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#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include "Utility/dsp.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
namespace daisysp
/** Synthesis of several waveforms, including polyBLEP bandlimited waveforms.
class Oscillator
Oscillator() {}
~Oscillator() {}
/** Choices for output waveforms, POLYBLEP are appropriately labeled. Others are naive forms.
/** Initializes the Oscillator
\param sample_rate - sample rate of the audio engine being run, and the frequency that the Process function will be called.
- freq_ = 100 Hz
- amp_ = 0.5
- waveform_ = sine wave.
void Init(float sample_rate)
sr_ = sample_rate;
sr_recip_ = 1.0f / sample_rate;
freq_ = 100.0f;
amp_ = 0.5f;
phase_ = 0.0f;
phase_inc_ = CalcPhaseInc(freq_);
waveform_ = WAVE_SIN;
eoc_ = true;
eor_ = true;
/** Changes the frequency of the Oscillator, and recalculates phase increment.
inline void SetFreq(const float f)
freq_ = f;
phase_inc_ = CalcPhaseInc(f);
/** Sets the amplitude of the waveform.
inline void SetAmp(const float a) { amp_ = a; }
/** Sets the waveform to be synthesized by the Process() function.
inline void SetWaveform(const uint8_t wf)
waveform_ = wf < WAVE_LAST ? wf : WAVE_SIN;
/** Returns true if cycle is at end of rise. Set during call to Process.
inline bool IsEOR() { return eor_; }
/** Returns true if cycle is at end of cycle. Set during call to Process.
inline bool IsEOC() { return eoc_; }
/** Returns true if cycle rising.
inline bool IsRising() { return phase_ < PI_F; }
/** Returns true if cycle falling.
inline bool IsFalling() { return phase_ >= PI_F; }
/** Processes the waveform to be generated, returning one sample. This should be called once per sample period.
float Process();
/** Adds a value 0.0-1.0 (mapped to 0.0-TWO_PI) to the current phase. Useful for PM and "FM" synthesis.
void PhaseAdd(float _phase) { phase_ += (_phase * TWOPI_F); }
/** Resets the phase to the input argument. If no argumeNt is present, it will reset phase to 0.0;
void Reset(float _phase = 0.0f) { phase_ = _phase; }
float CalcPhaseInc(float f);
uint8_t waveform_;
float amp_, freq_;
float sr_, sr_recip_, phase_, phase_inc_;
float last_out_, last_freq_;
bool eor_, eoc_;
} // namespace daisysp