
314 lines
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* Implementation of AutoConnectElementBasis classes.
* @file AutoConnectElementImpl.h
* @author
* @version 0.9.8
* @date 2019-03-11
* @copyright MIT license.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266)
#include <regex.h>
#elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32)
#include <regex>
#include "AutoConnectElementBasis.h"
* Generate an HTML <button> element. The onclick behavior depends on
* the code held in factionf member.
* @return An HTML string.
const String AutoConnectButtonBasis::toHTML(void) const {
return enable ? String(F("<button type=\"button\" name=\"")) + name + String(F("\" value=\"")) + value + String(F("\" onclick=\"")) + action + String("\">") + value + String(F("</button>")) : String("");
* Generate an HTML <input type=checkbox> element.
* A "value" is associated with the input tag and sent by the form
* action as the value of "name". If the label member is contained, it
* is placed to the right side of the checkbox to be labeled.
* f the label member is empty, only the checkbox is placed.
* @return An HTML string.
const String AutoConnectCheckboxBasis::toHTML(void) const {
String html = String("");
if (enable) {
html = String(F("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"")) + name + String(F("\" value=\"")) + value + String("\"");
if (checked)
html += String(F(" checked"));
if (label.length())
html += String(F(" id=\"")) + name + String(F("\"><label for=\"")) + name + String("\">") + label + String(F("</label"));
html += String(F("><br>"));
return html;
* Generate an HTML <input type=file> element.
* The entered value can be obtained using the user callback function
* registered by AutoConnectAux::on after the form is sent in
* combination with AutoConnectSubmit.
* @return String an HTML string.
const String AutoConnectFileBasis::toHTML(void) const {
String html = String("");
if (enable) {
if (label.length())
html = String(F("<label for=\"")) + name + String(F("\">")) + label + String(F("</label>"));
html += String(F("<input type=\"file\" id=\"")) + name + String(F("\" name=\"")) + name + String(F("\"><br>"));
return html;
* Instantiate the upload handler with the specified store type.
* @param store An enumuration value of ACFile_t
bool AutoConnectFileBasis::attach(const ACFile_t store) {
AutoConnectUploadFS* handlerFS;
AutoConnectUploadSD* handlerSD;
// Release previous handler
// Classify a handler type and create the corresponding handler
switch (store) {
case AC_File_FS:
handlerFS = new AutoConnectUploadFS(SPIFFS);
case AC_File_SD:
handlerSD = new AutoConnectUploadSD(SD);
case AC_File_Extern:
return _upload != false;
* Generate an HTML <input type=text> element.
* If the value member is contained, it is reflected in the placeholder
* attribute. The entered value can be obtained using the user callback
* function registered by AutoConnectAux::on after the form is sent in
* combination with AutoConnectSubmit.
* @return String an HTML string.
const String AutoConnectInputBasis::toHTML(void) const {
String html = String("");
if (enable) {
if (label.length())
html = String(F("<label for=\"")) + name + String("\">") + label + String(F("</label>"));
html += String(F("<input type=\"text\" id=\"")) + name + String(F("\" name=\"")) + name + String("\"");
if (pattern.length())
html += String(F(" pattern=\"")) + pattern + String("\"");
if (placeholder.length())
html += String(F(" placeholder=\"")) + placeholder + String("\"");
if (value.length())
html += String(F(" value=\"")) + value + String("\"");
html += String(F("><br>"));
return html;
* Evaluate the pattern as a regexp and return whether value matches.
* Always return true if the pattern is undefined.
* @return true The value matches a pattern.
* @return false The value does not match a pattern.
bool AutoConnectInputBasis::isValid(void) const {
bool rc = true;
if (pattern.length()) {
#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266)
regex_t preg;
if (regcomp(&preg, pattern.c_str(), REG_EXTENDED) != 0) {
6 years ago
AC_DBG("%s regex compile failed\n", pattern.c_str());
rc = false;
else {
regmatch_t p_match[1];
rc = regexec(&preg, value.c_str(), 1, p_match, 0) == 0 ? true : false;
#elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32)
const std::regex re(pattern.c_str());
rc = std::regex_match(value.c_str(), re);
return rc;
* Indicate an entry with the specified value in the value's collection.
* @param value The value to indicates in the collection.
void AutoConnectRadioBasis::check(const String& value) {
for (std::size_t n = 0; n < _values.size(); n++) {
if (at(n).equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
checked = n + 1;
6 years ago
* Clear value items of AutoConnectRadio and reallocate new storage.
* All hold items are released.
* @param reserve If 'reserve' is greater than 0, this function
* allocates new holding storage with the value.
void AutoConnectRadioBasis::empty(const size_t reserve) {
if (reserve)
* Generate an HTML <input type=radio> element with an <option> element.
* @return String an HTML string.
const String AutoConnectRadioBasis::toHTML(void) const {
String html = String("");
if (enable) {
if (label.length()) {
html = label;
if (order == AC_Vertical)
html += String(F("<br>"));
uint8_t n = 0;
for (const String value : _values) {
String id = name + "_" + String(n);
html += String(F("<input type=\"radio\" name=\"")) + name + String(F("\" id=\"")) + id + String(F("\" value=\"")) + value + String("\"");
if (n == checked)
html += String(F(" checked"));
html += String(F("><label for=\"")) + id + String("\">") + value + String(F("</label>"));
if (order == AC_Vertical)
html += String(F("<br>"));
return html;
* Returns current selected value in the radio same group
const String& AutoConnectRadioBasis::value(void) const {
static const String _nullString = String();
return checked ? - 1) : _nullString;
6 years ago
* Clear option items of AutoConnectSelect and reallocate new storage.
* All hold items are released.
* @param reserve If 'reserve' is greater than 0, this function
* allocates new holding storage with the value.
void AutoConnectSelectBasis::empty(const size_t reserve) {
if (reserve)
* Indicate an entry with the specified value in the value's collection.
* @param value The value to indicates in the collection.
void AutoConnectSelectBasis::select(const String& value) {
for (std::size_t n = 0; n < _options.size(); n++) {
if (at(n).equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
selected = n + 1;
* Generate an HTML <select> element with an <option> element.
* The attribute value of the <option> element is given to the
* AutoConnectSelect class as a string array, which would be stored
* in the 'options' member. If a label member is contained, the <label>
* element would be generated the preface of <select>.
* @return String an HTML string.
const String AutoConnectSelectBasis::toHTML(void) const {
String html = String("");
if (enable) {
if (label.length())
html = String(F("<label for=\"")) + name + String("\">") + label + String(F("</label>"));
html += String(F("<select name=\"")) + name + String(F("\" id=\"")) + name + String("\">");
uint8_t n = 1;
for (const String option : _options) {
html += String(F("<option value=\"")) + option + "\"";
if (n++ == selected)
html += String(F(" selected"));
html += ">" + option + String(F("</option>"));
html += String(F("</select>"));
return html;
* Returns current selected value in the radio same group
const String& AutoConnectSelectBasis::value(void) const {
static const String _nullString = String();
return selected ? - 1) : _nullString;
* Generate an HTML <input type=button> element. This element is used
* for form submission. An 'onclick' attribute calls fixed JavaScript
* code as 'sa' named and it's included in the template.
* @return String an HTML string.
const String AutoConnectSubmitBasis::toHTML(void) const {
return enable ? String(F("<input type=\"button\" name=\"")) + name + String(F("\" value=\"")) + value + String(F("\" onclick=\"_sa('")) + uri + String("')\">") : String("");
* Generate an HTML text element from a string of the value member. If a style
* exists, it gives a style attribute.
* @return String an HTML string.
const String AutoConnectTextBasis::toHTML(void) const {
String html = String("");
if (enable) {
html = String("<div");
String value_f = value;
if (style.length())
html += String(F(" style=\"")) + style + String("\"");
html += String(">");
if (format.length()) {
int buflen = (value.length() + format.length() + 16 + 1) & (~0xf);
char* buffer;
if ((buffer = (char*)malloc(buflen))) {
snprintf(buffer, buflen, format.c_str(), value.c_str());
value_f = String(buffer);
html += value_f + String(F("</div>"));
return html;