- [<img src="../../images/LCD_characters_green/small_1_inv.png" width="12"/>](../../images/LCD_characters_green/small_1_inv.png) indicates that you are using timbre 1.
- [<img src="../../images/LCD_characters_green/key.png" width="12"/>](../../images/LCD_characters_green/key.png) indicates that you currently use the monotimbral engine.
@ -105,9 +107,9 @@ If you use the *dual-timbral* engine, in many menus a small <img src="../../imag
The most important screen will be the selection for the sounds. The screen displays the selected bank number (top left) and the selected voice number (below). Next to the numbers are the corresponding names. The paramater, which is shown in square brackets, can be changed by turning the preset encoder.
MD can manage 100 banks (0-99) and 32 voices per bank, if you turn the mouse over the 32 voices, the first voice of the next bank will be loaded automatically (if possible). This happens the same way if you go lower than voice number 1.
MD can manage 100 banks (0-99) and 32 voices per bank, if you turn the encoder over the 32 voices, the first voice of the next bank will be loaded automatically (if possible). This happens the same way if you go lower than voice number 1.
By changing (and later saving) this value you can compensate for differences in volume between different sounds. The value ranges from 0 to 127. Normal is 100, but you can make the sound louder by increasing the value.
The place in the stereo image can be adjusted here (MIDI-CC 10)
@ -222,7 +225,7 @@ Parameter:
The other MIDI controllers all have the same modification possibilities. The allocation of modulation can affect different destinations: PITCH (pitch envelope), AMP (loudness envelope), EG (see note below). It is possible to specify targets or any combination of targets but to be able to hear an effect, the voice must be configured accordingly.
* Range (0-99)
* Assign (PITCH/AMP/EG or any combination)
@ -249,7 +252,8 @@ Parameter:
>> Note on changing *AMD*: You can easily change all voice parameters by using an external MIDI-SYSEX editor (see Appendix).
>> __Note on changing *AMD*:__
>> You can easily change all voice parameters by using an external MIDI-SYSEX editor (see Appendix).
##### MIDI
@ -259,14 +263,43 @@ In this menu everything concerning MIDI control is set.
This influences on which midi channel MD reacts. A channel between 1 and 16 can be selected. Alternatively OMNI can be selected if data should be received on each MIDI channel.
* MIDI-Channel (OMNI/1-16)
###### Lowest/Highest note
You can also restrict the range to which NOten MD should react. This allows split and/or dual configurations with the *dual-timbral* engine or mehewren MD devices.
You can also restrict the range to which MIDI-notes MD should react. This allows split and/or dual configurations with the *dual-timbral* engine or mehewren MD devices.
* Lowest Note (A0-C8)
* Highest Note (A0-C8)
> __Note on ranges:__
> You have to check by yourself if the note ranges you entered make sense. If you set *Lowest Note* to C6 and *Highest Note* to C4 you won't hear anything!
###### Send voice
The currently configured voice can be sent via MIDI SYSEX, for example to edit it in an external editor or use it on another MD.
> The voice data is send on the current MIDI channel. If the MIDI channel is *OMNI* the data will be send on Channel 1.
#### Setup
The setup menu contains all other parameters that are necessary for this voice.
@ -307,7 +340,7 @@ Parameters:
* Polyphony (0-20, see note below)
> __Hint for polyphony:__
> __Hint for *Polyphony*:__
> Maximum polyphony depends on the used Teensy and the used clock speed at compile time. Setting the polyphony to 0 means that no sound will be produced. In *Monophonic* mode you need at least a polyphony of 2.
@ -321,16 +354,69 @@ Parameters:
##### Mono-/Polyphonic
MD can be set to a monophonic mode. In this mode, the envelopes are not restarted when playing legato. In combination with *portamento* this can lead to good sounding effects.
> __Important note on *Mono/Poly*:__
> Please do not confuse this parameter with *Polyphony*! *Mono/Poly* limits the polyphony only indirectly by using only two of the maximum available internal sound generators. If *Polyphony* is set to one, it is still different from playing with *MONOPHONIC* mode enabled. Furthermore, a polyphony of at least two is required for the *MONOPHONIC* mode!
#### Internal
In the internal menu there are several items that are needed for the basic game.
##### Note Refresh
##### Velocity
With *Note Refresh* you can influence the behaviour when playing the same note.
For example: if you play a G5 and press and hold the sustain pedal, the next time you strike the same note, another of the maximum available tone generators will hit the note. So the note sounds double and its envelope would also run out seperate for both notes (with a corresponding time delay). This would, however, limit the maximum available notes, since the same note sounds multiple times.
With *RETRIGGERED*, the envelope of the same note is started again and more remaining tone generators are available for other tones.
You should try out this setting and decide yourself which variant fits better.
##### Velocity Level
If you have a hard to play keyboard or just want everything to sound "louder" or "more brilliant" and you don't have to press the keys so hard anymore, you can set a higher value here.
* Velocity Level (100-127)
##### Engine
The original Dexed offers three different routines for generating sound, all of which sound a little different. These three engines can also be found in MD and you can try out which one sounds best. *Mark 1* is modeled after an original FM synth (also in the calculation), *Modern* is more modern and more accurate and *OPL* is the attempt to recalculate the sound generation like it was done on OPL chips back then.
* Engine (MODERN/MARK 1/OPL)
#### Operator
Operator enable/disable is a function often used when creating sounds. As an example, let's assume that operator 2 is disabled and we want to enable it again: