/* FileUpload.ino, Example for the AutoConnect library. Copyright (c) 2019, Hieromon Ikasamo https://github.com/Hieromon/AutoConnect This software is released under the MIT License. https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT FileUpload.ino writes the file uploaded from the HTTP client to SPIFFS with its file name. To run this example successfully, you need the SPIFFS area setting with Arduino IDE Tool menu which is larger than the size of the upload file. This example leverages the AutoConnectFile element to upload files to the flash on the ESP8266/ESP32 module. The necessary basic process for uploading and storing to flash is already embedded in the AutoConnectFile element. By the sketch, just place the AutoConnectFile element on a custom web page. */ #if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266) #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <ESP8266WebServer.h> #elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) #include <WiFi.h> #include <WebServer.h> #include <SPIFFS.h> #endif #include <FS.h> #include <AutoConnect.h> // Upload request custom Web page static const char PAGE_UPLOAD[] PROGMEM = R"( { "uri": "/", "title": "Upload", "menu": true, "element": [ { "name": "caption", "type": "ACText", "value": "<h2>File uploading platform<h2>" }, { "name": "upload_file", "type": "ACFile", "label": "Select file: ", "store": "fs" }, { "name": "upload", "type": "ACSubmit", "value": "UPLOAD", "uri": "/upload" } ] } )"; // Upload result display static const char PAGE_BROWSE[] PROGMEM = R"( { "uri": "/upload", "title": "Upload", "menu": false, "element": [ { "name": "caption", "type": "ACText", "value": "<h2>Uploading ended<h2>" }, { "name": "filename", "type": "ACText" }, { "name": "size", "type": "ACText", "format": "%s bytes uploaded" }, { "name": "content_type", "type": "ACText", "format": "Content: %s" } ] } )"; #if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266) #define FILE_MODE_R "r" typedef ESP8266WebServer WiFiWebServer; #elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) #define FILE_MODE_R FILE_READ typedef WebServer WiFiWebServer; #endif WiFiWebServer server; AutoConnect portal(server); // Declare AutoConnectAux separately as a custom web page to access // easily for each page in the post-upload handler. AutoConnectAux auxUpload; AutoConnectAux auxBrowse; /** * Post uploading, AutoConnectFile's built-in upload handler reads the * file saved in SPIFFS and displays the file contents on /upload custom * web page. However, only files with mime type uploaded as text are * displayed. A custom web page handler is called after upload. * @param aux AutoConnectAux(/upload) * @param args PageArgument * @return Uploaded text content */ String postUpload(AutoConnectAux& aux, PageArgument& args) { String content; // Explicitly cast to the desired element to correctly extract // the element using the operator []. AutoConnectFile& upload = auxUpload["upload_file"].as<AutoConnectFile>(); AutoConnectText& aux_filename = aux["filename"].as<AutoConnectText>(); AutoConnectText& aux_size = aux["size"].as<AutoConnectText>(); AutoConnectText& aux_contentType = aux["content_type"].as<AutoConnectText>(); // Assignment operator can be used for the element attribute. aux_filename.value = upload.value; aux_size.value = String(upload.size); aux_contentType.value = upload.mimeType; // The file saved by the AutoConnect upload handler is read from // the EEPROM and echoed to a custom web page. if (upload.mimeType.indexOf("text/") >= 0) { SPIFFS.begin(); File uploadFile = SPIFFS.open(String("/" + upload.value).c_str(), FILE_MODE_R); if (uploadFile) { while (uploadFile.available()) { char c = uploadFile.read(); if (c == '\n') content += "<br>"; else content += c; } uploadFile.close(); } else content = "Not saved"; SPIFFS.end(); } return content; } void setup() { delay(1000); Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println(); auxUpload.load(PAGE_UPLOAD); auxBrowse.load(PAGE_BROWSE); portal.join({ auxUpload, auxBrowse }); auxBrowse.on(postUpload); portal.begin(); } void loop() { portal.handleClient(); }