## The elements for the custome Web pages

Representative HTML elements for making the custom Web page are provided as AutoConnectElements.

- AutoConnectButton: Labeled action button
- AutoConnectCheckbox: Labeled checkbox
- AutoConnectElement: General tag
- AutoConnectInput: Labeled text input box
- AutoConnectRadio: Labeled radio button
- AutoConnectSelect: Selection list
- AutoConnectSubmit: Submit button
- AutoConnectText: Style attributed text

Each element has a common attribute and its own attributes.

## Layout on custom Web page

You can specify the direction to arrange the radio buttons as **AutoConnectRadio** vertically or horizontally. The checkbox as **AutoConnectCheckbox** is not divided in a line by each element. In order to arrange vertically, it is necessary to clearly indicate the **<br>** tag. Other elements are aligned vertically. This basic layout depends on the CSS of the AutoConnect menu so it can not be changed drastically.

## AutoConnectElement - <small>A basic class of elements</small>

## AutoConnectButton

## AutoConnectCheckbox

## AutoConnectInput

## AutoConnectRadio

## AutoConnectSelect

## AutoConnectSubmit

## AutoConnectText