// ArduinoJson - https://arduinojson.org // Copyright Benoit Blanchon 2014-2021 // MIT License #include <ArduinoJson.h> #include <catch.hpp> #include <stdlib.h> // malloc, free #include <string> using ARDUINOJSON_NAMESPACE::addPadding; class ArmoredAllocator { public: ArmoredAllocator() : _ptr(0), _size(0) {} void* allocate(size_t size) { _ptr = malloc(size); _size = size; return _ptr; } void deallocate(void* ptr) { REQUIRE(ptr == _ptr); free(ptr); _ptr = 0; _size = 0; } void* reallocate(void* ptr, size_t new_size) { REQUIRE(ptr == _ptr); // don't call realloc, instead alloc a new buffer and erase the old one // this way we make sure we support relocation void* new_ptr = malloc(new_size); memcpy(new_ptr, _ptr, std::min(new_size, _size)); memset(_ptr, '#', _size); // erase free(_ptr); _ptr = new_ptr; return new_ptr; } private: void* _ptr; size_t _size; }; typedef BasicJsonDocument<ArmoredAllocator> ShrinkToFitTestDocument; void testShrinkToFit(ShrinkToFitTestDocument& doc, std::string expected_json, size_t expected_size) { // test twice: shrinkToFit() should be idempotent for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { doc.shrinkToFit(); REQUIRE(doc.capacity() == expected_size); REQUIRE(doc.memoryUsage() == expected_size); std::string json; serializeJson(doc, json); REQUIRE(json == expected_json); } } TEST_CASE("BasicJsonDocument::shrinkToFit()") { ShrinkToFitTestDocument doc(4096); SECTION("null") { testShrinkToFit(doc, "null", 0); } SECTION("empty object") { deserializeJson(doc, "{}"); testShrinkToFit(doc, "{}", JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(0)); } SECTION("empty array") { deserializeJson(doc, "[]"); testShrinkToFit(doc, "[]", JSON_ARRAY_SIZE(0)); } SECTION("linked string") { doc.set("hello"); testShrinkToFit(doc, "\"hello\"", 0); } SECTION("owned string") { doc.set(std::string("abcdefg")); testShrinkToFit(doc, "\"abcdefg\"", 8); } SECTION("linked raw") { doc.set(serialized("[{},123]")); testShrinkToFit(doc, "[{},123]", 0); } SECTION("owned raw") { doc.set(serialized(std::string("[{},12]"))); testShrinkToFit(doc, "[{},12]", 8); } SECTION("linked key") { doc["key"] = 42; testShrinkToFit(doc, "{\"key\":42}", JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(1)); } SECTION("owned key") { doc[std::string("abcdefg")] = 42; testShrinkToFit(doc, "{\"abcdefg\":42}", JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(1) + 8); } SECTION("linked string in array") { doc.add("hello"); testShrinkToFit(doc, "[\"hello\"]", JSON_ARRAY_SIZE(1)); } SECTION("owned string in array") { doc.add(std::string("abcdefg")); testShrinkToFit(doc, "[\"abcdefg\"]", JSON_ARRAY_SIZE(1) + 8); } SECTION("linked string in object") { doc["key"] = "hello"; testShrinkToFit(doc, "{\"key\":\"hello\"}", JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(1)); } SECTION("owned string in object") { doc["key"] = std::string("abcdefg"); testShrinkToFit(doc, "{\"key\":\"abcdefg\"}", JSON_ARRAY_SIZE(1) + 8); } SECTION("unaligned") { doc.add(std::string("?")); // two bytes in the string pool REQUIRE(doc.memoryUsage() == JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(1) + 2); doc.shrinkToFit(); // the new capacity should be padded to align the pointers REQUIRE(doc.capacity() == JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(1) + sizeof(void*)); REQUIRE(doc.memoryUsage() == JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(1) + 2); REQUIRE(doc[0] == "?"); } } TEST_CASE("DynamicJsonDocument::shrinkToFit()") { DynamicJsonDocument doc(4096); deserializeJson(doc, "{\"hello\":[\"world\"]"); doc.shrinkToFit(); std::string json; serializeJson(doc, json); REQUIRE(json == "{\"hello\":[\"world\"]}"); }