/* MicroDexed MicroDexed is a port of the Dexed sound engine (https://github.com/asb2m10/dexed) for the Teensy-3.5/3.6/4.x with audio shield. Dexed ist heavily based on https://github.com/google/music-synthesizer-for-android (c)2018-2021 H. Wirtz This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "dexed.h" #include "synth.h" #include "fm_core.h" #include "exp2.h" #include "sin.h" #include "freqlut.h" #include "controllers.h" #include "PluginFx.h" #include "porta.h" #include "compressor.h" Dexed::Dexed(uint8_t maxnotes, int rate) { samplerate = float32_t(rate); Exp2::init(); Tanh::init(); Sin::init(); Freqlut::init(rate); Lfo::init(rate); PitchEnv::init(rate); Env::init_sr(rate); Porta::init_sr(rate); fx.init(rate); engineMsfa = new FmCore; max_notes = maxnotes; currentNote = 0; resetControllers(); controllers.masterTune = 0; controllers.opSwitch = 0x3f; // enable all operators lastKeyDown = -1; vuSignal = 0.0; controllers.core = engineMsfa; lfo.reset(data + 137); sustain = false; voices = NULL; setMaxNotes(max_notes); setMonoMode(false); loadInitVoice(); xrun = 0; render_time_max = 0; #ifdef USE_DEXED_COMPRESSOR compressor = new Compressor(samplerate); use_compressor = false; #endif } Dexed::~Dexed() { currentNote = -1; for (uint8_t note = 0; note < max_notes; note++) delete voices[note].dx7_note; for (uint8_t note = 0; note < max_notes; note++) delete &voices[note]; delete(engineMsfa); } void Dexed::setMaxNotes(uint8_t new_max_notes) { uint8_t i = 0; max_notes = constrain(max_notes, 0, _MAX_NOTES); #if defined(MICRODEXED_VERSION) && defined(DEBUG) Serial.print("Allocating memory for "); Serial.print(max_notes, DEC); Serial.println(" notes."); Serial.println(); #endif if (voices) { panic(); for (i = 0; i < max_notes; i++) { if (voices[i].dx7_note) delete voices[i].dx7_note; } delete(voices); } max_notes = constrain(new_max_notes, 0, _MAX_NOTES); if (max_notes > 0) { voices = new ProcessorVoice[max_notes]; // sizeof(ProcessorVoice) = 20 for (i = 0; i < max_notes; i++) { voices[i].dx7_note = new Dx7Note; // sizeof(Dx7Note) = 692 voices[i].keydown = false; voices[i].sustained = false; voices[i].live = false; voices[i].key_pressed_timer = 0; } } else voices = NULL; } void Dexed::activate(void) { panic(); controllers.refresh(); } void Dexed::deactivate(void) { panic(); } void Dexed::getSamples(float32_t* buffer, uint16_t n_samples) { if (refreshVoice) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < max_notes; i++) { if ( voices[i].live ) voices[i].dx7_note->update(data, voices[i].midi_note, voices[i].velocity, voices[i].porta, &controllers); } lfo.reset(data + 137); refreshVoice = false; } arm_fill_f32(0.0, buffer, n_samples); for (uint16_t i = 0; i < n_samples; i += _N_) { AlignedBuf audiobuf; for (uint8_t j = 0; j < _N_; ++j) { audiobuf.get()[j] = 0; } int32_t lfovalue = lfo.getsample(); int32_t lfodelay = lfo.getdelay(); for (uint8_t note = 0; note < max_notes; note++) { if (voices[note].live) { voices[note].dx7_note->compute(audiobuf.get(), lfovalue, lfodelay, &controllers); for (uint8_t j = 0; j < _N_; ++j) { buffer[i + j] += signed_saturate_rshift(audiobuf.get()[j] >> 4, 24, 9) / 32768.0; audiobuf.get()[j] = 0; } } } } fx.process(buffer, n_samples); // Needed for fx.Gain()!!! #if defined USE_DEXED_COMPRESSOR if (use_compressor == true) compressor->doCompression(buffer, n_samples); #endif } void Dexed::getSamples(int16_t* buffer, uint16_t n_samples) { float32_t tmp[n_samples]; getSamples(tmp, n_samples); arm_float_to_q15(tmp, (q15_t*)buffer, n_samples); } void Dexed::keydown(int16_t pitch, uint8_t velo) { if ( velo == 0 ) { keyup(pitch); return; } pitch += data[144] - TRANSPOSE_FIX; int previousKeyDown = lastKeyDown; lastKeyDown = pitch; int porta = -1; if ( controllers.portamento_enable_cc && previousKeyDown >= 0 ) porta = controllers.portamento_cc; uint8_t note = currentNote; uint8_t keydown_counter = 0; if (!monoMode && noteRefreshMode) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < max_notes; i++) { if (voices[i].midi_note == pitch && voices[i].keydown == false && voices[i].live && voices[i].sustained == true) { // retrigger or refresh note? voices[i].dx7_note->keyup(); voices[i].midi_note = pitch; voices[i].velocity = velo; voices[i].keydown = true; voices[i].sustained = sustain; voices[i].live = true; voices[i].dx7_note->init(data, pitch, velo, pitch, porta, &controllers); voices[i].key_pressed_timer = millis(); return; } } } for (uint8_t i = 0; i <= max_notes; i++) { if (i == max_notes) { uint32_t min_timer = 0xffff; if (monoMode) break; // no free sound slot found, so use the oldest note slot for (uint8_t n = 0; n < max_notes; n++) { if (voices[n].key_pressed_timer < min_timer) { min_timer = voices[n].key_pressed_timer; note = n; } } voices[note].keydown = false; voices[note].sustained = false; voices[note].live = false; voices[note].key_pressed_timer = 0; keydown_counter--; } if (!voices[note].keydown) { currentNote = (note + 1) % max_notes; voices[note].midi_note = pitch; voices[note].velocity = velo; voices[note].sustained = sustain; voices[note].keydown = true; int srcnote = (previousKeyDown >= 0) ? previousKeyDown : pitch; voices[note].dx7_note->init(data, pitch, velo, srcnote, porta, &controllers); if ( data[136] ) voices[note].dx7_note->oscSync(); voices[i].key_pressed_timer = millis(); keydown_counter++; break; } else { keydown_counter++; } note = (note + 1) % max_notes; } if (keydown_counter == 0) lfo.keydown(); if ( monoMode ) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < max_notes; i++) { if ( voices[i].live ) { // all keys are up, only transfer signal if ( ! voices[i].keydown ) { voices[i].live = false; voices[note].dx7_note->transferSignal(*voices[i].dx7_note); break; } if ( voices[i].midi_note < pitch ) { voices[i].live = false; voices[note].dx7_note->transferState(*voices[i].dx7_note); break; } return; } } } voices[note].live = true; } void Dexed::keyup(int16_t pitch) { uint8_t note; pitch = constrain(pitch, 0, 127); pitch += data[144] - TRANSPOSE_FIX; for (note = 0; note < max_notes; note++) { if ( voices[note].midi_note == pitch && voices[note].keydown ) { voices[note].keydown = false; voices[note].key_pressed_timer = 0; break; } } // note not found ? if ( note >= max_notes ) { return; } if ( monoMode ) { int16_t highNote = -1; uint8_t target = 0; for (int8_t i = 0; i < max_notes; i++) { if ( voices[i].keydown && voices[i].midi_note > highNote ) { target = i; highNote = voices[i].midi_note; } } if ( highNote != -1 && voices[note].live ) { voices[note].live = false; voices[note].key_pressed_timer = 0; voices[target].live = true; voices[target].dx7_note->transferState(*voices[note].dx7_note); } } if ( sustain ) { voices[note].sustained = true; } else { voices[note].dx7_note->keyup(); } } void Dexed::doRefreshVoice(void) { refreshVoice = true; } void Dexed::setOPAll(uint8_t ops) { controllers.opSwitch = ops; } bool Dexed::getMonoMode(void) { return monoMode; } void Dexed::setMonoMode(bool mode) { if (monoMode == mode) return; notesOff(); monoMode = mode; } void Dexed::setNoteRefreshMode(bool mode) { noteRefreshMode = mode; } void Dexed::setSustain(bool s) { if (sustain == s) return; sustain = s; if (!getSustain()) { for (uint8_t note = 0; note < getMaxNotes(); note++) { if (voices[note].sustained && !voices[note].keydown) { voices[note].dx7_note->keyup(); voices[note].sustained = false; } } } } bool Dexed::getSustain(void) { return sustain; } void Dexed::panic(void) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < max_notes; i++) { if (voices[i].live == true) { voices[i].keydown = false; voices[i].live = false; voices[i].sustained = false; voices[i].key_pressed_timer = 0; if ( voices[i].dx7_note != NULL ) { voices[i].dx7_note->oscSync(); } } } setSustain(0); } void Dexed::resetControllers(void) { controllers.values_[kControllerPitch] = 0x2000; controllers.values_[kControllerPitchRange] = 0; controllers.values_[kControllerPitchStep] = 0; controllers.values_[kControllerPortamentoGlissando] = 0; controllers.modwheel_cc = 0; controllers.foot_cc = 0; controllers.breath_cc = 0; controllers.aftertouch_cc = 0; controllers.portamento_enable_cc = false; controllers.portamento_cc = 0; controllers.refresh(); } void Dexed::notesOff(void) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < max_notes; i++) { if (voices[i].live == true) { voices[i].keydown = false; voices[i].live = false; } } } uint8_t Dexed::getMaxNotes(void) { return max_notes; } uint8_t Dexed::getNumNotesPlaying(void) { uint8_t op_carrier = controllers.core->get_carrier_operators(data[134]); // look for carriers uint8_t i; uint8_t count_playing_voices = 0; for (i = 0; i < max_notes; i++) { if (voices[i].live == true) { uint8_t op_amp = 0; uint8_t op_carrier_num = 0; memset(&voiceStatus, 0, sizeof(VoiceStatus)); voices[i].dx7_note->peekVoiceStatus(voiceStatus); for (uint8_t op = 0; op < 6; op++) { if ((op_carrier & (1 << op))) { // this voice is a carrier! op_carrier_num++; if (voiceStatus.amp[op] <= VOICE_SILENCE_LEVEL && voiceStatus.ampStep[op] == 4) { // this voice produces no audio output op_amp++; } } } if (op_amp == op_carrier_num) { // all carrier-operators are silent -> disable the voice voices[i].live = false; voices[i].sustained = false; voices[i].keydown = false; #if defined(MICRODEXED_VERSION) && defined(DEBUG) Serial.print(F("Shutdown voice: ")); Serial.println(i, DEC); #endif } else count_playing_voices++; } } return (count_playing_voices); } bool Dexed::decodeVoice(uint8_t* new_data, uint8_t* encoded_data) { uint8_t* p_data = new_data; uint8_t op; uint8_t tmp; char dexed_voice_name[11]; panic(); for (op = 0; op < 6; op++) { // DEXED_OP_EG_R1, // 0 // DEXED_OP_EG_R2, // 1 // DEXED_OP_EG_R3, // 2 // DEXED_OP_EG_R4, // 3 // DEXED_OP_EG_L1, // 4 // DEXED_OP_EG_L2, // 5 // DEXED_OP_EG_L3, // 6 // DEXED_OP_EG_L4, // 7 // DEXED_OP_LEV_SCL_BRK_PT, // 8 // DEXED_OP_SCL_LEFT_DEPTH, // 9 // DEXED_OP_SCL_RGHT_DEPTH, // 10 memcpy(&new_data[op * 21], &encoded_data[op * 17], 11); tmp = encoded_data[(op * 17) + 11]; *(p_data + DEXED_OP_SCL_LEFT_CURVE + (op * 21)) = (tmp & 0x03); *(p_data + DEXED_OP_SCL_RGHT_CURVE + (op * 21)) = (tmp & 0x0c) >> 2; tmp = encoded_data[(op * 17) + 12]; *(p_data + DEXED_OP_OSC_DETUNE + (op * 21)) = (tmp & 0x78) >> 3; *(p_data + DEXED_OP_OSC_RATE_SCALE + (op * 21)) = (tmp & 0x07); tmp = encoded_data[(op * 17) + 13]; *(p_data + DEXED_OP_KEY_VEL_SENS + (op * 21)) = (tmp & 0x1c) >> 2; *(p_data + DEXED_OP_AMP_MOD_SENS + (op * 21)) = (tmp & 0x03); *(p_data + DEXED_OP_OUTPUT_LEV + (op * 21)) = encoded_data[(op * 17) + 14]; tmp = encoded_data[(op * 17) + 15]; *(p_data + DEXED_OP_FREQ_COARSE + (op * 21)) = (tmp & 0x3e) >> 1; *(p_data + DEXED_OP_OSC_MODE + (op * 21)) = (tmp & 0x01); *(p_data + DEXED_OP_FREQ_FINE + (op * 21)) = encoded_data[(op * 17) + 16]; } // DEXED_PITCH_EG_R1, // 0 // DEXED_PITCH_EG_R2, // 1 // DEXED_PITCH_EG_R3, // 2 // DEXED_PITCH_EG_R4, // 3 // DEXED_PITCH_EG_L1, // 4 // DEXED_PITCH_EG_L2, // 5 // DEXED_PITCH_EG_L3, // 6 // DEXED_PITCH_EG_L4, // 7 memcpy(&new_data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET], &encoded_data[102], 8); tmp = encoded_data[110]; *(p_data + DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_ALGORITHM) = (tmp & 0x1f); tmp = encoded_data[111]; *(p_data + DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_OSC_KEY_SYNC) = (tmp & 0x08) >> 3; *(p_data + DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_FEEDBACK) = (tmp & 0x07); // DEXED_LFO_SPEED, // 11 // DEXED_LFO_DELAY, // 12 // DEXED_LFO_PITCH_MOD_DEP, // 13 // DEXED_LFO_AMP_MOD_DEP, // 14 memcpy(&new_data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_LFO_SPEED], &encoded_data[112], 4); tmp = encoded_data[116]; *(p_data + DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_LFO_PITCH_MOD_SENS) = (tmp & 0x30) >> 4; *(p_data + DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_LFO_WAVE) = (tmp & 0x0e) >> 1; *(p_data + DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_LFO_SYNC) = (tmp & 0x01); *(p_data + DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_TRANSPOSE) = encoded_data[117]; memcpy(&new_data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_NAME], &encoded_data[118], 10); panic(); doRefreshVoice(); strlcpy(dexed_voice_name, (char *)&encoded_data[118], sizeof(dexed_voice_name) - 1); dexed_voice_name[10] = '\0'; #if defined(MICRODEXED_VERSION) && defined(DEBUG) Serial.print(F("Voice [")); Serial.print(dexed_voice_name); Serial.println(F("] decoded.")); #endif return (true); } bool Dexed::encodeVoice(uint8_t* encoded_data) { uint8_t* p_data = data; uint8_t op; for (op = 0; op < 6; op++) { // DEXED_OP_EG_R1, // 0 // DEXED_OP_EG_R2, // 1 // DEXED_OP_EG_R3, // 2 // DEXED_OP_EG_R4, // 3 // DEXED_OP_EG_L1, // 4 // DEXED_OP_EG_L2, // 5 // DEXED_OP_EG_L3, // 6 // DEXED_OP_EG_L4, // 7 // DEXED_OP_LEV_SCL_BRK_PT, // 8 // DEXED_OP_SCL_LEFT_DEPTH, // 9 // DEXED_OP_SCL_RGHT_DEPTH, // 10 memcpy(&encoded_data[op * 17], &data[op * 21], 11); encoded_data[(op * 17) + 11] = ((*(p_data + DEXED_OP_SCL_RGHT_CURVE + (op * 21)) & 0x0c) << 2) | (*(p_data + DEXED_OP_SCL_LEFT_CURVE + (op * 21)) & 0x03); encoded_data[(op * 17) + 12] = ((*(p_data + DEXED_OP_OSC_DETUNE + (op * 21)) & 0x0f) << 3) | (*(p_data + DEXED_OP_OSC_RATE_SCALE + (op * 21)) & 0x07); encoded_data[(op * 17) + 13] = ((*(p_data + DEXED_OP_KEY_VEL_SENS + (op * 21)) & 0x07) << 2) | (*(p_data + DEXED_OP_AMP_MOD_SENS + (op * 21)) & 0x03); encoded_data[(op * 17) + 14] = *(p_data + DEXED_OP_OUTPUT_LEV + (op * 21)); encoded_data[(op * 17) + 15] = ((*(p_data + DEXED_OP_FREQ_COARSE + (op * 21)) & 0x1f) << 1) | (*(p_data + DEXED_OP_OSC_MODE + (op * 21)) & 0x01); encoded_data[(op * 17) + 16] = *(p_data + DEXED_OP_FREQ_FINE + (op * 21)); } // DEXED_PITCH_EG_R1, // 0 // DEXED_PITCH_EG_R2, // 1 // DEXED_PITCH_EG_R3, // 2 // DEXED_PITCH_EG_R4, // 3 // DEXED_PITCH_EG_L1, // 4 // DEXED_PITCH_EG_L2, // 5 // DEXED_PITCH_EG_L3, // 6 // DEXED_PITCH_EG_L4, // 7 memcpy(&encoded_data[102], &data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET], 8); encoded_data[110] = (*(p_data + DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_ALGORITHM) & 0x1f); encoded_data[111] = (((*(p_data + DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_OSC_KEY_SYNC) & 0x01) << 3) | ((*(p_data + DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_FEEDBACK)) & 0x07)); // DEXED_LFO_SPEED, // 11 // DEXED_LFO_DELAY, // 12 // DEXED_LFO_PITCH_MOD_DEP, // 13 // DEXED_LFO_AMP_MOD_DEP, // 14 memcpy(&encoded_data[112], &data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_LFO_SPEED], 4); encoded_data[116] = (((*(p_data + DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_LFO_PITCH_MOD_SENS) & 0x07) << 4) | (((*(p_data + DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_LFO_WAVE)) & 0x07) << 1) | ((*(p_data + DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_LFO_SYNC)) & 0x01)); encoded_data[117] = *(p_data + DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_TRANSPOSE); memset(&encoded_data[118], 0, 10); memcpy(&encoded_data[118], &data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_NAME], 10); return (true); } bool Dexed::getVoiceData(uint8_t* data_copy) { memcpy(data_copy, data, sizeof(data)); return (true); } void Dexed::setVoiceDataElement(uint8_t address, uint8_t value) { address = constrain(address, 0, NUM_VOICE_PARAMETERS); data[address] = value; doRefreshVoice(); } uint8_t Dexed::getVoiceDataElement(uint8_t address) { address = constrain(address, 0, NUM_VOICE_PARAMETERS); return (data[address]); } void Dexed::loadVoiceParameters(uint8_t* new_data) { #if defined(MICRODEXED_VERSION) && defined(DEBUG) char dexed_voice_name[11]; #endif panic(); memcpy(&data, new_data, 155); doRefreshVoice(); #if defined(MICRODEXED_VERSION) && defined(DEBUG) strlcpy(dexed_voice_name, (char *)&new_data[145], sizeof(dexed_voice_name) - 1); dexed_voice_name[10] = '\0'; Serial.print(F("Voice [")); Serial.print(dexed_voice_name); Serial.println(F("] loaded.")); #endif } void Dexed::loadInitVoice(void) { loadVoiceParameters(init_voice); } void Dexed::setPBController(uint8_t pb_range, uint8_t pb_step) { #if defined(MICRODEXED_VERSION) && defined(DEBUG) Serial.println(F("Dexed::setPBController")); #endif pb_range = constrain(pb_range, 0, 12); pb_step = constrain(pb_step, 0, 12); controllers.values_[kControllerPitchRange] = pb_range; controllers.values_[kControllerPitchStep] = pb_step; controllers.refresh(); } void Dexed::setMWController(uint8_t mw_range, uint8_t mw_assign, uint8_t mw_mode) { #if defined(MICRODEXED_VERSION) && defined(DEBUG) Serial.println(F("Dexed::setMWController")); #endif mw_range = constrain(mw_range, 0, 99); mw_assign = constrain(mw_assign, 0, 7); mw_mode = constrain(mw_mode, 0, MIDI_CONTROLLER_MODE_MAX); controllers.wheel.setRange(mw_range); controllers.wheel.setTarget(mw_assign); controllers.wheel.setMode(mw_mode); controllers.refresh(); } void Dexed::setFCController(uint8_t fc_range, uint8_t fc_assign, uint8_t fc_mode) { #if defined(MICRODEXED_VERSION) && defined(DEBUG) Serial.println(F("Dexed::setFCController")); #endif fc_range = constrain(fc_range, 0, 99); fc_assign = constrain(fc_assign, 0, 7); fc_mode = constrain(fc_mode, 0, MIDI_CONTROLLER_MODE_MAX); controllers.foot.setRange(fc_range); controllers.foot.setTarget(fc_assign); controllers.foot.setMode(fc_mode); controllers.refresh(); } void Dexed::setBCController(uint8_t bc_range, uint8_t bc_assign, uint8_t bc_mode) { #if defined(MICRODEXED_VERSION) && defined(DEBUG) Serial.println(F("Dexed::setBCController")); #endif bc_range = constrain(bc_range, 0, 99); bc_assign = constrain(bc_assign, 0, 7); bc_mode = constrain(bc_mode, 0, MIDI_CONTROLLER_MODE_MAX); controllers.breath.setRange(bc_range); controllers.breath.setTarget(bc_assign); controllers.breath.setMode(bc_mode); controllers.refresh(); } void Dexed::setATController(uint8_t at_range, uint8_t at_assign, uint8_t at_mode) { #if defined(MICRODEXED_VERSION) && defined(DEBUG) Serial.println(F("Dexed::setATController")); #endif at_range = constrain(at_range, 0, 99); at_assign = constrain(at_assign, 0, 7); at_mode = constrain(at_mode, 0, MIDI_CONTROLLER_MODE_MAX); controllers.at.setRange(at_range); controllers.at.setTarget(at_assign); controllers.at.setMode(at_mode); controllers.refresh(); } void Dexed::setPortamento(uint8_t portamento_mode, uint8_t portamento_glissando, uint8_t portamento_time) { portamento_mode = constrain(portamento_mode, 0, 1); portamento_glissando = constrain(portamento_glissando, 0, 1); portamento_time = constrain(portamento_time, 0, 99); controllers.portamento_cc = portamento_time; controllers.portamento_enable_cc = portamento_mode > 63; if (portamento_time > 0) controllers.portamento_enable_cc = true; else controllers.portamento_enable_cc = false; controllers.values_[kControllerPortamentoGlissando] = portamento_glissando; controllers.refresh(); } void Dexed::setPortamentoMode(uint8_t portamento_mode) { portamento_mode = constrain(portamento_mode, 0, 1); controllers.portamento_enable_cc = portamento_mode > 63; controllers.refresh(); } uint8_t Dexed::getPortamentoMode(void) { return(controllers.portamento_enable_cc); } void Dexed::setPortamentoGlissando(uint8_t portamento_glissando) { portamento_glissando = constrain(portamento_glissando, 0, 1); controllers.values_[kControllerPortamentoGlissando] = portamento_glissando; controllers.refresh(); } uint8_t Dexed::getPortamentoGlissando(void) { return(controllers.values_[kControllerPortamentoGlissando]); } void Dexed::setPortamentoTime(uint8_t portamento_time) { portamento_time = constrain(portamento_time, 0, 99); controllers.portamento_cc = portamento_time; if (portamento_time > 0) controllers.portamento_enable_cc = true; else controllers.portamento_enable_cc = false; controllers.refresh(); } uint8_t Dexed::getPortamentoTime(void) { return(controllers.portamento_cc); } int16_t Dexed::checkSystemExclusive(const uint8_t* sysex, const uint16_t len) /* -1: SysEx end status byte not detected. -2: SysEx vendor not Yamaha. -3: Unknown SysEx parameter change. -4: Unknown SysEx voice or function. -5: Not a SysEx voice bulk upload. -6: Wrong length for SysEx voice bulk upload (not 155). -7: Checksum error for one voice. -8: Not a SysEx bank bulk upload. -9: Wrong length for SysEx bank bulk upload (not 4096). -10: Checksum error for bank. -11: Unknown SysEx message. 64-77: Function parameter changed. 100: Voice loaded. 200: Bank loaded. 300-455: Voice parameter changed. */ { int32_t bulk_checksum_calc = 0; const int8_t bulk_checksum = sysex[161]; // Check for SYSEX end byte if (sysex[len - 1] != 0xf7) return(-1); // check for Yamaha sysex if (sysex[1] != 0x43) return(-2); // Decode SYSEX by means of length switch (len) { case 7: // parse parameter change if (((sysex[3] & 0x7c) >> 2) != 0 && ((sysex[3] & 0x7c) >> 2) != 2) return(-3); if ((sysex[3] & 0x7c) >> 2 == 0) // Voice parameter { setVoiceDataElement((sysex[4] & 0x7f) + ((sysex[3] & 0x03) * 128), sysex[5]); doRefreshVoice(); return((sysex[4] & 0x7f) + ((sysex[3] & 0x03) * 128)+300); } else if ((sysex[3] & 0x7c) >> 2 == 2) // Function parameter return(sysex[4]); else return(-4); break; case 163: // 1 Voice bulk upload if ((sysex[3] & 0x7f) != 0) return(-5); if (((sysex[4] << 7) | sysex[5]) != 0x9b) return(-6); // checksum calculation for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 155 ; i++) bulk_checksum_calc -= sysex[i + 6]; bulk_checksum_calc &= 0x7f; if (bulk_checksum_calc != bulk_checksum) return(-7); return(100); break; case 4104: // 1 Bank bulk upload if ((sysex[3] & 0x7f) != 9) return(-8); if (((sysex[4] << 7) | sysex[5]) != 0x1000) return(-9); // checksum calculation for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 4096 ; i++) bulk_checksum_calc -= sysex[i + 6]; bulk_checksum_calc &= 0x7f; if (bulk_checksum_calc != bulk_checksum) return(-10); return(200); break; default: return(-11); } } uint32_t Dexed::getXRun(void) { return (xrun); } uint16_t Dexed::getRenderTimeMax(void) { return (render_time_max); } void Dexed::resetRenderTimeMax(void) { render_time_max = 0; } void Dexed::ControllersRefresh(void) { controllers.refresh(); } void Dexed::setMasterTune(int8_t mastertune) { mastertune = constrain(mastertune, -99, 99); controllers.masterTune = (int(mastertune / 100.0 * 0x4000) << 11) * (1.0 / 12.0); } int8_t Dexed::getMasterTune(void) { return (controllers.masterTune); } void Dexed::setModWheel(uint8_t value) { value = constrain(value, 0, 127); controllers.modwheel_cc = value; } uint8_t Dexed::getModWheel(void) { return (controllers.modwheel_cc); } void Dexed::setBreathController(uint8_t value) { value = constrain(value, 0, 127); controllers.breath_cc = value; } uint8_t Dexed::getBreathController(void) { return (controllers.breath_cc); } void Dexed::setFootController(uint8_t value) { value = constrain(value, 0, 127); controllers.foot_cc = value; } uint8_t Dexed::getFootController(void) { return (controllers.foot_cc); } void Dexed::setAftertouch(uint8_t value) { value = constrain(value, 0, 127); controllers.aftertouch_cc = value; } uint8_t Dexed::getAftertouch(void) { return (controllers.aftertouch_cc); } void Dexed::setPitchbend(int16_t value) { value = constrain(value, -8192, 8191); controllers.values_[kControllerPitch] = value + 0x2000; // -8192 to +8191 --> 0 to 16383 } int16_t Dexed::getPitchbend(void) { return (controllers.values_[kControllerPitch] - 0x2000); } void Dexed::setPitchbendRange(uint8_t range) { range = constrain(range, 0, 12); controllers.values_[kControllerPitchRange] = range; } uint8_t Dexed::getPitchbendRange(void) { return (controllers.values_[kControllerPitchRange]); } void Dexed::setPitchbendStep(uint8_t step) { step = constrain(step, 0, 12); controllers.values_[kControllerPitchStep] = step; } uint8_t Dexed::getPitchbendStep(void) { return (controllers.values_[kControllerPitchStep]); } void Dexed::setModWheelRange(uint8_t range) { range = constrain(range, 0, 12); controllers.wheel.setRange(range); } uint8_t Dexed::getModWheelRange(void) { return (controllers.wheel.getRange()); } void Dexed::setModWheelTarget(uint8_t target) { target = constrain(target, 0, 7); controllers.wheel.setTarget(target); } uint8_t Dexed::getModWheelTarget(void) { return (controllers.wheel.getTarget()); } void Dexed::setFootControllerRange(uint8_t range) { range = constrain(range, 0, 12); controllers.foot.setRange(range); } uint8_t Dexed::getFootControllerRange(void) { return (controllers.foot.getRange()); } void Dexed::setFootControllerTarget(uint8_t target) { target = constrain(target, 0, 7); controllers.foot.setTarget(target); } uint8_t Dexed::getFootControllerTarget(void) { return (controllers.foot.getTarget()); } void Dexed::setBreathControllerRange(uint8_t range) { range = constrain(range, 0, 12); controllers.breath.setRange(range); } uint8_t Dexed::getBreathControllerRange(void) { return (controllers.breath.getRange()); } void Dexed::setBreathControllerTarget(uint8_t target) { target = constrain(target, 0, 7); controllers.breath.setTarget(target); } uint8_t Dexed::getBreathControllerTarget(void) { return (controllers.breath.getTarget()); } void Dexed::setAftertouchRange(uint8_t range) { range = constrain(range, 0, 12); controllers.at.setRange(range); } uint8_t Dexed::getAftertouchRange(void) { return (controllers.at.getRange()); } void Dexed::setAftertouchTarget(uint8_t target) { target = constrain(target, 0, 7); controllers.at.setTarget(target); } uint8_t Dexed::getAftertouchTarget(void) { return (controllers.at.getTarget()); } void Dexed::setFilterCutoff(float cutoff) { fx.Cutoff = cutoff; } float Dexed::getFilterCutoff(void) { return (fx.Cutoff); } void Dexed::setFilterResonance(float resonance) { fx.Reso = resonance; } float Dexed::getFilterResonance(void) { return (fx.Reso); } void Dexed::setGain(float gain) { fx.Gain = gain; } float Dexed::getGain(void) { return (fx.Gain); } void Dexed::setOPRateAll(uint8_t rate) { rate = constrain(rate, 0, 99); for (uint8_t op = 0; op < 6; op++) { for (uint8_t step = 0; step < 4; step++) { data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_EG_R1 + step] = rate; } } doRefreshVoice(); } void Dexed::setOPLevelAll(uint8_t level) { level = constrain(level, 0, 99); for (uint8_t op = 0; op < 6; op++) { for (uint8_t step = 0; step < 4; step++) { data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_EG_L1 + step] = level; } } doRefreshVoice(); } void Dexed::setOPRateAllModulator(uint8_t step, uint8_t rate) { uint8_t op_carrier = controllers.core->get_carrier_operators(data[134]); // look for carriers rate = constrain(rate, 0, 99); step = constrain(step, 0, 3); for (uint8_t op = 0; op < 6; op++) { if ((op_carrier & (1 << op)) == 0) data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_EG_R1 + step] = rate; } doRefreshVoice(); } void Dexed::setOPLevelAllModulator(uint8_t step, uint8_t level) { uint8_t op_carrier = controllers.core->get_carrier_operators(data[134]); // look for carriers step = constrain(step, 0, 3); level = constrain(level, 0, 99); for (uint8_t op = 0; op < 6; op++) { if ((op_carrier & (1 << op)) == 0) data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_EG_L1 + step] = level; } doRefreshVoice(); } void Dexed::setOPRateAllCarrier(uint8_t step, uint8_t rate) { uint8_t op_carrier = controllers.core->get_carrier_operators(data[134]); // look for carriers rate = constrain(rate, 0, 99); step = constrain(step, 0, 3); for (uint8_t op = 0; op < 6; op++) { if ((op_carrier & (1 << op)) == 1) data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_EG_R1 + step] = rate; } doRefreshVoice(); } void Dexed::setOPLevelAllCarrier(uint8_t step, uint8_t level) { uint8_t op_carrier = controllers.core->get_carrier_operators(data[134]); // look for carriers level = constrain(level, 0, 99); step = constrain(step, 0, 3); for (uint8_t op = 0; op < 6; op++) { if ((op_carrier & (1 << op)) == 1) data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_EG_L1 + step] = level; } doRefreshVoice(); } void Dexed::setOPRate(uint8_t op, uint8_t step, uint8_t rate) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); step = constrain(step, 0, 3); rate = constrain(rate, 0, 99); data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_EG_R1 + step] = rate; doRefreshVoice(); } uint8_t Dexed::getOPRate(uint8_t op, uint8_t step) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); step = constrain(step, 0, 3); return (data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_EG_R1 + step]); } void Dexed::setOPLevel(uint8_t op, uint8_t step, uint8_t level) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); step = constrain(step, 0, 3); level = constrain(level, 0, 99); data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_EG_L1 + step] = level; doRefreshVoice(); } uint8_t Dexed::getOPLevel(uint8_t op, uint8_t step) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); step = constrain(step, 0, 3); return (data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_EG_L1 + step]); } void Dexed::setOPKeyboardLevelScalingBreakPoint(uint8_t op, uint8_t level) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); level = constrain(level, 0, 99); data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_LEV_SCL_BRK_PT] = level; doRefreshVoice(); } uint8_t Dexed::getOPKeyboardLevelScalingBreakPoint(uint8_t op) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); return (data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_LEV_SCL_BRK_PT]); } void Dexed::setOPKeyboardLevelScalingDepthLeft(uint8_t op, uint8_t depth) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); depth = constrain(depth, 0, 99); data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_SCL_LEFT_DEPTH] = depth; doRefreshVoice(); } uint8_t Dexed::getOPKeyboardLevelScalingDepthLeft(uint8_t op) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); return (data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_SCL_LEFT_DEPTH]); } void Dexed::setOPKeyboardLevelScalingDepthRight(uint8_t op, uint8_t depth) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); depth = constrain(depth, 0, 99); data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_SCL_RGHT_DEPTH] = depth; doRefreshVoice(); } uint8_t Dexed::getOPKeyboardLevelScalingDepthRight(uint8_t op) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); return (data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_SCL_RGHT_DEPTH]); } void Dexed::setOPKeyboardLevelScalingCurveLeft(uint8_t op, uint8_t curve) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); curve = constrain(curve, 0, 3); data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_SCL_LEFT_CURVE] = curve; doRefreshVoice(); } uint8_t Dexed::getOPKeyboardLevelScalingCurveLeft(uint8_t op) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); return (data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_SCL_LEFT_CURVE]); } void Dexed::setOPKeyboardLevelScalingCurveRight(uint8_t op, uint8_t curve) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); curve = constrain(curve, 0, 3); data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_SCL_RGHT_CURVE] = curve; doRefreshVoice(); } uint8_t Dexed::getOPKeyboardLevelScalingCurveRight(uint8_t op) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); return (data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_SCL_RGHT_CURVE]); } void Dexed::setOPKeyboardRateScale(uint8_t op, uint8_t scale) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); scale = constrain(scale, 0, 7); data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_OSC_RATE_SCALE] = scale; doRefreshVoice(); } uint8_t Dexed::getOPKeyboardRateScale(uint8_t op) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); return (data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_OSC_RATE_SCALE]); } void Dexed::setOPAmpModulationSensity(uint8_t op, uint8_t sensitivity) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); sensitivity = constrain(sensitivity, 0, 3); data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_AMP_MOD_SENS] = sensitivity; doRefreshVoice(); } uint8_t Dexed::getOPAmpModulationSensity(uint8_t op) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); return (data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_AMP_MOD_SENS]); } void Dexed::setOPKeyboardVelocitySensity(uint8_t op, uint8_t sensitivity) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); sensitivity = constrain(sensitivity, 0, 7); data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_KEY_VEL_SENS] = sensitivity; doRefreshVoice(); } uint8_t Dexed::getOPKeyboardVelocitySensity(uint8_t op) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); return (data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_KEY_VEL_SENS]); } void Dexed::setOPOutputLevel(uint8_t op, uint8_t level) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); level = constrain(level, 0, 99); data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_OUTPUT_LEV] = level; doRefreshVoice(); } uint8_t Dexed::getOPOutputLevel(uint8_t op) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); return (data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_OUTPUT_LEV]); } void Dexed::setOPMode(uint8_t op, uint8_t mode) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); mode = constrain(mode, 0, 1); data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_OSC_MODE] = mode; doRefreshVoice(); } uint8_t Dexed::getOPMode(uint8_t op) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); return (data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_OSC_MODE]); } void Dexed::setOPFrequencyCoarse(uint8_t op, uint8_t frq_coarse) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); frq_coarse = constrain(frq_coarse, 0, 31); data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_FREQ_COARSE] = frq_coarse; doRefreshVoice(); } uint8_t Dexed::getOPFrequencyCoarse(uint8_t op) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); return (data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_FREQ_COARSE ]); } void Dexed::setOPFrequencyFine(uint8_t op, uint8_t frq_fine) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); frq_fine = constrain(frq_fine, 0, 99); data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_FREQ_FINE] = frq_fine; doRefreshVoice(); } uint8_t Dexed::getOPFrequencyFine(uint8_t op) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); return (data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_FREQ_FINE]); } void Dexed::setOPDetune(uint8_t op, uint8_t detune) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); detune = constrain(detune, 0, 14); data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_OSC_DETUNE] = detune; doRefreshVoice(); } uint8_t Dexed::getOPDetune(uint8_t op) { op = constrain(op, 0, 5); return (data[(op * 21) + DEXED_OP_OSC_DETUNE]); } void Dexed::setPitchRate(uint8_t step, uint8_t rate) { step = constrain(step, 0, 3); rate = constrain(rate, 0, 99); data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_PITCH_EG_R1 + step] = rate; doRefreshVoice(); } uint8_t Dexed::getPitchRate(uint8_t step) { step = constrain(step, 0, 3); return (data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_PITCH_EG_R1 + step]); } void Dexed::setPitchLevel(uint8_t step, uint8_t level) { step = constrain(step, 0, 3); level = constrain(level, 0, 99); data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_PITCH_EG_L1 + step] = level; doRefreshVoice(); } uint8_t Dexed::getPitchLevel(uint8_t step) { step = constrain(step, 0, 3); return (data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_PITCH_EG_L1 + step]); } void Dexed::setAlgorithm(uint8_t algorithm) { algorithm = constrain(algorithm, 0, 31); data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_ALGORITHM] = algorithm; doRefreshVoice(); } uint8_t Dexed::getAlgorithm(void) { return (data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_ALGORITHM]); } void Dexed::setFeedback(uint8_t feedback) { feedback = constrain(feedback, 0, 31); data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_FEEDBACK] = feedback; doRefreshVoice(); } uint8_t Dexed::getFeedback(void) { return (data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_FEEDBACK]); } void Dexed::setOscillatorSync(bool sync) { data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_OSC_KEY_SYNC] = sync; doRefreshVoice(); } bool Dexed::getOscillatorSync(void) { return (data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_OSC_KEY_SYNC]); } void Dexed::setLFOSpeed(uint8_t speed) { speed = constrain(speed, 0, 99); data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_LFO_SPEED] = speed; lfo.reset(data + 137); } uint8_t Dexed::getLFOSpeed(void) { return (data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_LFO_SPEED]); } void Dexed::setLFODelay(uint8_t delay) { delay = constrain(delay, 0, 99); data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_LFO_DELAY] = delay; lfo.reset(data + 137); } uint8_t Dexed::getLFODelay(void) { return (data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_LFO_DELAY]); } void Dexed::setLFOPitchModulationDepth(uint8_t depth) { depth = constrain(depth, 0, 99); data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_LFO_PITCH_MOD_DEP] = depth; lfo.reset(data + 137); } uint8_t Dexed::getLFOPitchModulationDepth(void) { return (data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_LFO_PITCH_MOD_DEP]); } void Dexed::setLFOAmpModulationDepth(uint8_t depth) { depth = constrain(depth, 0, 99); data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_LFO_AMP_MOD_DEP] = depth; lfo.reset(data + 137); } uint8_t Dexed::getLFOAmpModulationDepth(void) { return (data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_LFO_AMP_MOD_DEP]); } void Dexed::setLFOSync(bool sync) { data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_LFO_SYNC] = sync; } bool Dexed::getLFOSync(void) { return (data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_LFO_SYNC]); lfo.reset(data + 137); } void Dexed::setLFOWaveform(uint8_t waveform) { waveform = constrain(waveform, 0, 5); data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_LFO_WAVE] = waveform; lfo.reset(data + 137); } uint8_t Dexed::getLFOWaveform(void) { return (data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_LFO_WAVE]); } void Dexed::setLFOPitchModulationSensitivity(uint8_t sensitivity) { sensitivity = constrain(sensitivity, 0, 5); data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_LFO_PITCH_MOD_SENS] = sensitivity; lfo.reset(data + 137); } uint8_t Dexed::getLFOPitchModulationSensitivity(void) { return (data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_LFO_PITCH_MOD_SENS]); } void Dexed::setTranspose(uint8_t transpose) { transpose = constrain(transpose, 0, 48); data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_TRANSPOSE] = transpose; } uint8_t Dexed::getTranspose(void) { return (data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_TRANSPOSE]); } void Dexed::setName(char* name) { strlcpy(name, (char*)&data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_NAME], 10); } void Dexed::getName(char* buffer) { strlcpy((char*)&data[DEXED_VOICE_OFFSET + DEXED_NAME], buffer, 10); buffer[10] = '\0'; } #ifdef USE_DEXED_COMPRESSOR void Dexed::setCompressor(bool enable_compressor) { use_compressor = enable_compressor; } bool Dexed::getCompressor(void) { return (use_compressor); } void Dexed::setCompressorPreGain_dB(float32_t pre_gain) { compressor->setPreGain_dB(pre_gain); } void Dexed::setCompressorAttack_sec(float32_t attack_sec) { compressor->setAttack_sec(attack_sec, samplerate); } void Dexed::setCompressorRelease_sec(float32_t release_sec) { compressor->setRelease_sec(release_sec, samplerate); } void Dexed::setCompressorThresh_dBFS(float32_t thresh_dBFS) { compressor->setThresh_dBFS(thresh_dBFS); } void Dexed::setCompressionRatio(float32_t comp_ratio) { compressor->setCompressionRatio(comp_ratio); } float32_t Dexed::getCompressorPreGain_dB(void) { return (compressor->getPreGain_dB()); } float32_t Dexed::getCompressorAttack_sec(void) { return (compressor->getAttack_sec()); } float32_t Dexed::getCompressorRelease_sec(void) { return (compressor->getRelease_sec()); } float32_t Dexed::getCompressorThresh_dBFS(void) { return (compressor->getThresh_dBFS()); } float32_t Dexed::getCompressionRatio(void) { return (compressor->getCompressionRatio()); } #endif