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6 years ago
Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
6 years ago
// Low frequency oscillator, compatible with DX7
#include "synth.h"
#include "sin.h"
#include "lfo.h"
uint32_t Lfo::unit_;
void Lfo::init(FRAC_NUM sample_rate) {
// constant is 1 << 32 / 15.5s / 11
Lfo::unit_ = (int32_t)(_N_ * 25190424 / sample_rate + 0.5);
6 years ago
void Lfo::reset(const uint8_t params[6]) {
int rate = params[0]; // 0..99
int sr = rate == 0 ? 1 : (165 * rate) >> 6;
sr *= sr < 160 ? 11 : (11 + ((sr - 160) >> 4));
delta_ = unit_ * sr;
int a = 99 - params[1]; // LFO delay
if (a == 99) {
delayinc_ = ~0u;
delayinc2_ = ~0u;
} else {
a = (16 + (a & 15)) << (1 + (a >> 4));
delayinc_ = unit_ * a;
a &= 0xff80;
a = max(0x80, a);
delayinc2_ = unit_ * a;
waveform_ = params[5];
sync_ = params[4] != 0;
6 years ago
int32_t Lfo::getsample() {
phase_ += delta_;
int32_t x;
switch (waveform_) {
case 0: // triangle
x = phase_ >> 7;
x ^= -(phase_ >> 31);
x &= (1 << 24) - 1;
return x;
case 1: // sawtooth down
return (~phase_ ^ (1U << 31)) >> 8;
case 2: // sawtooth up
return (phase_ ^ (1U << 31)) >> 8;
case 3: // square
return ((~phase_) >> 7) & (1 << 24);
case 4: // sine
return (1 << 23) + (Sin::lookup(phase_ >> 8) >> 1);
case 5: // s&h
if (phase_ < delta_) {
randstate_ = (randstate_ * 179 + 17) & 0xff;
x = randstate_ ^ 0x80;
return (x + 1) << 16;
return 1 << 23;
6 years ago
int32_t Lfo::getdelay() {
uint32_t delta = delaystate_ < (1U << 31) ? delayinc_ : delayinc2_;
uint64_t d = ((uint64_t)delaystate_) + delta;
if (d > ~0u) {
return 1 << 24;
delaystate_ = d;
if (d < (1U << 31)) {
return 0;
} else {
return (d >> 7) & ((1 << 24) - 1);
6 years ago
void Lfo::keydown() {
if (sync_) {
phase_ = (1U << 31) - 1;
delaystate_ = 0;
6 years ago