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#pragma once
#ifndef DSY_PORT_H
#define DSY_PORT_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
namespace daisysp
/** Applies portamento to an input signal.
At each new step value, the input is low-pass filtered to
move towards that value at a rate determined by ihtim. ihtim is the half-time of the
function (in seconds), during which the curve will traverse half the distance towards the new value,
then half as much again, etc., theoretically never reaching its asymptote.
This code has been ported from Soundpipe to DaisySP by Paul Batchelor.
The Soundpipe module was extracted from the Csound opcode "portk".
Original Author(s): Robbin Whittle, John ffitch
Year: 1995, 1998
Location: Opcodes/biquad.c
class Port
Port() {}
~Port() {}
/** Initializes Port module
\param sample_rate: sample rate of audio engine
\param htime: half-time of the function, in seconds.
void Init(float sample_rate, float htime);
/** Applies portamento to input signal and returns processed signal.
\return slewed output signal
float Process(float in);
/** Sets htime
inline void SetHtime(float htime) { htime_ = htime; }
/** returns current value of htime
inline float GetHtime() { return htime_; }
float htime_;
float c1_, c2_, yt1_, prvhtim_;
float sample_rate_, onedsr_;
} // namespace daisysp