@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ __Note: The photos show a mounted SMD component (type PT8211). This is not neces
* 1 Teensy-3.6 (or Teensy-3.5 with some limitations, __Teensy-4.x will not work with this board!__)
* 1 SD card 2-32GB
* 1 [Teensy Audio Shield](https://www.pjrc.com/store/teensy3_audio.html) (SGTL5000, Rev. C, __the Rev. D board for Teensy-4.x will not work!__)
* 1 USB power supply
* 1 [Teensy Audio Shield](https://www.pjrc.com/store/teensy3_audio.html) (SGTL5000, Rev. B or C, __the Rev. D board for Teensy-4.x will not work!__)
* 1 USB power supply with USB type B connector
### Assembling the kit
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ For the assembly of printed circuit boards you should always start with the flat
* Connect USB-Host (OPTIONAL)
* Insert the audio card
* Connect audio card
* Prepare and insert SD card (only needed for using TMA with MicroDexed)
* Prepare and insert SD card (__OPTIONAL__: only needed for using TMA with MicroDexed)
* Connect encoders
* Connect LCD display
* Setting jumpers
@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ You need:
<divstyle="page-break-after: always"></div>
#### Prepare and insert SD card (only needed for using TMA with MicroDexed)
#### Prepare and insert SD card (__OPTIONAL__: only needed for using TMA with MicroDexed)
Format the SD card as FAT32 and copy the contents of the directory *addon* from the *MicroDexed* directory to the SD card. You can also install your own SYSEX files (or load them directly onto the MicroDexed later). It is important to keep the directory structure: For each bank there is a directory with the bank number as name.
@ -390,17 +390,19 @@ You need:
<divstyle="page-break-after: always"></div>
#### Test and trouble-shooting
#### Test
Now you are ready for the first test. But before, please check again the following:
* orientation of the ICs
* orientation of the Teensy
* orientation of the Audio Shield
* SD card is inserted
* __OPTIONAL__: SD card is inserted

Now you can try to power up your kit. If everything works, the display should show a short text during the boot process. After that you you should see the bank/voice selection.
Now you can try to power up your kit. If everything works, the display should show a short text during the boot process. After that you you should see the bank/voice selection. Now you can play with your connected MIDI keyboard and change sounds/banks with the encoder. For more information on how to use it please read the user-manual.
#### Trouble-shooting
##### Problem: Nothing is visible on the LCD
@ -438,6 +440,7 @@ It is also possible that the potentiometer knobs are mounted too close to the en