{ "efxFileVersion": "1.4.0", "company": "Blackaddr Audio", "effectName": "Tuner", "effectVersion": "0.1.0", "coreVersion": "1.5.0", "effectShortName": "NOISE", "effectCategory": "Unspecified", "effectDescription": "A noise gate wtih controllable threshold, opening and closing times and DC removal filter. Basic tuner included. ", "numInputs": 1, "numOutputs": 1, "numControls": 5, "effectFilename": "BlackaddrAudio_Tuner.efx", "libraryName": "BlackaddrAudio_Tuner", "cppClass": "BlackaddrAudio_Tuner::Tuner", "cppInstBase": "_BlackaddrAudio_Tuner", "constructorParams": "", "isSingleton": false, "controls": [ { "name": "Bypass", "shortName": "BYP", "description": "Bypasses the effect when enabled", "config": [ 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ], "iconOn": "gfx/StompUpLedOffGold.png", "iconOnHeight": 232, "iconOff": "gfx/StompDownLedOnGold.png", "iconOffHeight": 232, "position": [ 187, 460 ], "scalingRatio": 0.75, "userData": 1 }, { "name": "Volume", "shortName": "VOL", "description": "Sets the effect output volume from -40dB to +10dB", "config": [ 3, 0.0, 10.0, 8.0, 0.1000000014901161 ], "iconPot": "gfx/Gold_Marshall_Knob_192x192.png", "iconPotHeight": 192, "supressValueLabel": 1, "userData": 0 }, { "name": "Tuner Silent", "shortName": "T-SIL", "description": "Mutes the output when tuner is enabled.", "config": [ 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ], "iconOn": "gfx/SwitchSlideUpWhite.png", "iconOnHeight": 128, "iconOff": "gfx/SwitchSlideDownWhite.png", "iconOffHeight": 128, "position": [ 300, 450 ], "scalingRatio": 0.6000000238418579, "userData": 0 }, { "name": "Tuner Cents", "shortName": "Cents", "description": "Indicates the tuning pitch of the current note.", "config": [ 7, -50.0, 50.0, 0.0, 1.0 ], "iconPot": "gfx/tuner_cents_158h.png", "iconPotHeight": 158, "position": [ 186, 150 ], "scalingRatio": 0.800000011920929, "supressValueLabel": 1, "userData": 0 }, { "name": "Tuner Note", "shortName": "Note", "description": "Indicates the note being tuned.", "config": [ 8, 0.0, 12.0, 0.0, 1.0 ], "iconEncoder": "gfx/tuner_notes_158h.png", "iconEncoderHeight": 158, "enums": [ "C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B", "--" ], "position": [ 186, 150 ], "scalingRatio": 0.800000011920929, "supressValueLabel": 1, "userData": 0 } ], "projectFileVersion": "1.0.0", "companyLogo": "gfx/BlackaddrLogo.png", "pedalIcon": "gfx/Tuner_icon.png", "basePedal": "gfx/Tuner_base.png", "publicHeaderFiles": [ "inc/Tuner.h" ], "privateSourceFiles": [ "src/TunerBase.cpp", "src/Tuner.cpp" ], "modules": null, "settings": { "showModules": false, "isSingleton": false, "cppDefines": "", "noWarnings": "", "enableFastMath": false, "enableO3": false } }