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#include "bitcrush.h"
#include "fold.h"
#include <math.h>
using namespace daisysp;
static Fold fold;
void Bitcrush::Init(float sample_rate)
bit_depth_ = 8;
crush_rate_ = 10000;
sample_rate_ = sample_rate;
float Bitcrush::Process(float in)
float bits = pow(2, bit_depth_);
float foldamt = sample_rate_ / crush_rate_;
float out;
out = in * 65536.0f;
out += 32768;
out *= (bits / 65536.0f);
out = floor(out);
out *= (65536.0f / bits) - 32768;
out = fold.Process(out);
out /= 65536.0;
return out;