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4 years ago
/* ReceiverPart2.ino Bob Larkin 29 April 2020
* This is a simple DSP radio design. It can receive 2 modes,
* Single Sideband (SSB) and Narrow Band FM (NBFM). SSB
* breaks into Lower Sidband (LSB) and Upper Sideband (USB).
* It gets even better in that AM can be received on either
* LSB or USB by tuning to the AM carrier frequency.
* The signal path is switched between SSB and FM by a Chip
* Audette AudioSwitch4_F32 switch block. This keeps resources
* from being used in blocks that are not needed.
* We are restricted to receiving in the 8 to 22 kHz range,
* so to use this on the air would require frequency conversion
* hardware.
* Details on the blocks are part of the include .h files for the
* blocks and in the INO files
* TestFM.ino
* ReceiverPart1.ino
* Input and Output is via the Teensy Audio Adaptor that uses
* a SGTL5000 CODEC,
* See the individual .h files for each block for more details.
* Measured peak-to-peak levels, using AudioAnalyzePeak_F32,
* all done at overload point for ADC:
* At ADC (i2sIn), max, 2.0
* At IQ Mixer out, max, 2.0
* At 90 deg Phase out, 2.0
* At Sum out 2.0
* At LPF FIR Out 2.0
* FM Det gives 0.50 out for about 5.6 kHz p-p deviation
* With a 14 kHz input sine wave, 0.5 Vp-p the LSB output is 0.738 p-p
* With 15kHz, 1000Hz FM modulation, 2 kHz deviation, NBFM output is 0.173 p-p
* T3.6 Processor load, measured: 17% for NBFM
* 31% for LSB or USB, 29 tap LPF
* T4.0 Processor load, measured: 4.3% for NBFM
* 6.5% for LSB or USB, 29 tap LPF
#include "Audio.h"
#include <OpenAudio_ArduinoLibrary.h>
// *********** Mini Control Panel ************
// Set mode and gain here and re-compile
// Here is the mode switch
#define LSB 1
#define USB 2
#define NBFM 3
uint16_t mode = LSB; // <--Select mode
int gainControlDB = 0; // <--Set SSB gain in dB.
// *********************************************************
// To work with T4.0 the I2S routine outputs 16-bit integer (I16). Then
// use Audette I16 to F32 convert. Same below for output, in reverse.
AudioInputI2S i2sIn;
AudioConvert_I16toF32 cnvrt1;
AudioSwitch4_OA_F32 switch1; // Select SSB or FM
RadioIQMixer_F32 iqmixer1;
AudioFilter90Deg_F32 hilbert1;
AudioMixer4_F32 sum1; // Summing node for the SSB receiver
AudioFilterFIR_F32 fir1; // Low Pass Filter to frequency limit the SSB
RadioFMDetector_F32 fmdet1; // NBFM from 10 to 20 kHz
AudioMixer4_F32 sum2; // SSB and NBFM rejoin here
AudioConvert_F32toI16 cnvrt2; // Left
AudioConvert_F32toI16 cnvrt3; // Right
AudioAnalyzePeak_F32 peak1;
AudioOutputI2S i2sOut;
AudioControlSGTL5000 sgtl5000_1;
AudioConnection conI16_1(i2sIn, 0, cnvrt1, 0); // ADC
AudioConnection_F32 connect0(cnvrt1, 0, switch1, 0); // Analog to Digital
AudioConnection_F32 connect1(switch1, 0, iqmixer1, 0); // SSB Input
AudioConnection_F32 connect2(switch1, 0, iqmixer1, 1); // SSB Input
AudioConnection_F32 connect3(switch1, 1, fmdet1, 0); // FM input
AudioConnection_F32 connect4(iqmixer1, 0, hilbert1, 0); // Broadband 90 deg phase
AudioConnection_F32 connect5(iqmixer1, 1, hilbert1, 1);
AudioConnection_F32 connect6(hilbert1, 0, sum1, 0); // Sideband select
AudioConnection_F32 connect7(hilbert1, 1, sum1, 1);
AudioConnection_F32 connect8(sum1, 0, fir1, 0); // Limit audio SSB BW
AudioConnection_F32 connect9(fir1, 0, sum2, 0); // Output of SSB <<<THESE GOT REVERSED
AudioConnection_F32 connectA(fmdet1, 0, sum2, 1); // Output of FM
AudioConnection_F32 connectC(sum2, 0, cnvrt2, 0); // Out to the CODEC left
AudioConnection_F32 connectD(sum2, 0, cnvrt3, 0); // and right
AudioConnection_F32 connectE(sum2, 0, peak1, 0);
AudioConnection conI16_2(cnvrt2, 0, i2sOut, 0); // DAC
AudioConnection conI16_3(cnvrt3, 0, i2sOut, 1); // DAC
// Filter for AudioFilter90Deg_F32 hilbert1
#include "hilbert251A.h"
/* FIR filter designed with
* fs = 44100 Hz, < 5kHz ripple 0.29 dB, >9 kHz, -62 dB, 29 taps
float32_t fir_IQ29[29] = {
-0.000970689f, -0.004690292f, -0.008256345f, -0.007565650f,
0.001524420f, 0.015435011f, 0.021920240f, 0.008211937f,
-0.024286413f, -0.052184700f, -0.040532507f, 0.031248107f,
0.146902412f, 0.255179564f, 0.299445269f, 0.255179564f,
0.146902412f, 0.031248107f, -0.040532507f, -0.052184700f,
-0.024286413f, 0.008211937f, 0.021920240f, 0.015435011f,
0.001524420f, -0.007565650f, -0.008256345f, -0.004690292f,
void setup(void) {
float32_t vGain;
Serial.begin(300); delay(1000);
// Enable the audio shield, select input, and enable output
sgtl5000_1.enable(); // ADC
// The switch is single pole 4 position, numbered (0, 3) 0=SSB, 1 = FM
if(mode==LSB || mode==USB){ switch1.setChannel(0); Serial.println("SSB"); }
else if(mode==NBFM) { switch1.setChannel(1); Serial.println("NBFM"); }
iqmixer1.frequency(15000.0); // LO Frequency, typically 10 to 15 kHz
hilbert1.begin(hilbert251A, 251); // Set the Hilbert transform FIR filter
sum1.gain(0, 1.0f); // Leave set at 1.0
if(mode==LSB) sum1.gain(1, -1.0f); // -1 for LSB out
else if(mode==USB) sum1.gain(1, 1.0f); // +1 for USB and for NBFM, we don't care
// The FM detector has error checking during object construction
// when Serial.print is not available. See RadioFMDetector_F32.h:
Serial.print("FM Initialization errors: ");
Serial.println( fmdet1.returnInitializeFMError() );
// The following enables error checking inside of the "ubdate()"
// Output goes to the Serial (USB) Monitor. Normally, this is quiet.
if (mode == NBFM) fmdet1.showError(1);
// See RadioFMDetector_F32.h for information on functions for modifying the
// FM Detector. Default values are used here, starting with a 15 kHz center frequency.
fir1.begin(fir_IQ29, 29); // 5 kHz bandwidth set for radio in SSB
// The gainControlDB goes in 1 dB steps. Convert here to a voltage ratio
vGain = powf(10.0f, ((float32_t)gainControlDB)/20.0 );
// And apply that ratio to the output summing block. Gain here for SSB only
sum2.gain(0, vGain); Serial.print("SSB vGain = "); Serial.println(vGain, 4);
sum2.gain(2, 1.0f); // FM gain
// The following enable error checking inside of the blocks indicated.
// Output goes to the Serial (USB) Monitor. Use for debug.
//hilbert1.showError(1); // Should show input error when in FM
//fmdet1.showError(1); // Should show input error when in LSB or USB
void loop(void) {
if (peak1.available() ) {
Serial.print("P-P =");
Serial.println(peak1.readPeakToPeak(), 6);
Serial.println("Peak-Peak not available");
Serial.print("CPU: Percent Usage, Max: ");
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.print("Int16 Memory: ");
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.print("Float 32 Memory: ");
Serial.print(", ");