/*! file DFRobot_AS3935_lightning_sensor.ino SEN0290 Lightning Sensor This sensor can detect lightning and display the distance and intensity of the lightning within 40 km It can be set as indoor or outdoor mode. The module has three I2C, these addresses are: AS3935_ADD1 0x01 A0 = 1 A1 = 0 AS3935_ADD2 0x02 A0 = 0 A1 = 1 AS3935_ADD3 0x03 A0 = 1 A1 = 1 Copyright [DFRobot](http://www.dfrobot.com), 2018 Copyright GNU Lesser General Public License version V0.5 date 2018-11-28 */ #include "Lib_I2C.h" #include "DFRobot_AS3935_I2C.h" volatile int8_t AS3935IsrTrig = 0; #define IRQ_PIN 2 // Antenna tuning capcitance (must be integer multiple of 8, 8 - 120 pf) #define AS3935_CAPACITANCE 96 // Indoor/outdoor mode selection #define AS3935_INDOORS 0 #define AS3935_OUTDOORS 1 #define AS3935_MODE AS3935_INDOORS // Enable/disable disturber detection #define AS3935_DIST_DIS 0 #define AS3935_DIST_EN 1 #define AS3935_DIST AS3935_DIST_EN // I2C address #define AS3935_I2C_ADDR AS3935_ADD3 void AS3935_ISR(); DFRobot_AS3935_I2C lightning0((uint8_t)IRQ_PIN, (uint8_t)AS3935_I2C_ADDR); void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("DFRobot AS3935 lightning sensor begin!"); // Setup for the the I2C library: (enable pullups, set speed to 400kHz) I2c.begin(); I2c.pullup(true); I2c.setSpeed(1); delay(2); // Set registers to default if(lightning0.defInit() != 0){ Serial.println("I2C init fail"); while(1){} } // Configure sensor lightning0.manualCal(AS3935_CAPACITANCE, AS3935_MODE, AS3935_DIST); // Enable interrupt (connect IRQ pin IRQ_PIN: 2, default) // Connect the IRQ and GND pin to the oscilloscope. // uncomment the following sentences to fine tune the antenna for better performance. // This will dispaly the antenna's resonance frequency/16 on IRQ pin (The resonance frequency will be divided by 16 on this pin) // Tuning AS3935_CAPACITANCE to make the frequency within 500/16 kHz ± 3.5% // lightning0.setLcoFdiv(0); // lightning0.setIRQOutputSource(3); attachInterrupt(0, AS3935_ISR, RISING); } void loop() { // It does nothing until an interrupt is detected on the IRQ pin. while (AS3935IsrTrig == 0) {} delay(5); // Reset interrupt flag AS3935IsrTrig = 0; // Get interrupt source uint8_t intSrc = lightning0.getInterruptSrc(); if (intSrc == 1) { // Get rid of non-distance data uint8_t lightningDistKm = lightning0.getLightningDistKm(); Serial.println("Lightning occurs!"); Serial.print("Distance: "); Serial.print(lightningDistKm); Serial.println(" km"); // Get lightning energy intensity uint32_t lightningEnergyVal = lightning0.getStrikeEnergyRaw(); Serial.print("Intensity: "); Serial.print(lightningEnergyVal); Serial.println(""); } else if (intSrc == 2) { Serial.println("Disturber discovered!"); } else if (intSrc == 3) { Serial.println("Noise level too high!"); } } //IRQ handler for AS3935 interrupts void AS3935_ISR() { AS3935IsrTrig = 1; }