* Declaration of AutoConnectAux basic class.
* @file AutoConnectAuxBasis.h
* @author hieromon@gmail.com
* @version 0.9.9
* @date 2019-05-23
* @copyright MIT license.
#include "AutoConnectDefs.h"
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <functional>
#include <type_traits>
#include <Stream.h>
#include <PageBuilder.h>
#include "AutoConnectElement.h"
class AutoConnect; // Reference to avoid circular
class AutoConnectAux; // Reference to avoid circular
// Manage placed AutoConnectElement with a vector
typedef std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<AutoConnectElement>> AutoConnectElementVT;
// A type of callback function when AutoConnectAux page requested.
typedef std::function<String(AutoConnectAux&, PageArgument&)> AuxHandlerFunctionT;
// A type for the order in which callback functions are called.
typedef enum {
AC_EXIT_AHEAD = 1, /**< Callback before building HTML */
AC_EXIT_LATER = 2, /**< Callback after building HTML */
AC_EXIT_BOTH = 3 /**< Callback twice before and after building HTML */
} AutoConnectExitOrder_t;
* A class that handles an auxiliary page with AutoConnectElement
* that placed on it by binding it to the AutoConnect menu.
* @param uri An uri string of this page.
* @param title A title string of this page.
* @param addons A set of AutoConnectElement vector.
* @param menu A switch for item displaying in AutoConnect menu.
class AutoConnectAux : public PageBuilder {
explicit AutoConnectAux(const String& uri = String(""), const String& title = String(""), const bool menu = true, const AutoConnectElementVT addons = AutoConnectElementVT()) :
chunk(PB_Chunk), _title(title), _menu(menu), _uriStr(String(uri)), _addonElm(addons), _handler(nullptr), _order(AC_EXIT_AHEAD), _uploadHandler(nullptr) { _uri = _uriStr.c_str(); }
AutoConnectElement& operator[](const String& name) { return *getElement(name); }
void add(AutoConnectElement& addon); /**< Add an element to the auxiliary page */
void add(AutoConnectElementVT addons); /**< Add the element set to the auxiliary page */
void fetchElement(void); /**< Fetch AutoConnectElements values from http query parameters */
template<typename T>
T& getElement(const String& name);
AutoConnectElement* getElement(const String& name); /**< Get registered AutoConnectElement as specified name */
AutoConnectElementVT& getElements(void) { return _addonElm; } /**< Get vector of all elements */
void menu(const bool post) { _menu = post; } /**< Set or reset the display as menu item for this aux */
bool isMenu(void) { return _menu; } /**< Return whether embedded in the menu or not */
bool isValid(void) const; /**< Validate all AutoConnectInput value */
bool release(const String& name); /**< Release an AutoConnectElement */
bool setElementValue(const String& name, const String value); /**< Set value to specified element */
bool setElementValue(const String& name, std::vector<String> const& values); /**< Set values collection to specified element */
void setTitle(const String& title) { _title = title; } /**< Set a title of the auxiliary page */
void on(const AuxHandlerFunctionT handler, const AutoConnectExitOrder_t order = AC_EXIT_AHEAD) { _handler = handler; _order = order; } /**< Set user handler */
void onUpload(PageBuilder::UploadFuncT uploadFunc) override { _uploadHandler = uploadFunc; }
template<typename T>
void onUpload(T& uploadClass) {
static_assert(std::is_base_of<AutoConnectUploadHandler, T>::value, "onUpload type must be inherited AutoConnectUploadHandler");
_uploadHandler = std::bind(&T::upload, &uploadClass, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);
bool load(PGM_P in); /**< Load whole elements to AutoConnectAux Page */
bool load(const __FlashStringHelper* in); /**< Load whole elements to AutoConnectAux Page */
bool load(const String& in); /**< Load whole elements to AutoConnectAux Page */
bool load(Stream& in); /**< Load whole elements to AutoConnectAux Page */
bool loadElement(PGM_P in, const String& name = String("")); /**< Load specified element */
bool loadElement(PGM_P in, std::vector<String> const& names); /**< Load any specified elements */
bool loadElement(const __FlashStringHelper* in, const String& name = String("")); /**< Load specified element */
bool loadElement(const __FlashStringHelper* in, std::vector<String> const& names); /**< Load any specified elements */
bool loadElement(const String& in, const String& name = String("")); /**< Load specified element */
bool loadElement(const String& in, std::vector<String> const& names);/**< Load any specified elements */
bool loadElement(Stream& in, const String& name = String("")); /**< Load specified element */
bool loadElement(Stream& in, std::vector<String> const& names); /**< Load any specified elements */
size_t saveElement(Stream& out, std::vector<String> const& names = {}); /**< Write elements of AutoConnectAux to the stream */
TransferEncoding_t chunk; /**< Chunked transfer specified */
void upload(const String& requestUri, const HTTPUpload& upload); /**< Uploader wrapper */
void _concat(AutoConnectAux& aux); /**< Make up chain of AutoConnectAux */
void _join(AutoConnect& ac); /**< Make a link to AutoConnect */
PageElement* _setupPage(const String& uri); /**< AutoConnectAux page builder */
const String _insertElement(PageArgument& args); /**< Insert a generated HTML to the page built by PageBuilder */
const String _insertStyle(PageArgument& args); /**< Insert CSS style */
const String _injectTitle(PageArgument& args) const { (void)(args); return _title; } /**< Returns title of this page to PageBuilder */
const String _injectMenu(PageArgument& args); /**< Inject menu title of this page to PageBuilder */
const String _indicateUri(PageArgument& args); /**< Inject the uri that caused the request */
const String _indicateEncType(PageArgument& args); /**< Inject the ENCTYPE attribute */
void _storeElements(WebServerClass* webServer); /**< Store element values from contained in request arguments */
static AutoConnectElement& _nullElement(void); /**< A static returning value as invalid */
template<typename T>
bool _parseJson(T in);
bool _load(JsonObject& in); /**< Load all elements from JSON object */
bool _loadElement(JsonVariant& in, const String& name); /**< Load an element as specified name from JSON object */
bool _loadElement(JsonVariant& in, std::vector<String> const& names); /**< Load any elements as specified name from JSON object */
AutoConnectElement& _loadElement(JsonObject& in, const String& name); /**< Load an element as specified name from JSON object */
AutoConnectElement* _createElement(const JsonObject& json); /**< Create an AutoConnectElement instance from JSON object */
static ACElement_t _asElementType(const String& type); /**< Convert a string of element type to the enumeration value */
* Parse and load a JSON document which declares one of the AutoConnectElement.
* The compiler instantiates this template according to the stored data type that contains the JSON document.
* This template also generates different parsing function calls depending on the ArduinoJson version.
* @param T An object type of the JSON document which must be a passable object to ArduinoJson.
* @param U An instance of a souce name to load.
template<typename T, typename U,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<U, const String&>::value || std::is_same<U, std::vector<String> const&>::value>::type* = nullptr>
bool _parseElement(T in, U name) {
JsonVariant jb;
jb = jsonBuffer.parse(in);
if (!jb.success()) {
AC_DBG("JSON parse error\n");
return false;
DeserializationError err = deserializeJson(jsonBuffer, in);
if (err) {
AC_DBG("Deserialize:%s\n", err.c_str());
return false;
jb = jsonBuffer.as<JsonVariant>();
return _loadElement(jb, name);
String _title; /**< A title of the page */
bool _menu; /**< Switch for menu displaying */
String _uriStr; /**< uri as String */
AutoConnectElementVT _addonElm; /**< A vector set of AutoConnectElements placed on this auxiliary page */
AutoConnectAux* _next = nullptr; /**< Auxiliary pages chain list */
AutoConnect* _ac = nullptr; /**< Hosted AutoConnect instance */
AuxHandlerFunctionT _handler; /**< User sketch callback function when AutoConnectAux page requested. */
AutoConnectExitOrder_t _order; /**< The order in which callback functions are called. */
PageBuilder::UploadFuncT _uploadHandler; /**< The AutoConnectFile corresponding to current upload */
AutoConnectFile* _currentUpload; /**< AutoConnectFile handling the current upload */
static const char _PAGE_AUX[] PROGMEM; /**< Auxiliary page template */
// Protected members can be used from AutoConnect which handles AutoConnectAux pages.
friend class AutoConnect;