for="node-input-name"><i class="fa fa-tag"></i> Name</label>
		<input type="text" id="node-input-name" placeholder="Name">