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#include "moogladder.h"
#include "../utility/dsp.h"
using namespace daisysp;
float MoogLadder::my_tanh(float x)
int sign = 1;
if(x < 0)
sign = -1;
x = -x;
return x * sign;
else if(x >= 4.0f)
return sign;
else if(x < 0.5f)
return x * sign;
return sign * tanhf(x);
void MoogLadder::Init(float sample_rate)
sample_rate_ = sample_rate;
istor_ = 0.0f;
res_ = 0.4f;
freq_ = 1000.0f;
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
delay_[i] = 0.0;
tanhstg_[i % 3] = 0.0;
old_freq_ = 0.0f;
old_res_ = -1.0f;
float MoogLadder::Process(float in)
float freq = freq_;
float res = res_;
float res4;
float* delay = delay_;
float* tanhstg = tanhstg_;
float stg[4];
float acr, tune;
float THERMAL = 0.000025;
if(res < 0)
res = 0;
if(old_freq_ != freq || old_res_ != res)
float f, fc, fc2, fc3, fcr;
old_freq_ = freq;
fc = (freq / sample_rate_);
f = 0.5f * fc;
fc2 = fc * fc;
fc3 = fc2 * fc2;
fcr = 1.8730f * fc3 + 0.4955f * fc2 - 0.6490f * fc + 0.9988f;
acr = -3.9364f * fc2 + 1.8409f * fc + 0.9968f;
tune = (1.0f - expf(-((2 * PI_F) * f * fcr))) / THERMAL;
old_res_ = res;
old_acr_ = acr;
old_tune_ = tune;
res = old_res_;
acr = old_acr_;
tune = old_tune_;
res4 = 4.0f * res * acr;
for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
in -= res4 * delay[5];
delay[0] = stg[0]
= delay[0] + tune * (my_tanh(in * THERMAL) - tanhstg[0]);
for(int k = 1; k < 4; k++)
in = stg[k - 1];
stg[k] = delay[k]
+ tune
* ((tanhstg[k - 1] = my_tanh(in * THERMAL))
- (k != 3 ? tanhstg[k]
: my_tanh(delay[k] * THERMAL)));
delay[k] = stg[k];
delay[5] = (stg[3] + delay[4]) * 0.5f;
delay[4] = stg[3];
return delay[5];