
210 lines
8.6 KiB

#include "config.h"
#include "sequencer.h"
#include <LCDMenuLib2.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
extern LCDMenuLib2 LCDML;
extern LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd;
extern config_t configuration;
extern uint8_t drum_midi_channel;
extern void handleNoteOn(byte , byte , byte );
extern void handleNoteOff(byte , byte , byte );
extern void UI_func_seq_pattern_editor(uint8_t);
extern void UI_func_arpeggio(uint8_t);
extern const char* seq_find_shortname(uint8_t);
extern void set_sample_pitch (uint8_t, float); //float32_t not working
extern float get_sample_vol_max(uint8_t);
extern float get_sample_p_offset(uint8_t);
boolean interrupt_swapper = false;
void sequencer_part1(void)
//if (seq_note_in > 0 && seq_note_in < 62 && seq_recording == false ) {
//handleNoteOff(configuration.dexed[0].midi_channel, seq_data[3][seq_step] + seq_transpose , 0);
//handleNoteOff(configuration.dexed[0].midi_channel, seq_data[3][seq_step - 1] + seq_transpose , 0);
//if (seq_note_in>65)seq_note_in=seq_note_in-12;
//seq_transpose = seq_note_in % 12 ;
//seq_note_in = 0;
//record to sequencer if sequencer menu is active and recording is active
if (seq_note_in > 0 && seq_recording == true && LCDML.FUNC_getID() == LCDML.OTHER_getIDFromFunction(UI_func_seq_pattern_editor)) {
seq_data[seq_active_track][seq_step] = seq_note_in;
seq_vel[seq_active_track][seq_step] = seq_note_in_velocity;
seq_note_in = 0;
seq_note_in_velocity = 0;
for (uint8_t d = 0; d < NUM_SEQ_TRACKS; d++)
if ( seq_track_type[d] == 0) { // drum track (drum samples and pitched one-shot samples)
if (seq_data[ seq_patternchain[seq_chain_active_step][d] ][seq_step] > 0 )
if (seq_vel[ seq_patternchain[seq_chain_active_step][d] ][seq_step] > 209) // it is a pitched sample
// Drum[slot]->setPlaybackRate( pow (2, (inNote - 72) / 12.00) * drum_config[sample].pitch ); get_sample_vol_max(sample)
set_sample_pitch(seq_vel[ seq_patternchain[seq_chain_active_step][d] ][seq_step] - 210 , (float)pow (2, (seq_data[ seq_patternchain[seq_chain_active_step][d] ][seq_step] - 72) / 12.00) * get_sample_p_offset( seq_vel[ seq_patternchain[seq_chain_active_step][d] ][seq_step] - 210 ) );
handleNoteOn(drum_midi_channel, seq_vel[ seq_patternchain[seq_chain_active_step][d] ][seq_step] , 90 );
else // else play normal drum sample
handleNoteOn(drum_midi_channel, seq_data[ seq_patternchain[seq_chain_active_step][d] ][seq_step] , seq_vel[ seq_patternchain[seq_chain_active_step][d] ][seq_step]);
else {
if (seq_data[seq_patternchain[seq_chain_active_step][d]][seq_step] > 0 ) // instrument track
if (seq_track_type[d] == 1 || (seq_track_type[d] == 3 && arp_play_basenote) )
if (seq_data[seq_patternchain[seq_chain_active_step][d]][seq_step] != 130 )
handleNoteOn(configuration.dexed[seq_inst_dexed[d]].midi_channel, seq_data[ seq_patternchain[seq_chain_active_step][d] ][seq_step], seq_vel[ seq_patternchain[seq_chain_active_step][d] ][seq_step]);
seq_prev_note[d] = seq_data[ seq_patternchain[seq_chain_active_step][d] ][seq_step];
seq_prev_vel[d] = seq_vel[ seq_patternchain[seq_chain_active_step][d] ][seq_step];
else if (seq_track_type[d] == 2 ) //Chords
if (seq_vel[ seq_patternchain[seq_chain_active_step][d]][seq_step] > 199)
//handleNoteOn(configuration.dexed[seq_inst_dexed[d]].midi_channel, seq_data[ seq_patternchain[seq_chain_active_step][d] ][seq_step], seq_chord_velocity); // basenote
for (uint8_t x = seq_element_shift; x < seq_element_shift + seq_chord_key_ammount; x++) //play chord notes
handleNoteOn(configuration.dexed[seq_chord_dexed_inst].midi_channel, seq_data[ seq_patternchain[seq_chain_active_step][d] ][seq_step] + (seq_oct_shift * 12) + seq_arps[seq_vel[ seq_patternchain[seq_chain_active_step][d] ][seq_step] - 200][x], seq_chord_velocity);
seq_prev_note[d] = seq_data[seq_patternchain[seq_chain_active_step][d]][seq_step] + (seq_oct_shift * 12);
seq_prev_vel[d] = seq_vel[seq_patternchain[seq_chain_active_step][d]][seq_step];
if (seq_track_type[d] == 3) { //Arp
arp_step = 0;
arp_counter = 0;
arp_note = seq_data[ seq_patternchain[seq_chain_active_step][d] ][seq_step] + (seq_oct_shift * 12);
arp_chord = seq_vel[seq_patternchain[seq_chain_active_step][d] ][seq_step] - 200;
// after here not triggered by a key input - arp only
if (seq_track_type[d] == 3)
{ //Arp
if (arp_speed == 0 || (arp_speed == 1 && arp_counter == 0) ) {
{ if (arp_style == 0) { //arp up
handleNoteOn(configuration.dexed[seq_chord_dexed_inst].midi_channel, arp_note + seq_arps[arp_chord][arp_step + seq_element_shift], seq_chord_velocity);
arp_note_prev = arp_note + seq_arps[arp_chord][arp_step + seq_element_shift] ;
else if (arp_style == 1) { //arp down
handleNoteOn(configuration.dexed[seq_chord_dexed_inst].midi_channel, arp_note + seq_arps[arp_chord][arp_lenght - arp_step + seq_element_shift], seq_chord_velocity);
arp_note_prev = arp_note + seq_arps[arp_chord][arp_lenght - arp_step + seq_element_shift] ;
else if (arp_style == 2) { //arp up & down
if (arp_step <= arp_lenght) {
handleNoteOn(configuration.dexed[seq_chord_dexed_inst].midi_channel, arp_note + seq_arps[arp_chord][arp_step ], seq_chord_velocity);
arp_note_prev = arp_note + seq_arps[arp_chord][arp_step ] ;
else {
handleNoteOn(configuration.dexed[seq_chord_dexed_inst].midi_channel, arp_note + seq_arps[arp_chord][arp_lenght * 2 - arp_step ], seq_chord_velocity);
arp_note_prev = arp_note + seq_arps[arp_chord][arp_lenght * 2 - arp_step ] ;
else if (arp_style == 3) { //arp random
uint8_t rnd1 = random(arp_lenght);
handleNoteOn(configuration.dexed[seq_chord_dexed_inst].midi_channel, arp_note + seq_arps[arp_chord][rnd1 + seq_element_shift] + (seq_oct_shift * 12), seq_chord_velocity);
arp_note_prev = arp_note + seq_arps[arp_chord][rnd1 + seq_element_shift] + (seq_oct_shift * 12);
seq_noteoffsent[d] = false;
if (arp_speed == 0) // Arp Speed 1/16
// Arp Speed 1/8
if (arp_counter > 1) {
arp_counter = 0;
if (arp_style != 2) {
if ( (arp_step > 1 && seq_arps[arp_chord][arp_step] == 0) || arp_step == arp_lenght)
arp_step = 0;
if (arp_style == 1 || arp_style == 2 )
if (arp_lenght == 0)arp_lenght = 9;
if ( arp_style == 2 ) //only for up&down
if ( (arp_step > 1 && seq_arps[arp_chord][arp_step] == 0) || arp_step == arp_lenght * 2)
arp_step = 0;
if (seq_step > 15)
seq_step = 0;
if (seq_chain_lenght > 0) {
if (seq_chain_active_step > seq_chain_lenght)
seq_chain_active_step = 0;
void sequencer_part2(void)
for (uint8_t d = 0; d < NUM_SEQ_TRACKS; d++)
if (seq_noteoffsent[d] == false) {
if ( seq_prev_note[d] > 0 && seq_track_type[d] > 0)
if (seq_data[ seq_patternchain[seq_chain_active_step][d] ][seq_step] != 130)
handleNoteOff(configuration.dexed[seq_inst_dexed[d]].midi_channel, seq_prev_note[d] , 0);
seq_noteoffsent[d] = true;
if (seq_track_type[d] == 2) { //Chords
if ( seq_prev_vel[d] > 199) {
for (uint8_t x = seq_element_shift; x < seq_element_shift + seq_chord_key_ammount; x++) //play chord notes
handleNoteOff(configuration.dexed[seq_chord_dexed_inst].midi_channel, seq_prev_note[d] + seq_arps[seq_prev_vel[d] - 200][x], 0);
seq_noteoffsent[d] = true;
else if (seq_track_type[d] == 3)
{ //Arp
handleNoteOff(configuration.dexed[seq_chord_dexed_inst].midi_channel, arp_note_prev, 0);
seq_noteoffsent[d] = true;
void sequencer(void)
{ // Runs in Interrupt Timer. Switches between the Noteon and Noteoff Task, each cycle
interrupt_swapper = !interrupt_swapper;
if (interrupt_swapper) sequencer_part1();
else sequencer_part2();