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#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include "Utility/dsp.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
/** @file harmonic_osc.h */
namespace daisysp
@brief Harmonic Oscillator Module based on Chebyshev polynomials.
@author Ben Sergentanis
@date Dec 2020
Harmonic Oscillator Module based on Chebyshev polynomials \n
Works well for a small number of harmonics. For the higher order harmonics. \n
We need to reinitialize the recurrence by computing two high harmonics. \n \n
Ported from pichenettes/eurorack/plaits/dsp/oscillator/harmonic_oscillator.h \n
to an independent module. \n
Original code written by Emilie Gillet in 2016. \n
template <int num_harmonics = 16>
class HarmonicOscillator
HarmonicOscillator() {}
~HarmonicOscillator() {}
/** Initialize harmonic oscillator
\param sample_rate Audio engine samplerate
void Init(float sample_rate)
sample_rate_ = sample_rate;
phase_ = 0.0f;
for(int i = 0; i < num_harmonics; ++i)
amplitude_[i] = 0.0f;
newamplitude_[i] = 0.f;
amplitude_[0] = 1.f;
newamplitude_[0] = 1.f;
recalc_ = false;
/** Get the next floating point sample */
float Process()
recalc_ = false;
for(int i = 0; i < num_harmonics; ++i)
float f = frequency_
* static_cast<float>(first_harmonic_index_ + i);
if(f >= 0.5f)
f = 0.5f;
amplitude_[i] = newamplitude_[i] * (1.0f - f * 2.0f);
phase_ += frequency_;
if(phase_ >= 1.0f)
phase_ -= 1.0f;
const float two_x = 2.0f * sinf(phase_ * TWOPI_F);
float previous, current;
if(first_harmonic_index_ == 1)
previous = 1.0f;
current = two_x * 0.5f;
const float k = first_harmonic_index_;
previous = sinf((phase_ * (k - 1.0f) + 0.25f) * TWOPI_F);
current = sinf((phase_ * k) * TWOPI_F);
float sum = 0.0f;
for(int i = 0; i < num_harmonics; ++i)
sum += amplitude_[i] * current;
float temp = current;
current = two_x * current - previous;
previous = temp;
return sum;
/** Set the main frequency
\param freq Freq to be set in Hz.
void SetFreq(float freq)
//convert from Hz to phase_inc / sample
freq = freq / sample_rate_;
freq = freq >= .5f ? .5f : freq;
freq = freq <= -.5f ? -.5f : freq;
recalc_ = cmp(freq, frequency_) || recalc_;
frequency_ = freq;
/** Offset the set of harmonics. Passing in 3 means "harmonic 0" is the 3rd harm., 1 is the 4th, etc.
\param idx Default behavior is 1. Values < 0 default to 1.
void SetFirstHarmIdx(int idx)
idx = idx < 1 ? 1 : idx;
recalc_ = cmp(idx, first_harmonic_index_) || recalc_;
first_harmonic_index_ = idx;
/** Set the amplitudes of each harmonic of the root.
\param amplitudes Amplitudes to set. Sum of all amplitudes must be < 1. The array referenced must be at least as large as num_harmonics.
void SetAmplitudes(const float* amplitudes)
for(int i = 0; i < num_harmonics; i++)
recalc_ = cmp(newamplitude_[i], amplitudes[i]) || recalc_;
newamplitude_[i] = amplitudes[i];
/** Sets one amplitude. Does nothing if idx out of range.
\param amp Amplitude to set
\param idx Which harmonic to set.
void SetSingleAmp(const float amp, int idx)
if(idx < 0 || idx >= num_harmonics)
recalc_ = cmp(amplitude_[idx], amp) || recalc_;
newamplitude_[idx] = amp;
bool cmp(float a, float b) { return fabsf(a - b) > .000001f; }
float sample_rate_;
float phase_;
float frequency_;
float amplitude_[num_harmonics];
float newamplitude_[num_harmonics];
bool recalc_;
int first_harmonic_index_;
} // namespace daisysp