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#pragma once
#ifndef DAISY_MODE
#define DAISY_MODE
namespace daisysp
/** Resonant Modal Filter
Extracted from soundpipe to work as a Daisy Module,
originally extracted from csound by Paul Batchelor.
Original Author(s): Francois Blanc, Steven Yi
Year: 2001
Location: Opcodes/biquad.c (csound)
class Mode
Mode() {}
~Mode() {}
/** Initializes the instance of the module.
sample_rate: frequency of the audio engine in Hz
void Init(float sample_rate);
/** Processes one input sample through the filter, and returns the output.
float Process(float in);
/** Clears the filter, returning the output to 0.0
void Clear();
/** Sets the resonant frequency of the modal filter.
Range: Any frequency such that sample_rate / freq < PI (about 15.2kHz at 48kHz)
inline void SetFreq(float freq) { freq_ = freq; }
/** Sets the quality factor of the filter.
Range: Positive Numbers (Good values range from 70 to 1400)
inline void SetQ(float q) { q_ = q; }
float freq_, q_;
float xnm1_, ynm1_, ynm2_, a0_, a1_, a2_;
float d_, lfq_, lq_, sr_;
} // namespace daisysp