You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

678 lines
23 KiB

* AutoConnectCredential class dispatcher.
* @file AutoConnectCredential.cpp
* @author
* @version 1.1.0
* @date 2019-10-07
* @copyright MIT license.
#include "AutoConnectCredential.h"
#define AC_HEADERSIZE ((int)(_offset + sizeof(AC_IDENTIFIER) - 1 + sizeof(uint8_t) + sizeof(uint16_t)))
* AutoConnectCredential constructor takes the available count of saved
* entries.
* A stored credential data structure in EEPROM.
* 0 7 8 9a b (u) (u+16) (t)
* +--------+-+--+-----------------+-+--+--+--+----+----+-----------------+--+
* |AC_CREDT|e|ss|ssid\0pass\0bssid|d|ip|gw|nm|dns1|dns2|ssid\0pass\0bssid|\0|
* +--------+-+--+-----------------+-+--+--+--+----+----+-----------------+--+
* AC_CREDT : Identifier. 8 characters.
* e : Number of contained entries(uint8_t).
* ss : Container size, excluding ID and number of entries(uint16_t).
* ssid: SSID string with null termination.
* password : Password string with null termination.
* bssid : BSSID 6 bytes.
* d : DHCP is in available. 0:DHCP 1:Static IP
* ip - dns2 : Optional fields for static IPs configuration, these fields are available when d=1.
* ip : Static IP (uint32_t)
* gw : Gateway address (uint32_t)
* nm : Netmask (uint32_t)
* dns1 : Primary DNS (uint32)
* dns2 : Secondary DNS (uint32_t)
* t : The end of the container is a continuous '\0'.
* The AC_CREDT identifier is at the beginning of the area.
* SSID and PASSWORD are terminated by '\ 0'.
* Free area are filled with FF, which is reused as an area for insertion.
AutoConnectCredential::AutoConnectCredential() {
AutoConnectCredential::AutoConnectCredential(uint16_t offset) {
// Save offset for the credential area.
_offset = offset;
void AutoConnectCredential::_allocateEntry(void) {
char id_c[sizeof(AC_IDENTIFIER) - 1];
_eeprom.reset(new EEPROMClass);
// Validate the save area of the EEPROM.
// If it is a valid area, retrieve the stored number of entries,
// if the identifier is not saved, initialize the EEPROM area.
_dp = _offset;
for (uint8_t c = 0; c < sizeof(id_c); c++)
id_c[c] = static_cast<char>(_eeprom->read(_dp++));
if (!strncmp(id_c, AC_IDENTIFIER, sizeof(id_c))) {
_entries = _eeprom->read(static_cast<int>(_dp++));
_containSize = _eeprom->read(static_cast<int>(_dp++));
_containSize += _eeprom->read(static_cast<int>(_dp)) << 8;
else {
_entries = 0;
_containSize = 0;
* The destructor ends EEPROM access.
AutoConnectCredential::~AutoConnectCredential() {
* Delete the credential entry for the specified SSID in the EEPROM.
* @param ssid A SSID character string to be deleted.
* @retval true The entry successfully delete.
* false Could not deleted.
bool AutoConnectCredential::del(const char* ssid) {
station_config_t entry;
bool rc = false;
if (load(ssid, &entry) >= 0) {
// Saved credential detected, _ep has the entry location.
_eeprom->begin(AC_HEADERSIZE + _containSize);
_dp = _ep;
// Erase SSID
while (_eeprom->read(_dp) != 0x00)
_eeprom->write(_dp++, 0xff);
// Erase Password
_eeprom->write(_dp++, 0xff);
while (_eeprom->read(_dp) != 0x00)
_eeprom->write(_dp++, 0xff);
// Erase BSSID
_eeprom->write(_dp++, 0xff);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < sizeof(station_config_t::bssid); i++)
_eeprom->write(_dp++, 0xff);
// Erase ip configuration extention
if (_eeprom->read(_dp) == STA_STATIC) {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < sizeof(station_config_t::_config); i++)
_eeprom->write(_dp++, 0xff);
// End 0xff writing, update headers.
_eeprom->write(_offset + static_cast<int>(sizeof(AC_IDENTIFIER)) - 1, _entries);
// commit it.
rc = _eeprom->commit();
return rc;
* Load the credential entry for the specified SSID from the EEPROM.
* The credentials are stored to the station_config structure which specified
* by *config as the SSID and password.
* @param ssid A SSID character string to be loaded.
* @param config A station_config structure pointer.
* @retval The entry number of the SSID in EEPROM. If the number less than 0,
* the specified SSID was not found.
int8_t AutoConnectCredential::load(const char* ssid, station_config_t* config) {
int8_t entry = -1;
if (_entries) {
_eeprom->begin(AC_HEADERSIZE + _containSize);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < _entries; i++) {
if (!strcmp(ssid, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(config->ssid))) {
entry = i;
return entry;
* Load the credential entry for the specified number from the EEPROM.
* The credentials are stored to the station_config structure which specified
* by *config as the SSID and password.
* @param entry A number of entry to be loaded.
* @param config A station_config structure pointer.
* @retval true The entry number of the SSID in EEPROM.
* false The number is not available.
bool AutoConnectCredential::load(int8_t entry, station_config_t* config) {
if (_entries && entry < _entries) {
_eeprom->begin(AC_HEADERSIZE + _containSize);
while (entry-- >= 0)
return true;
else {
return false;
* Save SSID and password to EEPROM.
* When the same SSID already exists, it will be replaced. If the current
* entry size insufficient for the new entry, the entry will be appended
* and increase whole size. Its previous areas are freed with FF and reused.
* @param config A pointer to the station_config structure storing SSID and password.
* @retval true Successfully saved.
* @retval false EEPROM commit failed.
bool AutoConnectCredential::save(const station_config_t* config) {
static const char _id[] = AC_IDENTIFIER;
station_config_t stage;
int8_t entry;
bool rep = false;
bool rc;
// Detect same entry for replacement.
entry = load(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(config->ssid), &stage);
// Saving start.
_eeprom->begin(AC_HEADERSIZE + _containSize + sizeof(station_config_t));
// Determine insertion or replacement.
if (entry >= 0) {
// An entry with the same SSID was found, release the area for replacement.
_dp = _ep;
for (uint8_t dm = 2; dm; _dp++) {
if (_eeprom->read(_dp) == '\0')
_eeprom->write(_dp, 0xff); // Clear SSID, Passphrase
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < sizeof(station_config_t::bssid); i++) {
_eeprom->write(_dp++, 0xff); // Clear BSSID
uint8_t ss = _eeprom->read(_dp); // Read dhcp assignment flag
_eeprom->write(_dp++, 0xff); // Clear dhcp
if (ss == (uint8_t)STA_STATIC) {
for (uint8_t i = 0 ; i < sizeof(station_config_t::_config); i++)
_eeprom->write(_dp++, 0xff); // Clear static IPs
else {
// Same entry not found. increase the entry.
int i;
for (i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(sizeof(_id)) - 1; i++)
_eeprom->write(i + _offset, (uint8_t)_id[i]);
_eeprom->write(i + _offset, _entries);
rc = _eeprom->commit();
// Seek insertion point, evaluate capacity to insert the new entry.
uint16_t eSize = strlen(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(config->ssid)) + strlen(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(config->password)) + sizeof(station_config_t::bssid) + sizeof(station_config_t::dhcp);
if (config->dhcp == (uint8_t)STA_STATIC)
eSize += sizeof(station_config_t::_config);
eSize += sizeof('\0') + sizeof('\0');
for (_dp = AC_HEADERSIZE; _dp < _containSize + AC_HEADERSIZE; _dp++) {
uint8_t c = _eeprom->read(_dp);
if (c == 0xff) {
uint16_t fp = _dp;
while (_eeprom->read(++_dp) == 0xff) {}
if (_dp - fp >= eSize) {
_dp = fp;
rep = true;
// Save new entry
uint8_t c;
const uint8_t* dt;
dt = config->ssid;
do { // Write SSID
c = *dt++;
_eeprom->write(_dp++, c);
} while (c != '\0');
dt = config->password;
do { // Write password
c = *dt++;
_eeprom->write(_dp++, c);
} while (c != '\0');
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < sizeof(station_config_t::bssid); i++)
_eeprom->write(_dp++, config->bssid[i]); // write BSSID
_eeprom->write(_dp++, config->dhcp); // write dhcp flag
if (config->dhcp == (uint8_t)STA_STATIC) {
for (uint8_t e = 0; e < sizeof(station_config_t::_config::addr) / sizeof(uint32_t); e++) {
uint32_t ip = config->config.addr[e];
for (uint8_t b = 1; b <= sizeof(ip); b++)
_eeprom->write(_dp++, ((uint8_t*)&ip)[sizeof(ip) - b]);
// Terminate container, mark to the end of credential area.
// When the entry is replaced, not mark a terminator.
if (!rep) {
_eeprom->write(_dp, '\0');
// Update container size
_containSize = _dp - AC_HEADERSIZE;
_eeprom->write(_offset + sizeof(AC_IDENTIFIER) - 1 + sizeof(uint8_t), (uint8_t)_containSize);
_eeprom->write(_offset + sizeof(AC_IDENTIFIER) - 1 + sizeof(uint8_t) + 1, (uint8_t)(_containSize >> 8));
rc &= _eeprom->commit();
return rc;
* Get the SSID and password from EEPROM indicated by _dp as the pointer
* of current read address. FF is skipped as unavailable area.
* @param ssid A SSID storing address.
* @param password A password storing address.
void AutoConnectCredential::_retrieveEntry(station_config_t* config) {
uint8_t ec;
// Skip unavailable entry.
while ((ec = _eeprom->read(_dp++)) == 0xff) {}
_ep = _dp - 1;
// Retrieve SSID
uint8_t* bp = config->ssid;
*bp++ = ec;
do {
ec = _eeprom->read(_dp++);
*bp++ = ec;
} while (ec != '\0');
// Retrieve Password
bp = config->password;
do {
ec = _eeprom->read(_dp++);
*bp++ = ec;
} while (ec != '\0');
// Retrieve BSSID
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < sizeof(station_config_t::bssid); i++)
config->bssid[i] = _eeprom->read(_dp++);
// Extended readout for static IP
config->dhcp = _eeprom->read(_dp++);
if (config->dhcp == (uint8_t)STA_STATIC) {
for (uint8_t e = 0; e < sizeof(station_config_t::_config::addr) / sizeof(uint32_t); e++) {
uint32_t* ip = &config->config.addr[e];
*ip = 0;
for (uint8_t b = 0; b < sizeof(uint32_t); b++) {
*ip <<= 8;
*ip += _eeprom->read(_dp++);
* AutoConnectCredential constructor takes the available count of saved
* entries.
* The credential area in the flash used by AutoConnect was moved from
* EEPROM to NVS with v.1.0.0. A stored credential data structure of
* Preferences is as follows. It has no identifier as AC_CREDT.
* 0 12 3 (u) (u+16) (t)
* +-+--+-----------------+-+--+--+--+----+----+-----------------+--+
* |e|ss|ssid\0pass\0bssid|d|ip|gw|nm|dns1|dns2|ssid\0pass\0bssid|\0|
* +-+--+-----------------+-+--+--+--+----+----+-----------------+--+
* e : Number of contained entries(uint8_t).
* ss : Container size, excluding ID and number of entries(uint16_t).
* ssid: SSID string with null termination.
* password : Password string with null termination.
* bssid : BSSID 6 bytes.
* d : DHCP is in available. 0:DHCP 1:Static IP
* ip - dns2 : Optional fields for static IPs configuration, these fields are available when d=1.
* ip : Static IP (uint32_t)
* gw : Gateway address (uint32_t)
* nm : Netmask (uint32_t)
* dns1 : Primary DNS (uint32)
* dns2 : Secondary DNS (uint32_t)
* t : The end of the container is a continuous '\0'.
* SSID and PASSWORD are terminated by '\ 0'.
AutoConnectCredential::AutoConnectCredential() {
AutoConnectCredential::AutoConnectCredential(uint16_t offset) {
// In ESP32, always use from the beginning of the Preferences area.
// The offset parameter is invalid but preserved for backward compatibility.
void AutoConnectCredential::_allocateEntry(void) {
_pref.reset(new Preferences);
_entries = _import();
AutoConnectCredential::~AutoConnectCredential() {
* Delete the credential entry for the specified SSID in the EEPROM.
* @param ssid A SSID character string to be deleted.
* @retval true The entry successfully delete.
* false Could not deleted.
inline bool AutoConnectCredential::del(const char* ssid) {
return _del(ssid, true);
* Refresh the number of stored credential entries.
* @retval A number of entries.
inline uint8_t AutoConnectCredential::entries(void) {
_entries = _credit.size();
return _entries;
* Load the credential entry for the specified SSID from the internal
* dictionary. The credentials are stored to the station_config
* structure which specified by *config as the SSID and password.
* @param ssid A SSID character string to be loaded.
* @param config A station_config structure pointer.
* @retval The entry number of the SSID. If the number less than 0,
* the specified SSID was not found.
int8_t AutoConnectCredential::load(const char* ssid, station_config_t* config) {
// Determine the number in entries
int8_t en = 0;
_entries = _import(); // Reload the saved credentials
for (decltype(_credit)::iterator it = _credit.begin(), e = _credit.end(); it != e; ++it) {
String key = it->first;
if (!strcmp(ssid, key.c_str())) {
_obtain(it, config);
return en;
return -1;
* Load the credential entry for the specified number from the internal
* dictionary. The credentials are stored to the station_config
* structure which specified *config as the SSID and password.
* @param entry A number of entry to be loaded.
* @param config A station_config structure pointer.
* @retval true The entry number of the SSID.
* false The number is not available.
bool AutoConnectCredential::load(int8_t entry, station_config_t* config) {
_entries = _import();
for (decltype(_credit)::iterator it = _credit.begin(), e = _credit.end(); it != e; ++it) {
if (!entry--) {
_obtain(it, config);
return true;
return false;
* Save SSID and password to Preferences.
* When the same SSID already exists, it will be replaced. If the current
* entry size insufficient for the new entry, the entry will be appended
* and increase whole size. Its previous areas are freed with FF and reused.
* @param config A pointer to the station_config structure storing SSID and password.
* @retval true Successfully saved.
* @retval false Preferences commit failed.
bool AutoConnectCredential::save(const station_config_t* config) {
if (_add(config)) {
return _commit() > 0 ? true : false;
return false;
* Add an entry to internal dictionary that is std::map structure.
* It adds an entry by the insert after will delete the same entry
* caused std:: map does not accept duplicate keys.
* @param config A pointer to the station_config structure storing SSID and password.
* @retval true Successfully saved.
* @retval false Preferences commit failed.
bool AutoConnectCredential::_add(const station_config_t* config) {
const String ssid = String(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(config->ssid));
if (ssid.length() > 0) {
// Remove a same entry to insert a new one.
_del(ssid.c_str(), false);
// Insert
AC_CREDTBODY_t credtBody;
credtBody.password = String(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(config->password));
memcpy(credtBody.bssid, config->bssid, sizeof(AC_CREDTBODY_t::bssid));
credtBody.dhcp = config->dhcp;
for (uint8_t e = 0; e < sizeof(AC_CREDTBODY_t::ip) / sizeof(uint32_t); e++)
credtBody.ip[e] = credtBody.dhcp == (uint8_t)STA_STATIC ? config->config.addr[e] : 0U;
std::pair<AC_CREDT_t::iterator, bool> rc = _credit.insert(std::make_pair(ssid, credtBody));
_entries = _credit.size();
#ifdef AC_DBG
if (!rc.second) {
AC_DBG("Failed to save a credential %s\n", config->ssid);
return rc.second;
return false;
* Serialize the AutoConnectCredential instance and write it back to NVS.
size_t AutoConnectCredential::_commit(void) {
AC_CREDTBODY_t credtBody;
String ssid;
// Calculate the serialization size for each entry and add the size of 'e' with the size of 'ss' to it.
size_t sz = 0;
for (const auto& credt : _credit) {
ssid = credt.first;
credtBody = credt.second;
sz += ssid.length() + sizeof('\0') + credtBody.password.length() + sizeof('\0') + sizeof(AC_CREDTBODY_t::bssid) + sizeof(AC_CREDTBODY_t::dhcp);
if (credtBody.dhcp == (uint32_t)STA_STATIC) {
for (uint8_t e = 0; e < sizeof(AC_CREDTBODY_t::ip) / sizeof(uint32_t); e++)
sz += sizeof(uint32_t);
// When the entry is not empty, the size of container terminator as '\0' must be added.
_containSize = sz + (_entries ? sizeof('\0') : 0);
// Calculate the nvs pool size for saving to NVS. Add size of 'e' and 'ss' field.
size_t psz = _containSize + sizeof(uint8_t) + sizeof(uint16_t);
// Dump container to serialization pool and write it back to NVS.
uint8_t* credtPool = (uint8_t*)malloc(psz);
if (credtPool) {
uint16_t dp = 0;
credtPool[dp++] = _entries; // 'e'
credtPool[dp++] = (uint8_t)(psz & 0x00ff); // 'ss' low byte
credtPool[dp++] = (uint8_t)(psz >> 8); // 'ss' high byte
// Starts dump of credential entries
for (const auto& credt : _credit) {
ssid = credt.first; // Retrieve SSID
credtBody = credt.second; // Retrieve an entry
size_t itemLen = ssid.length() + sizeof('\0');
ssid.toCharArray(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&credtPool[dp]), itemLen);
// Password
dp += itemLen;
itemLen = credtBody.password.length() + sizeof('\0');
credtBody.password.toCharArray(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&credtPool[dp]), itemLen);
dp += itemLen;
memcpy(&credtPool[dp], credtBody.bssid, sizeof(station_config_t::bssid));
dp += sizeof(station_config_t::bssid);
// DHCP/Static IP indicator
credtPool[dp++] = (uint8_t)credtBody.dhcp;
// Static IP configuration
if (credtBody.dhcp == STA_STATIC) {
for (uint8_t e = 0; e < sizeof(AC_CREDTBODY_t::ip) / sizeof(uint32_t); e++) {
// uint32_t ip = credtBody.ip[e];
for (uint8_t b = 1; b <= sizeof(credtBody.ip[e]); b++)
credtPool[dp++] = ((uint8_t*)&credtBody.ip[e])[sizeof(credtBody.ip[e]) - b];
if (_credit.size() > 0)
credtPool[dp] = '\0'; // Terminates a container
// Write back to the nvs
if (_pref->begin(AC_CREDENTIAL_NVSNAME, false)) {
sz = _pref->putBytes(AC_CREDENTIAL_NVSKEY, credtPool, psz);
#ifdef AC_DBG
else {
AC_DBG("Preferences begin failed to save " AC_CREDENTIAL_NVSKEY "\n");
#ifdef AC_DBG
else {
AC_DBG("Preferences pool %d(B) allocation failed\n", psz);
return sz;
* Delete the credential entry Actually for the specified SSID from Preferences.
* @param ssid A SSID character string to be deleted.
* @param commit If false, delete only a credential entry without updating Preferences.
* @retval true The entry successfully delete.
* false Could not deleted.
bool AutoConnectCredential::_del(const char* ssid, const bool commit) {
decltype(_credit)::iterator it = _credit.find(String(ssid));
if (it != _credit.end()) {
_entries = _credit.size();
if (commit)
return true;
return false;
* Import the credentials bulk data as Preferences from NVS.
* In ESP32, AutoConnect stores credentials in NVS from v1.0.0.
uint8_t AutoConnectCredential::_import(void) {
uint8_t cn = 0;
if (_pref->begin(AC_CREDENTIAL_NVSNAME, true)) {
size_t psz = _getPrefBytesLength<Preferences>(_pref.get(), AC_CREDENTIAL_NVSKEY);
if (psz) {
uint8_t* credtPool = (uint8_t*)malloc(psz);
if (credtPool) {
_pref->getBytes(AC_CREDENTIAL_NVSKEY, static_cast<void*>(credtPool), psz);
uint16_t dp = 0;
cn = credtPool[dp++]; // Retrieve 'e'
_containSize = (uint16_t)credtPool[dp++];
_containSize += (uint16_t)(credtPool[dp++] << 8); // Retrieve size of 'ss'
// Starts import
while (dp < psz - sizeof('\0')) {
AC_CREDTBODY_t credtBody;
String ssid = String(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&credtPool[dp]));
// Password
dp += ssid.length() + sizeof('\0');
credtBody.password = String(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&credtPool[dp]));
dp += credtBody.password.length() + sizeof('\0');
memcpy(credtBody.bssid, &credtPool[dp], sizeof(AC_CREDTBODY_t::bssid));
dp += sizeof(AC_CREDTBODY_t::bssid);
// DHCP/Static IP indicator
credtBody.dhcp = credtPool[dp++];
// Static IP configuration
for (uint8_t e = 0; e < sizeof(AC_CREDTBODY_t::ip) / sizeof(uint32_t); e++) {
uint32_t* ip = &credtBody.ip[e];
*ip = 0U;
if (credtBody.dhcp == (uint8_t)STA_STATIC) {
for (uint8_t b = 0; b < sizeof(uint32_t); b++) {
*ip <<= 8;
*ip += credtPool[dp++];
// Make an entry
_credit.insert(std::make_pair(ssid, credtBody));
#ifdef AC_DBG
else {
AC_DBG("Preferences pool %d(B) allocation failed\n", psz);
#ifdef AC_DBG
else {
AC_DBG("Preferences begin failed to import " AC_CREDENTIAL_NVSKEY "\n");
return cn;
* Obtains an entry pointed to by the specified iterator from the
* dictionary as the std::map that maintains the credentials into the
* station_config structure.
* @param it An iterator to an entry
* @param config the station_config structure storing SSID and password.
void AutoConnectCredential::_obtain(AC_CREDT_t::iterator const& it, station_config_t* config) {
String ssid = it->first;
AC_CREDTBODY_t& credtBody = it->second;
ssid.toCharArray(reinterpret_cast<char*>(config->ssid), sizeof(station_config_t::ssid));
credtBody.password.toCharArray(reinterpret_cast<char*>(config->password), sizeof(station_config_t::password));
memcpy(config->bssid, credtBody.bssid, sizeof(station_config_t::bssid));
config->dhcp = credtBody.dhcp;
for (uint8_t e = 0; e < sizeof(AC_CREDTBODY_t::ip) / sizeof(uint32_t); e++)
config->config.addr[e] = credtBody.dhcp == (uint8_t)STA_STATIC ? credtBody.ip[e] : 0U;