The [**handleClient**]( function of AutoConnect can include the response of the URI handler added by the user using the "*on*" function of ESP8266WebServer/WebServer. If ESP8266WebServer/WebServer is assigned internally by AutoConnect, the sketch can obtain that reference with the [**host**]( function.
AutoConnect first invokes *WiFi.begin*. If the case of SSID and Password missing, its *WiFi.begin* has no SSID and Password. The WiFi mode at this time is WIFI_STA. Then ESP8266WebServer/WebServer will be started immediately after the first *WiFi.begin* regardless of the result.
The captive portal will not be started if the connection has been established with first *WiFi.begin*. If the connection cannot establish, switch to WIFI_AP_STA mode and activate SoftAP. Then DNS server starts.
<dd><spanclass="apidef">config</span>Reference to [**AutoConnectConfig**]( containing SoftAP's parameters and static IP parameters.</dd>
Process the AutoConnect menu interface. The handleClient() function of the ESP8266WebServer/WebServer hosted by AutoConnect is also called from within AutoConnect and client requests contained in the user sketch handler are also handled.
The handleRequest function is not supposed to use with AutoConnect::handleClient. It should be used with ESP8266WebServer::handleClient or WebServer::handleClient.
<dd><spanclass="apidef">ap</span>SSID for SoftAP. The length should be up to 31. The default value is **esp8266ap** for ESP8266, **esp32ap** for ESP32.</dd>
<dd><spanclass="apidef">password</span>Password for SodtAP. The length should be from 8 to up to 63. The default value is **12345678**.</dd>
### <i class="fa fa-code"></i> Public member variables
#### apid
SoftAP's SSID.
#### apip
Sets IP address for Soft AP in captive portal. When AutoConnect fails the initial WiFi.begin, it starts the captive portal with the IP address specified this.
Automatically will try to reconnect with the past established access point (BSSID) when the current configured SSID in ESP8266/ESP32 could not be connected. By enabling this option, *AutoConnect::begin()* function will attempt to reconnect to a known access point using credentials stored in the EEPROM, even if the connection failed by current SSID.
<dd><spanclass="apidef"style="width:230px;">false</span>Starts Captive Portal in SoftAP + STA mode without trying to reconnect. This is the default.</dd>
When the autoReconnect option is enabled, an automatic connection will behave if the following conditions are satisfied.
- Invokes *AutoConnect::begin* without user name and password parameter as ```begin()```.
- If one of the saved BSSIDs (not the SSID) of the credentials matches the BSSID detected by the network scan.
Captive portal activation switch. False for disabling the captive portal. It prevents starting the captive portal even if the connection at the first *WiFi.begin* fails.
Sets the offset address of the credential storage area for EEPROM. This value must be between greater than 4 and less than flash sector size. (4096 by SDK)
The default value is 0.
!!! warning "It will conflict with user data."
If the sketch leaves this offset at zero, it will conflict the storage area of credentials with the user sketch owned data. It needs to use the behind of credential area.
Espressif Systems had announced the [application note]( about Wi-Fi channel selection.
Sets gateway address for Soft AP in captive portal. When AutoConnect fails the initial WiFi.begin, it starts the captive portal with the IP address specified this.
<dd><spanclass="apidef"style="width:230px;">0</span>SSID will be appeared. This is the default.</dd>
<dd><spanclass="apidef"style="width:230px;">1</span>SSID will be hidden.</dd>
#### homeUri
Sets the home path of user sketch. This path would be linked from 'HOME' in the AutoConnect menu.
#### netmask
Sets subnet mask for Soft AP in captive portal. When AutoConnect fails the initial WiFi.begin, it starts the captive portal with the IP address specified this.
Portal.begin(); // Starts and behaves captive portal
## <i class="fa fa-gift"></i> Something extra
The library presents two PNG icons which can be used to embed a hyperlink to the AutoConnect menu.
- Bar type <imgsrc=""title="AutoConnect menu"alt="AutoConnect menu"/>
- Cog type <imgsrc=""title="AutoConnect menu"alt="AutoConnect menu"/>
To reference the icon, use the **AUTOCONNECT_LINK** macro in the sketch. It expands into the string literal as an HTML ```<a></a>``` tag with PNG embedded of the AutoConnect menu hyperlinks. Icon type is specified by the parameter of the macro.