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#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring> // for memset
#include <cassert>
#include <utility>
#ifdef USE_ARM_DSP
#include <arm_math.h> // required for platform-optimized version
/** @brief FIR Filter implementation, generic and ARM CMSIS DSP based
* @author Alexander Petrov-Savchenko (
* @date February 2021
namespace daisysp
/* use this as a template parameter to indicate user-provided memory storage */
/** Helper class that defines the memory model - internal or user-provided
* \param max_size - maximal filter length
* \param max_block - maximal length of the block processing
* if both parameters are 0, does NOT allocate any memory and instead
* requires user-provided memory blocks to be passed as parameters.
* Not intended to be used directly, so constructor is not exposed
template <size_t max_size, size_t max_block>
struct FIRMemory
/* Public part of the API to be passed through to the FIR users */
/* Reset the internal filter state (but not the coefficients) */
void Reset() { memset(state_, 0, state_size_ * sizeof(state_[0])); }
FIRMemory() : state_{0}, coefs_{0}, size_(0) {}
/* Expression for the maximum block size */
static constexpr size_t MaxBlock() { return max_block; }
/** Configure the filter coefficients
* \param coefs - pointer to coefficients (tail-first order)
* \param size - number of coefficients pointed by coefs (filter length)
* \param reverse - flag to perform reversing of the filter
* \return true if all conditions are met and the filter is configured
bool SetCoefs(const float coefs[], size_t size, bool reverse)
/* truncate silently */
size_ = DSY_MIN(size, max_size);
/* reverse the IR */
for(size_t i = 0; i < size_; i++)
/* start from size, not size_! */
coefs_[i] = coefs[size - 1u - i];
/* just copy as is */
memcpy(coefs_, coefs, size_ * sizeof(coefs[0]));
return true;
static constexpr size_t state_size_ = max_size + max_block - 1u;
float state_[state_size_]; /*< Internal state buffer */
float coefs_[max_size]; /*< Filter coefficients */
size_t size_; /*< Active filter length (<= max_size) */
/* Specialization for user-provided memory */
template <>
/* Public part of the API to be passed through to the FIRFilter user */
/** Set user-provided state buffer
* \param state - pointer to the allocated memory block
* \param length - length of the provided memory block (in elements)
* The length should be determined as follows
* length >= max_filter_size + max_processing_block - 1
void SetStateBuffer(float state[], size_t length)
state_ = state;
state_size_ = length;
/* Reset the internal filter state (but not the coefficients) */
void Reset()
assert(nullptr != state_);
assert(0 != state_size_);
if(nullptr != state_)
memset(state_, 0, state_size_ * sizeof(state_[0]));
FIRMemory() : state_(nullptr), coefs_(nullptr), size_(0), state_size_(0) {}
/* Expression for the maximum processing block size currently supported */
size_t MaxBlock() const
return state_size_ + 1u > size_ ? state_size_ + 1u - size_ : 0;
/** Configure the filter coefficients
* \param coefs - pointer to coefficients (tail-first order)
* \param size - number of coefficients pointed by coefs (filter length)
* \param reverse - flag to perform reversing of the filter
* \return true if all conditions are met and the filter is configured
bool SetCoefs(const float coefs[], size_t size, bool reverse)
/* reversing of external IR is not supported*/
assert(false == reverse);
assert(nullptr != coefs || 0 == size);
if(false == reverse && (nullptr != coefs || 0 == size))
coefs_ = coefs;
size_ = size;
return true;
return false;
/* Internal member variables */
float* state_; /*< Internal state buffer */
const float* coefs_; /*< Filter coefficients */
size_t size_; /*< number of filter coefficients */
size_t state_size_; /*< length of the state buffer */
/** Generic FIR implementation is always available
* \param max_size - maximal filter length
* \param max_block - maximal block size for ProcessBlock()
* if both parameters are 0 (via FIRFILTER_USER_MEMORY macro)
* Assumes the user will provide own memory buffers
* via SetIR() and SetStateBuffer() functions
* Otherwise statically allocates the necessary buffers itself
template <size_t max_size, size_t max_block>
class FIRFilterImplGeneric : public FIRMemory<max_size, max_block>
using FIRMem = FIRMemory<max_size, max_block>; // just a shorthand
/* Default constructor */
FIRFilterImplGeneric() {}
/* Reset filter state (but not the coefficients) */
using FIRMem::Reset;
/* FIR Latency is always 0, but API is unified with FFT and fast convolution */
static constexpr size_t GetLatency() { return 0; }
/* Process one sample at a time */
float Process(float in)
assert(size_ > 0u);
/* Feed data into the buffer */
state_[size_ - 1u] = in;
/* Convolution loop */
float acc(0);
for(size_t i = 0; i < size_ - 1; i++)
acc += state_[i] * coefs_[i];
/** Shift the state simulatenously
* (note: better solutions are available)
state_[i] = state_[1 + i];
acc += in * coefs_[size_ - 1u];
return acc;
/* Process a block of data */
void ProcessBlock(const float* pSrc, float* pDst, size_t block)
/* be sure to run debug version from time to time */
assert(block <= FIRMem::MaxBlock());
assert(size_ > 0u);
assert(nullptr != pSrc);
assert(nullptr != pDst);
/* Process the block of data */
for(size_t j = 0; j < block; j++)
/* Feed data into the buffer */
state_[size_ - 1u + j] = pSrc[j];
/* Convolution loop */
float acc = 0.0f;
for(size_t i = 0; i < size_; i++)
acc += state_[j + i] * coefs_[i];
/* Write output */
pDst[j] = acc;
/* Copy data tail for the next block */
for(size_t i = 0; i < size_ - 1u; i++)
state_[i] = state_[block + i];
/** Set filter coefficients (aka Impulse Response)
* Coefficients need to be in reversed order (tail-first)
* If internal storage is used, makes a local copy
* and allows reversing the impulse response
bool SetIR(const float* ir, size_t len, bool reverse)
/* Function order is important */
const bool result = FIRMem::SetCoefs(ir, len, reverse);
return result;
/* Create an alias to comply with DaisySP API conventions */
template <typename... Args>
inline auto Init(Args&&... args)
-> decltype(SetIR(std::forward<Args>(args)...))
return SetIR(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
using FIRMem::coefs_; /*< FIR coefficients buffer or pointer */
using FIRMem::size_; /*< FIR length */
using FIRMem::state_; /*< FIR state buffer or pointer */
#if(defined(USE_ARM_DSP) && defined(__arm__))
/** ARM-specific FIR implementation, expose only on __arm__ platforms
* \param max_size - maximal filter length
* \param max_block - maximal block size for ProcessBlock()
* if both parameters are 0 (via FIRFILTER_USER_MEMORY macro)
* Assumes the user will provide own memory buffers
* Otherwise statically allocates the necessary buffers
template <size_t max_size, size_t max_block>
class FIRFilterImplARM : public FIRMemory<max_size, max_block>
using FIRMem = FIRMemory<max_size, max_block>; // just a shorthand
/* Default constructor */
FIRFilterImplARM() : fir_{0} {}
/* Reset filter state (but not the coefficients) */
using FIRMem::Reset;
/* FIR Latency is always 0, but API is unified with FFT and FastConv */
static constexpr size_t GetLatency() { return 0; }
/* Process one sample at a time */
float Process(float in)
float out(0);
arm_fir_f32(&fir_, &in, &out, 1);
return out;
/* Process a block of data */
void ProcessBlock(float* pSrc, float* pDst, size_t block)
assert(block <= FIRMem::MaxBlock());
arm_fir_f32(&fir_, pSrc, pDst, block);
/** Set filter coefficients (aka Impulse Response)
* Coefficients need to be in reversed order (tail-first)
* If internal storage is used, makes a local copy
* and allows reversing the impulse response
bool SetIR(const float* ir, size_t len, bool reverse)
/* Function order is important */
const bool result = FIRMem::SetCoefs(ir, len, reverse);
arm_fir_init_f32(&fir_, len, (float*)coefs_, state_, max_block);
return result;
/* Create an alias to comply with DaisySP API conventions */
template <typename... Args>
inline auto Init(Args&&... args)
-> decltype(SetIR(std::forward<Args>(args)...))
return SetIR(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
arm_fir_instance_f32 fir_; /*< ARM CMSIS DSP library FIR filter instance */
using FIRMem::coefs_; /*< FIR coefficients buffer or pointer */
using FIRMem::size_; /*< FIR length*/
using FIRMem::state_; /*< FIR state buffer or pointer */
/* default to ARM implementation */
template <size_t max_size, size_t max_block>
using FIR = FIRFilterImplARM<max_size, max_block>;
#else // USE_ARM_DSP
/* default to generic implementation */
template <size_t max_size, size_t max_block>
using FIR = FIRFilterImplGeneric<max_size, max_block>;
#endif // USE_ARM_DSP
} // namespace daisysp