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#include "../utility/dsp.h"
#include "limiter.h"
#define SLOPE(out, in, positive, negative) \
{ \
float error = (in)-out; \
out += (error > 0 ? positive : negative) * error; \
namespace daisysp
void Limiter::Init()
peak_ = 0.5f;
void Limiter::ProcessBlock(float *in, size_t size, float pre_gain)
float pre = *in * pre_gain;
float peak = fabsf(pre);
SLOPE(peak_, peak, 0.05f, 0.00002f);
float gain = (peak_ <= 1.0f ? 1.0f : 1.0f / peak_);
*in++ = SoftLimit(pre * gain * 0.7f);
} //namespace daisysp