// ArduinoJson - https://arduinojson.org // Copyright Benoit Blanchon 2014-2021 // MIT License #define ARDUINOJSON_ENABLE_ARDUINO_STRING 1 #define ARDUINOJSON_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE 5 #include <ArduinoJson.h> #include <catch.hpp> #include "custom_string.hpp" using namespace ARDUINOJSON_NAMESPACE; template <typename StringWriter> static size_t print(StringWriter& writer, const char* s) { return writer.write(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(s), strlen(s)); } template <typename StringWriter> static size_t print(StringWriter& writer, char c) { return writer.write(static_cast<uint8_t>(c)); } template <typename StringWriter, typename String> void common_tests(StringWriter& writer, const String& output) { SECTION("InitialState") { REQUIRE(std::string("") == output); } SECTION("EmptyString") { REQUIRE(0 == print(writer, "")); REQUIRE(std::string("") == output); } SECTION("OneString") { REQUIRE(4 == print(writer, "ABCD")); REQUIRE(std::string("ABCD") == output); } SECTION("TwoStrings") { REQUIRE(4 == print(writer, "ABCD")); REQUIRE(4 == print(writer, "EFGH")); REQUIRE(std::string("ABCDEFGH") == output); } } TEST_CASE("StaticStringWriter") { char output[20] = {0}; StaticStringWriter writer(output, sizeof(output)); common_tests(writer, static_cast<const char*>(output)); SECTION("OverCapacity") { REQUIRE(20 == print(writer, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")); REQUIRE(0 == print(writer, "ABC")); REQUIRE(0 == print(writer, 'D')); REQUIRE("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST" == std::string(output, 20)); } } TEST_CASE("Writer<std::string>") { std::string output; Writer<std::string> writer(output); common_tests(writer, output); } TEST_CASE("Writer<String>") { ::String output; Writer< ::String> writer(output); SECTION("write(char)") { SECTION("writes to temporary buffer") { // accumulate in buffer writer.write('a'); writer.write('b'); writer.write('c'); writer.write('d'); REQUIRE(output == ""); // flush when full writer.write('e'); REQUIRE(output == "abcd"); // flush on destruction writer.write('f'); writer.~Writer(); REQUIRE(output == "abcdef"); } SECTION("returns 1 on success") { for (int i = 0; i < ARDUINOJSON_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) { REQUIRE(writer.write('x') == 1); } } SECTION("returns 0 on error") { output.limitCapacityTo(1); REQUIRE(writer.write('a') == 1); REQUIRE(writer.write('b') == 1); REQUIRE(writer.write('c') == 1); REQUIRE(writer.write('d') == 1); REQUIRE(writer.write('e') == 0); REQUIRE(writer.write('f') == 0); } } SECTION("write(char*, size_t)") { SECTION("empty string") { REQUIRE(0 == print(writer, "")); writer.flush(); REQUIRE(output == ""); } SECTION("writes to temporary buffer") { // accumulate in buffer print(writer, "abc"); REQUIRE(output == ""); // flush when full, and continue to accumulate print(writer, "de"); REQUIRE(output == "abcd"); // flush on destruction writer.~Writer(); REQUIRE(output == "abcde"); } } } TEST_CASE("Writer<custom_string>") { custom_string output; Writer<custom_string> writer(output); REQUIRE(4 == print(writer, "ABCD")); REQUIRE("ABCD" == output); } TEST_CASE("IsWriteableString") { SECTION("std::string") { REQUIRE(IsWriteableString<std::string>::value == true); } SECTION("custom_string") { REQUIRE(IsWriteableString<custom_string>::value == true); } SECTION("basic_string<wchar_t>") { REQUIRE(IsWriteableString<std::basic_string<wchar_t> >::value == false); } } TEST_CASE("serializeJson(doc, String)") { StaticJsonDocument<1024> doc; doc["hello"] = "world"; ::String output; SECTION("sufficient capacity") { serializeJson(doc, output); REQUIRE(output == "{\"hello\":\"world\"}"); } SECTION("unsufficient capacity") { // issue #1561 output.limitCapacityTo(10); serializeJson(doc, output); REQUIRE(output == "{\"hello\""); } }