/*********************************************************************************** * MULTIVERSE DEMO * * This demo program shows how to use BALibrary to access the hardware * features of the Aviate Audio Multiverse effects processor. * * The following are demonstrated in this programming using BALibrary: * - WM8731 stereo audio codec in master mode (NOTE: not slave mode like TGA Pro) * - Interact with all physical controls * - Control the 128x64 pixel OLED display (connected to SPI0) * - Use the 8MB external SRAM (simple memory test) * * REQUIREMENTS: * This demo for Multiverse uses its OLED display which requires several Arduino * libraries be downloaded first. These can also be installed from the Arduino Libraries * Manager in the Arduino IDE. * * If you do not wish to use the OLED display, or run into difficulties you can * comment out the #define USE_OLED line in PhysicalControls.h to avoid the need for * the Adafruit dependencies. * * Adafruit_BusIO : https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_BusIO (tested with v1.17) * Adafruit_GFX_Library : https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-GFX-Library (tested with v1.11.11) * Adafruit_SH110X : https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_SH110x (tested with 2.1.11) * * * USAGE INSTRUCTIONS * - Use the 'Gain' knob to control the input gain on the codec. See checkPot(). * - Use the 'Level' knob to control output volume with an AudioMixer4 object. * - Stomp switches S1 and S2 will write status to display, and turn on LED * - Encoder push-button switches will write status to display when pressed/released * - Encoder rotary control will adjust a positive/negative count and update display */ #include #include #include "BALibrary.h" #include "DebugPrintf.h" #include "PhysicalControls.h" using namespace BALibrary; // OLED display stuff #ifdef USE_OLED #include "Adafruit_SH110X.h" #include "Adafruit_GFX.h" #include "Fonts/FreeSansBold9pt7b.h" constexpr unsigned SCREEN_WIDTH = 128; // OLED display width, in pixels constexpr unsigned SCREEN_HEIGHT = 64; // OLED display height, in pixels Adafruit_SH1106G display(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, &SPI, 37 /*DC*/, 35 /*RST*/, 10 /*CS*/); #endif // USE_OLED // External SPI RAM ExternalSramManager sramManager; ExtMemSlot memSlot; BASpiMemory spiMem1(SpiDeviceId::SPI_DEVICE1); unsigned spiAddress = 0; unsigned spiAddressMax; unsigned sramStage = 0; // stage 0 is zero, 1 is write, 2 is read volatile float sramCompletion = 0.0f; volatile unsigned errorCount = 0; AudioInputI2Sslave i2sIn; AudioOutputI2Sslave i2sOut; AudioMixer4 volumeOut; // i2sIn --> volumeOut(Mixer) --> i2sOut AudioConnection patchIn0(i2sIn, 0, volumeOut, 0); AudioConnection patchIn1(i2sIn, 1, volumeOut, 1); AudioConnection patchOut0(volumeOut,0, i2sOut, 0); AudioConnection patchOut1(volumeOut,0, i2sOut, 1); BAAudioControlWM8731master codec; elapsedMillis timer; // Create a control object using the number of switches, pots, encoders and outputs on the // Multiverse pedal BAPhysicalControls controls(6, 4, 4, 2); // (SW, POT, ENC, LED) unsigned loopCounter = 0; void drawProgressBar(float completion); // declaration #ifdef USE_OLED void drawBlackaddrAudio() { display.setCursor(0, 24); // (x,y) display.printf(" Blackaddr"); display.setCursor(0, 40); // (x,y) display.printf(" Audio"); } #endif void setup() { codec.disable(); // this will reset the codec // wait up for the serial to appear for up to 1 second, then continue Serial.begin(57600); unsigned serialLoopCount = 10; while (!Serial && (serialLoopCount > 0)) { delay(100); serialLoopCount--; } MULTIVERSE_REV1(); // constants defined in BALibrary become valid only after this call SPI_MEM1_64M(); // Declare the correct memory size #ifdef USE_OLED // Init the display display.begin(0x3C /* SH1106_I2C_ADDRESS */, true); display.clearDisplay(); display.display(); display.setTextColor(SH110X_WHITE); // Draw white text display.setFont(&FreeSansBold9pt7b); drawBlackaddrAudio(); display.display(); #endif configPhysicalControls(&controls, &codec); // Request a memory slot from the external RAM size_t numBytes = BAHardwareConfig.getSpiMemSizeBytes(MemSelect::MEM1); spiAddressMax = BAHardwareConfig.getSpiMemMaxAddr(1)/4; // test the first 25% of memory bool success = sramManager.requestMemory(&memSlot, numBytes, MemSelect::MEM1, /* no DMA */ false); if (!success && Serial) { printf("Request for memory slot failed\n\r"); } // Allocated audio buffers and enable codec AudioMemory(64); codec.enable(); delay(100); // Mixer at full volume volumeOut.gain(0,1.0f); volumeOut.gain(1,1.0f); // flush the pot filters. The analog measurement of the analog pots is averaged (filtered) // over time, so at startup you will see a bunch of false changes detected as the filter // settles. We can force this with a few dozen repeated calls. for (unsigned i=0; i < 50; i++) { float potValue; for (unsigned j=0; j < BA_EXPAND_NUM_POT; j++) { controls.checkPotValue(j, potValue); } delay(10); } } void loop() { // Check all the physical controls for updates checkPot(0); checkPot(1); checkPot(2); checkPot(3); checkSwitch(0); checkSwitch(1); checkSwitch(2); checkSwitch(3); checkSwitch(4); checkSwitch(5); checkEncoder(0); checkEncoder(1); checkEncoder(2); checkEncoder(3); // If the SRAM test is not complete, run the next block if (sramCompletion < 1.0f) { nextSpiMemTestBlock(); } // Adjusting one of the knobs/switches will result in its value being display for // 2 seconds in the check*() functions. if (timer > 2000) { loopCounter++; #ifdef USE_OLED display.clearDisplay(); drawBlackaddrAudio(); drawSramProgress(sramCompletion); display.display(); #endif } } // This function will draw on the display which stage the memory test is in, and // the percentage complete for that stage. #ifdef USE_OLED void drawSramProgress(float completion) { if (errorCount > 0) { // If errors, print the error count display.setCursor(0, SCREEN_HEIGHT-1); display.printf("Errors: %d", errorCount); return; } // Draw the SRAM test progress at the bottom of the screen display.setCursor(0, SCREEN_HEIGHT-1); switch(sramStage) { case 0 : display.printf("0 mem:"); break; case 1 : display.printf("0 chk:"); break; case 2 : display.printf("wr mem:"); break; case 3 : display.printf("rd mem:"); break; case 4 : // same as default default: display.printf("Done"); break; } display.setCursor(SCREEN_WIDTH*0.63f, SCREEN_HEIGHT-1); // position to lower right corner display.printf("%0.f%%", 100.0f * completion); } #endif // Create a predictable data pattern based on address. constexpr int mask0 = 0x5555; constexpr int mask1 = 0xaaaa; int calcNextData(int spiAddress, int loopPhase, int maskPhase) { int data; int phase = ((loopPhase << 1) + maskPhase) & 0x3; switch(phase) { case 0 : data = spiAddress ^ mask0; break; case 1: data = spiAddress ^ mask1; break; case 2: data = ~spiAddress ^ mask0; break; case 3: data = ~spiAddress ^ mask1; } return (data & 0xffff); } // Process the next block of data in the memory test void nextSpiMemTestBlock() { constexpr unsigned BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES = 256; // transfer 256 bytes (arbitrary) per transaction constexpr unsigned NUM_BLOCK_WORDS = BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES; static uint8_t buffer[BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES]; static int16_t buffer16a[NUM_BLOCK_WORDS]; static int16_t buffer16b[NUM_BLOCK_WORDS]; static int maskPhase = 0; if (sramStage == 0) { // Zero write // zero the memory while (spiMem1.isWriteBusy()) {} // wait for DMA write to complete memSlot.zero(spiAddress, BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES); spiAddress += BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES; } else if (sramStage == 1) { // Zero check memSlot.read(spiAddress, buffer, BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES); while (spiMem1.isReadBusy()) {} // wait for DMA read results for (unsigned i=0; i < BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES; i++) { if (buffer[i] != 0) { errorCount++; } } spiAddress += BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES; } else if (sramStage == 2) { // write test // Calculate the data for a block for (unsigned i=0; i spiAddressMax && sramStage < 4) { spiAddress = 0; sramStage++; sramCompletion = 0.0f; return; } sramCompletion = (float)spiAddress / (float)spiAddressMax ; }