!!! info "Luxbar" The AutoConnect menu is developed using the [LuxBar](https://github.com/balzss/luxbar) which is licensed under the MIT License. See the [License](license.md). ## <i class="fa fa-external-link"></i> Where the from The AutoConnect menu appears when you access the **AutoConnect root path**. It is assigned "**/_ac**" located on the *local IP address* of ESP8266/ESP32 module by default. This location can be changed in the sketch. The following screen will appear at access to `http://{localIP}/_ac` as the root path. This is the statistics of the current WiFi connection. You can access the menu from the here, to invoke it tap <i class="fa fa-bars"></i> at right on top. (e.g. `` for SoftAP mode.) <img src="../images/ac.png" style="border-style:solid;border-width:1px;border-color:lightgrey;width:280px;" /> !!! note "What's the local IP?" A local IP means Local IP at connection established or SoftAP's IP. ## <i class="fa fa-bars"></i> Right on top Currently, AutoConnect supports four menus. Undermost menu as "HOME" returns to the home path of its sketch. - **Configure new AP**: Configure SSID and Password for new access point. - **Open SSIDs**: Opens the past SSID which has been established connection from EEPROM. - **Disconnect**: Disconnects current connection. - **Reset...**: Rest the ESP8266/ESP32 module. - **HOME**: Return to user home page. <img src="../images/menu.png" style="width:280px;" /> ## <i class="fa fa-bars"></i> Configure new AP Scan all available access point in the vicinity and display it. Strength and security of the detected AP are marked. The <i class="fa fa-lock"></i> is indicated for the SSID that needs a security key. "**Hidden:**" means the number of hidden SSIDs discovered. Enter SSID and Passphrase and tap "**apply**" to starts WiFi connection. <img src="../images/newap.png" style="border-style:solid;border-width:1px;border-color:lightgrey;width:280px;" /> ## <i class="fa fa-bars"></i> Open SSIDs Once it was established WiFi connection, its SSID and password will be saved in EEPROM of ESP8266/ESP32 automatically. The **Open SSIDs** menu reads the saved SSID credentials from the EEPROM. The stored credential data are listed by the SSID as shown below. Its label is a clickable button. Tap the SSID button, starts WiFi connection it. <img src="../images/open.png" style="border-style:solid;border-width:1px;border-color:lightgrey;width:280px;" /> ## <i class="fa fa-bars"></i> Disconnect Disconnect ESP8266/ESP32 from the current connection. It can also reset the ESP8266/ESP32 automatically after disconnection by instructing with using [API](api.md#autoreset) in the sketch. After tapping "Disconnect", you will not be able to reach the AutoConnect menu. Once disconnected, you will need to set the SSID again for connecting the WLAN. ## <i class="fa fa-bars"></i> Reset... Reset the ESP8266/ESP32 module, it will start rebooting. After rebooting complete, the ESP8266/ESP32 module begins establishing the previous connection with WIFI_STA mode, and *esp8266ap* or *esp32ap* of an access point will disappear from WLAN. <img src="../images/resetting.png" style="width:280px;" /> !!! warning "Not every ESP8266 module will be rebooted normally" The Reset menu is using the **ESP.reset()** function for ESP8266. This is an almost hardware reset. In order to resume the sketch normally, the [state of GPIO0](https://github.com/esp8266/esp8266-wiki/wiki/Boot-Process#esp-boot-modes) is important. Since this depends on the circuit implementation for each module, not every module will be rebooted normally. See also [FAQ](faq.md#hang-up-after-reset).