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#pragma once
#include "Utility/dsp.h"
namespace daisysp
/** dynamics compressor
influenced by compressor in soundpipe (from faust).
Modifications made to do:
- Less calculations during each process loop (coefficients recalculated on parameter change).
- C++-ified
- added sidechain support
- pulled gain apart for monitoring and multichannel support
- improved readability
- improved makeup-gain calculations
- changing controls now costs a lot less
- a lot less expensive
by: shensley, improved upon by AvAars
\todo Add soft/hard knee settings
class Compressor
Compressor() {}
~Compressor() {}
/** Initializes compressor
\param sample_rate rate at which samples will be produced by the audio engine.
void Init(float sample_rate);
/** Compress the audio input signal, saves the calculated gain
\param in audio input signal
float Process(float in);
/** Compresses the audio input signal, keyed by a secondary input.
\param in audio input signal (to be compressed)
\param key audio input that will be used to side-chain the compressor
float Process(float in, float key)
return Apply(in);
/** Apply compression to the audio signal, based on the previously calculated gain
\param in audio input signal
float Apply(float in) { return gain_ * in; }
/** Compresses a block of audio
\param in audio input signal
\param out audio output signal
\param size the size of the block
void ProcessBlock(float *in, float *out, size_t size)
ProcessBlock(in, out, in, size);
/** Compresses a block of audio, keyed by a secondary input
\param in audio input signal (to be compressed)
\param out audio output signal
\param key audio input that will be used to side-chain the compressor
\param size the size of the block
void ProcessBlock(float *in, float *out, float *key, size_t size);
/** Compresses a block of multiple channels of audio, keyed by a secondary input
\param in audio input signals (to be compressed)
\param out audio output signals
\param key audio input that will be used to side-chain the compressor
\param channels the number of audio channels
\param size the size of the block
void ProcessBlock(float **in,
float **out,
float * key,
size_t channels,
size_t size);
/** Gets the amount of gain reduction */
float GetRatio() { return ratio_; }
/** Sets the amount of gain reduction applied to compressed signals
\param ratio Expects 1.0 -> 40. (untested with values < 1.0)
void SetRatio(float ratio)
ratio_ = ratio;
/** Gets the threshold in dB */
float GetThreshold() { return thresh_; }
/** Sets the threshold in dB at which compression will be applied
\param threshold Expects 0.0 -> -80.
void SetThreshold(float threshold)
thresh_ = threshold;
/** Gets the envelope time for onset of compression */
float GetAttack() { return atk_; }
/** Sets the envelope time for onset of compression for signals above the threshold.
\param attack Expects 0.001 -> 10
void SetAttack(float attack)
atk_ = attack;
/** Gets the envelope time for release of compression */
float GetRelease() { return rel_; }
/** Sets the envelope time for release of compression as input signal falls below threshold.
\param release Expects 0.001 -> 10
void SetRelease(float release)
rel_ = release;
/** Gets the additional gain to make up for the compression */
float GetMakeup() { return makeup_gain_; }
/** Manually sets the additional gain to make up for the compression
\param gain Expects 0.0 -> 80
void SetMakeup(float gain) { makeup_gain_ = gain; }
/** Enables or disables the automatic makeup gain. Disabling sets the makeup gain to 0.0
\param enable true to enable, false to disable
void AutoMakeup(bool enable)
makeup_auto_ = enable;
makeup_gain_ = 0.0f;
/** Gets the gain reduction in dB
float GetGain() { return fastlog10f(gain_) * 20.0f; }
float ratio_, thresh_, atk_, rel_;
float makeup_gain_;
float gain_;
// Recorded slope and gain, used in next sample
float slope_rec_, gain_rec_;
// Internals from faust
float atk_slo2_, ratio_mul_, atk_slo_, rel_slo_;
int sample_rate_;
float sample_rate_inv2_, sample_rate_inv_;
// Auto makeup gain enable
bool makeup_auto_;
// Methods for recalculating internals
void RecalculateRatio()
ratio_mul_ = ((1.0f - atk_slo2_) * ((1.0f / ratio_) - 1.0f));
void RecalculateAttack()
atk_slo_ = expf(-(sample_rate_inv_ / atk_));
atk_slo2_ = expf(-(sample_rate_inv2_ / atk_));
void RecalculateRelease() { rel_slo_ = expf((-(sample_rate_inv_ / rel_))); }
void RecalculateMakeup()
makeup_gain_ = fabsf(thresh_ - thresh_ / ratio_) * 0.5f;
} // namespace daisysp