/* EEPROM.ino, Example for the AutoConnect library. Copyright (c) 2020, Hieromon Ikasamo https://github.com/Hieromon/AutoConnect This software is released under the MIT License. https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT This example demonstrates how allocates and handles the custom configuration for the Sketch. When Sketch stores the own configuration data in the EEPROM, it must avoid conflict with the credentials stored by AutoConnect. AutoConnectConfig::boundaryOffset designation helps with the conflict, but it is inadequate. Sketch uses AutoConnect::getCredentialSize to get the size of the actual EEPROM area that should be handled for the own custom data I/O. */ #ifndef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266 #error "EEPROM.ino sketch is available for ESP8266 only." #endif #include #include #include #include ESP8266WebServer server; AutoConnect portal(server); AutoConnectConfig config; const char AUX_EEPROM_IO[] PROGMEM = R"( [ { "title": "EEPROM", "uri": "/", "menu": true, "element": [ { "name": "data1", "type": "ACInput", "label": "DATA1", "global": true }, { "name": "data2", "type": "ACInput", "label": "DATA2", "global": true }, { "name": "data3", "type": "ACInput", "label": "DATA3", "global": true }, { "name": "write", "type": "ACSubmit", "value": "WRITE", "uri": "/eeprom", "global": true } ] }, { "title": "EEPROM", "uri": "/eeprom", "menu": false, "element": [ { "name": "data1", "type": "ACText", "format": "DATA1: %s", "posterior": "br", "global": true }, { "name": "data2", "type": "ACText", "format": "DATA2: %s", "posterior": "br", "global": true }, { "name": "data3", "type": "ACText", "format": "DATA3: %s", "posterior": "br", "global": true } ] } ] )"; // Defines the custom data should be stored in EEPROM. typedef struct { char data1[8]; char data2[8]; char data3[8]; } EEPROM_CONFIG_t; String toString(char* c, uint8_t length) { String r; while (length-- && *c) { r += (isAlphaNumeric(*c) ? String(*c) : String(*c, HEX)); c++; } return r; } // Read from EEPROM String onEEPROM(AutoConnectAux& page, PageArgument& args) { EEPROM_CONFIG_t eepromConfig; // The actual area size of the EEPROM region to be given to // EEPROM.begin is the sum of the size of the own custom data and // the size of the currently stored AutoConnect credentials. // eg. // EEPROM.begin(portal.getEEPROMUsedSize()) EEPROM.begin(portal.getEEPROMUsedSize()); EEPROM.get(0, eepromConfig); EEPROM.end(); page["data1"].value = toString(eepromConfig.data1, sizeof(EEPROM_CONFIG_t::data1)); page["data2"].value = toString(eepromConfig.data2, sizeof(EEPROM_CONFIG_t::data2)); page["data3"].value = toString(eepromConfig.data3, sizeof(EEPROM_CONFIG_t::data3)); return String(); } // Write to EEPROM String onEEPROMWrite(AutoConnectAux& page, PageArgument& args) { EEPROM_CONFIG_t eepromConfig; strncpy(eepromConfig.data1, page["data1"].value.c_str(), sizeof(EEPROM_CONFIG_t::data1)); strncpy(eepromConfig.data2, page["data2"].value.c_str(), sizeof(EEPROM_CONFIG_t::data2)); strncpy(eepromConfig.data3, page["data3"].value.c_str(), sizeof(EEPROM_CONFIG_t::data3)); EEPROM.begin(portal.getEEPROMUsedSize()); EEPROM.put(0, eepromConfig); EEPROM.commit(); EEPROM.end(); return String(); } void setup() { delay(1000); Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println(); portal.load(FPSTR(AUX_EEPROM_IO)); portal.on("/", onEEPROM); portal.on("/eeprom", onEEPROMWrite); // Specifies to shift the AutoConnect credentials with the custom data region size. config.boundaryOffset = sizeof(EEPROM_CONFIG_t); portal.config(config); portal.begin(); } void loop() { portal.handleClient(); }