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#pragma once
#include "Details.h"
#include "UFixedBase.h"
// Declaration
template< unsigned Integer, unsigned Fraction >
class UFixed : FIXED_POINTS_DETAILS::UFixedBase< Integer, Fraction >
static_assert((Integer + Fraction) <= FIXED_POINTS_DETAILS::BitSize<uintmax_t>::Value, "Platform does not have a native type large enough for UFixed.");
using IntegerType = FIXED_POINTS_DETAILS::LeastUInt<Integer>;
using FractionType = FIXED_POINTS_DETAILS::LeastUInt<Fraction>;
using InternalType = FIXED_POINTS_DETAILS::LeastUInt<Integer + Fraction>;
using ShiftType = FIXED_POINTS_DETAILS::LeastUInt<Integer + Fraction>;
using MaskType = FIXED_POINTS_DETAILS::LeastUInt<Integer + Fraction>;
constexpr const static uintmax_t IntegerSize = Integer;
constexpr const static uintmax_t FractionSize = Fraction;
constexpr const static uintmax_t LogicalSize = IntegerSize + FractionSize;
constexpr const static uintmax_t InternalSize = FIXED_POINTS_DETAILS::BitSize<InternalType>::Value;
constexpr const static uintmax_t Scale = 1ULL << FractionSize;
constexpr const static ShiftType IntegerShift = FractionSize;
constexpr const static ShiftType FractionShift = 0;
constexpr const static MaskType IntegerMask = FIXED_POINTS_DETAILS::IdentityMask<IntegerSize>::Value;
constexpr const static MaskType FractionMask = FIXED_POINTS_DETAILS::IdentityMask<FractionSize>::Value;
constexpr const static MaskType IdentityMask = (IntegerMask << IntegerShift) | (FractionMask << FractionShift);
constexpr const static MaskType MidpointMask = FIXED_POINTS_DETAILS::MsbMask<FractionSize>::Value;
constexpr const static MaskType LesserMidpointMask = MidpointMask - 1;
using Base = FIXED_POINTS_DETAILS::UFixedBase<Integer, Fraction>;
using RawType = typename Base::RawType;
using Base::Base;
constexpr UFixed(void);
constexpr UFixed(const IntegerType & integer);
constexpr UFixed(const IntegerType & integer, const FractionType & fraction);
constexpr InternalType getInternal(void) const;
constexpr IntegerType getInteger(void) const;
constexpr FractionType getFraction(void) const;
constexpr explicit operator IntegerType(void) const;
constexpr explicit operator float(void) const;
constexpr explicit operator double(void) const;
template< unsigned IntegerOut, unsigned FractionOut >
constexpr explicit operator UFixed<IntegerOut, FractionOut>(void) const;
constexpr static UFixed fromInternal(const InternalType & value);
UFixed & operator ++(void);
UFixed & operator --(void);
UFixed & operator +=(const UFixed & other);
UFixed & operator -=(const UFixed & other);
UFixed & operator *=(const UFixed & other);
UFixed & operator /=(const UFixed & other);
const static UFixed Epsilon;
const static UFixed MinValue;
const static UFixed MaxValue;
const static UFixed Pi;
const static UFixed E;
const static UFixed Phi;
const static UFixed Tau;
// Variables
template< unsigned Integer, unsigned Fraction >
constexpr const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> UFixed<Integer, Fraction>::Epsilon = UFixed<Integer, Fraction>::fromInternal(1);
template< unsigned Integer, unsigned Fraction >
constexpr const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> UFixed<Integer, Fraction>::MinValue = UFixed::fromInternal(0);
template< unsigned Integer, unsigned Fraction >
constexpr const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> UFixed<Integer, Fraction>::MaxValue = UFixed::fromInternal(~0);
// 40 digits is probably enough for these
template< unsigned Integer, unsigned Fraction >
constexpr const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> UFixed<Integer, Fraction>::Pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971;
template< unsigned Integer, unsigned Fraction >
constexpr const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> UFixed<Integer, Fraction>::E = 2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757;
template< unsigned Integer, unsigned Fraction >
constexpr const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> UFixed<Integer, Fraction>::Phi = 1.6180339887498948482045868343656381177203;
template< unsigned Integer, unsigned Fraction >
constexpr const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> UFixed<Integer, Fraction>::Tau = 6.2831853071795864769252867665590057683943;
// Free functions
template< unsigned Integer, unsigned Fraction >
constexpr UFixed<Integer * 2, Fraction * 2> multiply(const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> & left, const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> & right);
// Basic Logic Operations
template< unsigned Integer, unsigned Fraction >
constexpr bool operator ==(const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> & left, const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> & right);
template< unsigned Integer, unsigned Fraction >
constexpr bool operator !=(const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> & left, const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> & right);
template< unsigned Integer, unsigned Fraction >
constexpr bool operator <(const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> & left, const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> & right);
template< unsigned Integer, unsigned Fraction >
constexpr bool operator >(const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> & left, const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> & right);
template< unsigned Integer, unsigned Fraction >
constexpr bool operator <=(const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> & left, const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> & right);
template< unsigned Integer, unsigned Fraction >
constexpr bool operator >=(const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> & left, const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> & right);
// Inter-size Logic Operations
template< unsigned IntegerLeft, unsigned FractionLeft, unsigned IntegerRight, unsigned FractionRight >
constexpr bool operator ==(const UFixed<IntegerLeft, FractionLeft> & left, const UFixed<IntegerRight, FractionRight> & right);
template< unsigned IntegerLeft, unsigned FractionLeft, unsigned IntegerRight, unsigned FractionRight >
constexpr bool operator !=(const UFixed<IntegerLeft, FractionLeft> & left, const UFixed<IntegerRight, FractionRight> & right);
template< unsigned IntegerLeft, unsigned FractionLeft, unsigned IntegerRight, unsigned FractionRight >
constexpr bool operator <(const UFixed<IntegerLeft, FractionLeft> & left, const UFixed<IntegerRight, FractionRight> & right);
template< unsigned IntegerLeft, unsigned FractionLeft, unsigned IntegerRight, unsigned FractionRight >
constexpr bool operator >(const UFixed<IntegerLeft, FractionLeft> & left, const UFixed<IntegerRight, FractionRight> & right);
template< unsigned IntegerLeft, unsigned FractionLeft, unsigned IntegerRight, unsigned FractionRight >
constexpr bool operator <=(const UFixed<IntegerLeft, FractionLeft> & left, const UFixed<IntegerRight, FractionRight> & right);
template< unsigned IntegerLeft, unsigned FractionLeft, unsigned IntegerRight, unsigned FractionRight >
constexpr bool operator >=(const UFixed<IntegerLeft, FractionLeft> & left, const UFixed<IntegerRight, FractionRight> & right);
// Basic Arithmetic Operations
template< unsigned Integer, unsigned Fraction >
constexpr UFixed<Integer, Fraction> operator +(const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> & left, const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> & right);
template< unsigned Integer, unsigned Fraction >
constexpr UFixed<Integer, Fraction> operator -(const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> & left, const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> & right);
template< unsigned Integer, unsigned Fraction >
constexpr UFixed<Integer, Fraction> operator *(const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> & left, const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> & right);
template< unsigned Integer, unsigned Fraction >
constexpr UFixed<Integer, Fraction> operator /(const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> & left, const UFixed<Integer, Fraction> & right);
// Inter-size Arithmetic Operations
template< unsigned IntegerLeft, unsigned FractionLeft, unsigned IntegerRight, unsigned FractionRight >
constexpr auto operator +(const UFixed<IntegerLeft, FractionLeft> & left, const UFixed<IntegerRight, FractionRight> & right)
-> FIXED_POINTS_DETAILS::LargerType< UFixed<IntegerLeft, FractionLeft>, UFixed<IntegerRight, FractionRight> >;
template< unsigned IntegerLeft, unsigned FractionLeft, unsigned IntegerRight, unsigned FractionRight >
constexpr auto operator -(const UFixed<IntegerLeft, FractionLeft> & left, const UFixed<IntegerRight, FractionRight> & right)
-> FIXED_POINTS_DETAILS::LargerType< UFixed<IntegerLeft, FractionLeft>, UFixed<IntegerRight, FractionRight> >;
template< unsigned IntegerLeft, unsigned FractionLeft, unsigned IntegerRight, unsigned FractionRight >
constexpr auto operator *(const UFixed<IntegerLeft, FractionLeft> & left, const UFixed<IntegerRight, FractionRight> & right)
-> FIXED_POINTS_DETAILS::LargerType< UFixed<IntegerLeft, FractionLeft>, UFixed<IntegerRight, FractionRight> >;
template< unsigned IntegerLeft, unsigned FractionLeft, unsigned IntegerRight, unsigned FractionRight >
inline constexpr auto operator /(const UFixed<IntegerLeft, FractionLeft> & left, const UFixed<IntegerRight, FractionRight> & right)
-> FIXED_POINTS_DETAILS::LargerType< UFixed<IntegerLeft, FractionLeft>, UFixed<IntegerRight, FractionRight> >;
#include "UFixedMemberFunctions.h"
#include "UFixedFreeFunctions.h"