/** * Declaration of AutoConnect class and accompanying AutoConnectConfig class. * @file AutoConnect.h * @author hieromon@gmail.com * @version 0.9.7 * @date 2019-01-21 * @copyright MIT license. */ #ifndef _AUTOCONNECT_H_ #define _AUTOCONNECT_H_ #include <vector> #include <memory> #include <functional> #include <DNSServer.h> #if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266) #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <ESP8266WebServer.h> extern "C" { #include <user_interface.h> } using WebServerClass = ESP8266WebServer; #elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) #include <WiFi.h> #include <WebServer.h> using WebServerClass = WebServer; #endif #include <EEPROM.h> #include <PageBuilder.h> #include "AutoConnectDefs.h" #include "AutoConnectPage.h" #include "AutoConnectCredential.h" #include "AutoConnectAux.h" /**< A type to save established credential at WiFi.begin automatically. */ typedef enum AC_SAVECREDENTIAL { AC_SAVECREDENTIAL_NEVER, AC_SAVECREDENTIAL_AUTO } AC_SAVECREDENTIAL_t; typedef enum AC_ONBOOTURI { AC_ONBOOTURI_ROOT, AC_ONBOOTURI_HOME } AC_ONBOOTURI_t; class AutoConnectConfig { public: /** * AutoConnectConfig default constructor. * SSID for the captive portal access point assumes AUTOCONNECT_APID which * assigned from macro. Password is same as above too. */ AutoConnectConfig() : apip(AUTOCONNECT_AP_IP), gateway(AUTOCONNECT_AP_GW), netmask(AUTOCONNECT_AP_NM), apid(String(AUTOCONNECT_APID)), psk(String(AUTOCONNECT_PSK)), channel(AUTOCONNECT_AP_CH), hidden(0), autoSave(AC_SAVECREDENTIAL_AUTO), bootUri(AC_ONBOOTURI_ROOT), boundaryOffset(AC_IDENTIFIER_OFFSET), uptime(AUTOCONNECT_STARTUPTIME), autoRise(true), autoReset(true), autoReconnect(false), immediateStart(false), retainPortal(false), portalTimeout(AUTOCONNECT_CAPTIVEPORTAL_TIMEOUT), hostName(String("")), homeUri(AUTOCONNECT_HOMEURI), title(AUTOCONNECT_MENU_TITLE), staip(0U), staGateway(0U), staNetmask(0U), dns1(0U), dns2(0U) {} /** * Configure by SSID for the captive portal access point and password. */ AutoConnectConfig(const char* ap, const char* password, const unsigned long portalTimeout = 0, const uint8_t channel = AUTOCONNECT_AP_CH) : apip(AUTOCONNECT_AP_IP), gateway(AUTOCONNECT_AP_GW), netmask(AUTOCONNECT_AP_NM), apid(String(ap)), psk(String(password)), channel(channel), hidden(0), autoSave(AC_SAVECREDENTIAL_AUTO), bootUri(AC_ONBOOTURI_ROOT), boundaryOffset(AC_IDENTIFIER_OFFSET), uptime(AUTOCONNECT_STARTUPTIME), autoRise(true), autoReset(true), autoReconnect(false), immediateStart(false), retainPortal(false), portalTimeout(portalTimeout), hostName(String("")), homeUri(AUTOCONNECT_HOMEURI), title(AUTOCONNECT_MENU_TITLE), staip(0U), staGateway(0U), staNetmask(0U), dns1(0U), dns2(0U) {} ~AutoConnectConfig() {} AutoConnectConfig& operator=(const AutoConnectConfig& o) { apip = o.apip; gateway = o.gateway; netmask = o.netmask; apid = o.apid; psk = o.psk; channel = o.channel; hidden = o.hidden; autoSave = o.autoSave; bootUri = o.bootUri; boundaryOffset = o.boundaryOffset; uptime = o.uptime; autoRise = o.autoRise; autoReset = o.autoReset; autoReconnect = o.autoReconnect; immediateStart = o.immediateStart; retainPortal = o.retainPortal; portalTimeout = o.portalTimeout; hostName = o.hostName; homeUri = o.homeUri; title = o.title; staip = o.staip; staGateway = o.staGateway; staNetmask = o.staNetmask; dns1 = o.dns1; dns2 = o.dns2; return *this; } IPAddress apip; /**< SoftAP IP address */ IPAddress gateway; /**< SoftAP gateway address */ IPAddress netmask; /**< SoftAP subnet mask */ String apid; /**< SoftAP SSID */ String psk; /**< SoftAP password */ uint8_t channel; /**< SoftAP used wifi channel */ uint8_t hidden; /**< SoftAP SSID hidden */ AC_SAVECREDENTIAL_t autoSave; /**< Auto save credential */ AC_ONBOOTURI_t bootUri; /**< An uri invoking after reset */ uint16_t boundaryOffset; /**< The save storage offset of EEPROM */ int uptime; /**< Length of start up time */ bool autoRise; /**< Automatic starting the captive portal */ bool autoReset; /**< Reset ESP8266 module automatically when WLAN disconnected. */ bool autoReconnect; /**< Automatic reconnect with past SSID */ bool immediateStart; /**< Skips WiFi.begin(), start portal immediately */ bool retainPortal; /**< Even if the captive portal times out, it maintains the portal state. */ unsigned long portalTimeout; /**< Timeout value for stay in the captive portal */ String hostName; /**< host name */ String homeUri; /**< A URI of user site */ String title; /**< Menu title */ IPAddress staip; /**< Station static IP address */ IPAddress staGateway; /**< Station gateway address */ IPAddress staNetmask; /**< Station subnet mask */ IPAddress dns1; /**< Primary DNS server */ IPAddress dns2; /**< Secondary DNS server */ }; typedef std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<AutoConnectAux>> AutoConnectAuxVT; class AutoConnect { public: AutoConnect(); AutoConnect(WebServerClass& webServer); ~AutoConnect(); AutoConnectAux* aux(const String& uri) const; bool config(AutoConnectConfig& Config); bool config(const char* ap, const char* password = nullptr); void home(const String& uri); bool begin(void); bool begin(const char* ssid, const char* passphrase = nullptr, unsigned long timeout = AUTOCONNECT_TIMEOUT); void end(void); void handleClient(void); void handleRequest(void); WebServerClass& host(void); void join(AutoConnectAux& aux); void join(AutoConnectAuxVT auxVector); bool on(const String& uri, const AuxHandlerFunctionT handler, AutoConnectExitOrder_t order = AC_EXIT_AHEAD); AutoConnectAux& where(void) const { return *aux(_auxUri); } /** For AutoConnectAux described in JSON */ #ifdef AUTOCONNECT_USE_JSON bool load(const String& aux); bool load(const __FlashStringHelper* aux); bool load(Stream& aux); #endif // !AUTOCONNECT_USE_JSON typedef std::function<bool(IPAddress)> DetectExit_ft; void onDetect(DetectExit_ft fn); void onNotFound(WebServerClass::THandlerFunction fn); protected: enum _webServerAllocateType { AC_WEBSERVER_PARASITIC, AC_WEBSERVER_HOSTED }; typedef enum _webServerAllocateType AC_WEBSERVER_TYPE; typedef enum { AC_RECONNECT_SET, AC_RECONNECT_RESET } AC_STARECONNECT_t; void _initialize(void); bool _config(void); void _startWebServer(void); void _startDNSServer(void); void _handleNotFound(void); bool _loadAvailCredential(void); void _stopPortal(void); bool _classifyHandle(HTTPMethod mothod, String uri); void _handleUpload(const String& requestUri, const HTTPUpload& upload); void _purgePages(void); virtual PageElement* _setupPage(String uri); #ifdef AUTOCONNECT_USE_JSON template<typename T> bool _parseJson(T in); bool _load(JsonVariant& aux); #endif // !AUTOCONNECT_USE_JSON /** Request handlers implemented by Page Builder */ String _induceConnect(PageArgument& args); String _induceDisconnect(PageArgument& args); String _induceReset(PageArgument& args); String _invokeResult(PageArgument& args); /** For portal control */ bool _captivePortal(void); bool _hasTimeout(unsigned long timeout); bool _isIP(String ipStr); wl_status_t _waitForConnect(unsigned long timeout); void _waitForEndTransmission(void); void _disconnectWiFi(bool wifiOff); void _setReconnect(const AC_STARECONNECT_t order); /** Utilities */ static uint32_t _getChipId(void); static uint32_t _getFlashChipRealSize(void); static String _toMACAddressString(const uint8_t mac[]); static unsigned int _toWiFiQuality(int32_t rssi); DetectExit_ft _onDetectExit; WebServerClass::THandlerFunction _notFoundHandler; size_t _freeHeapSize; /** Servers which works in concert. */ std::unique_ptr<WebServerClass> _webServer; std::unique_ptr<DNSServer> _dnsServer; AC_WEBSERVER_TYPE _webServerAlloc; /** * Dynamically hold one page of AutoConnect menu. * Every time a GET/POST HTTP request occurs, an AutoConnect * menu page corresponding to the URI is generated. */ PageBuilder* _responsePage; PageElement* _currentPageElement; /** Extended pages made up with AutoConnectAux */ std::unique_ptr<AutoConnectAux> _aux; String _auxUri; /**< Last accessed AutoConnectAux */ String _prevUri; /**< Previous generated page uri */ /** Saved configurations */ AutoConnectConfig _apConfig; struct station_config _credential; uint8_t _hiddenSSIDCount; int16_t _scanCount; uint8_t _connectCh; unsigned long _connectTimeout; unsigned long _portalAccessPeriod; /** The control indicators */ bool _rfConnect; /**< URI /connect requested */ bool _rfDisconnect; /**< URI /disc requested */ bool _rfReset; /**< URI /reset requested */ wl_status_t _rsConnect; /**< connection result */ #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 WiFiEventId_t _disconnectEventId; /**< STA disconnection event handler registered id */ #endif /** HTTP header information of the currently requested page. */ IPAddress _currentHostIP; /**< host IP address */ String _uri; /**< Requested URI */ String _redirectURI; /**< Redirect destination */ String _menuTitle; /**< Title string of the page */ /** PegeElements of AutoConnect site. */ static const char _CSS_BASE[] PROGMEM; static const char _CSS_UL[] PROGMEM; static const char _CSS_ICON_LOCK[] PROGMEM; static const char _CSS_INPUT_BUTTON[] PROGMEM; static const char _CSS_INPUT_TEXT[] PROGMEM; static const char _CSS_TABLE[] PROGMEM; static const char _CSS_SPINNER[] PROGMEM; static const char _CSS_LUXBAR[] PROGMEM; static const char _ELM_HTML_HEAD[] PROGMEM; static const char _ELM_MENU_PRE[] PROGMEM; static const char _ELM_MENU_AUX[] PROGMEM; static const char _ELM_MENU_POST[] PROGMEM; static const char _PAGE_STAT[] PROGMEM; static const char _PAGE_CONFIGNEW[] PROGMEM; static const char _PAGE_CONNECTING[] PROGMEM; static const char _PAGE_OPENCREDT[] PROGMEM; static const char _PAGE_SUCCESS[] PROGMEM; static const char _PAGE_RESETTING[] PROGMEM; static const char _PAGE_DISCONN[] PROGMEM; static const char _PAGE_FAIL[] PROGMEM; static const char _PAGE_404[] PROGMEM; static const struct PageTranserModeST { const char* uri; const TransferEncoding_t transMode; const size_t rSize; } _pageBuildMode[]; /** Token handlers for PageBuilder */ String _token_CSS_BASE(PageArgument& args); String _token_CSS_UL(PageArgument& args); String _token_CSS_ICON_LOCK(PageArgument& args); String _token_CSS_INPUT_BUTTON(PageArgument& args); String _token_CSS_INPUT_TEXT(PageArgument& args); String _token_CSS_TABLE(PageArgument& args); String _token_CSS_SPINNER(PageArgument& args); String _token_CSS_LUXBAR(PageArgument& args); String _token_HEAD(PageArgument& args); String _token_MENU_PRE(PageArgument& args); String _token_MENU_AUX(PageArgument& args); String _token_MENU_POST(PageArgument& args); String _token_ESTAB_SSID(PageArgument& args); String _token_WIFI_MODE(PageArgument& args); String _token_WIFI_STATUS(PageArgument& args); String _token_STATION_STATUS(PageArgument& args); String _token_LOCAL_IP(PageArgument& args); String _token_SOFTAP_IP(PageArgument& args); String _token_GATEWAY(PageArgument& args); String _token_NETMASK(PageArgument& args); String _token_AP_MAC(PageArgument& args); String _token_STA_MAC(PageArgument& args); String _token_CHANNEL(PageArgument& args); String _token_DBM(PageArgument& args); String _token_CPU_FREQ(PageArgument& args); String _token_FLASH_SIZE(PageArgument& args); String _token_CHIP_ID(PageArgument& args); String _token_FREE_HEAP(PageArgument& args); String _token_LIST_SSID(PageArgument& args); String _token_SSID_COUNT(PageArgument& args); String _token_HIDDEN_COUNT(PageArgument& args); String _token_OPEN_SSID(PageArgument& args); String _token_UPTIME(PageArgument& args); String _token_BOOTURI(PageArgument& args); String _token_CURRENT_SSID(PageArgument& args); private: static const String _emptyString; /**< An empty string alloaction **/ #if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266) friend class ESP8266WebServer; #elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) friend class WebServer; #endif friend class AutoConnectAux; }; #endif // _AUTOCONNECT_H_