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6 years ago
# AutoConnect <small>for ESP8266</small>
An Arduino library for ESP8266 WLAN configuration at run time with web interface. [![Build Status](](
## Overview
To the dynamic configuration for joining to WLAN with SSID and PSK accordingly. It an Arduino library united with *ESP8266WebServer* class.
Easily implementing the Web interface constituting the WLAN for ESP8266 WiFi connection. With this library to make a sketch easily which connects from ESP8266 to the access point at runtime by the web interface without hard-coded SSID and password.
6 years ago
<img width="460" src="docs/images/ov.png" /><img width="182" src="docs/images/ov.gif" />
6 years ago
### No need pre-coded SSID &amp; password
It is no needed hard-coding in advance the SSID and Password into the sketch to connect between ESP8266 and WLAN. You can input SSID &amp; Password from a smartphone via the web interface at runtime.
### Simple usage
AutoConnect control screen will be displayed automatically for establishing new connections. It aids by the <a href="">captive portal</a> when vested the connection cannot be detected.<br>By using the **AutoConnect menu**, to manage the connections convenient.
### <i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right" aria-hidden="true"></i> Store the established connection
<span class="lead">The connection authentication data as credentials are saved automatically in EEPROM of ESP8266 and You can select the past SSID from the [AutoConnect menu](</span>
### <i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right" aria-hidden="true"></i> Easy to embed in
<span class="lead">AutoConnect can be embedded easily into your sketch, just "**begin**" and "**handleClient**".</span>
### <i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right" aria-hidden="true"></i> Lives with the your sketches
<span class="lead">The sketches which provide the web page using ESP8266WebServer there is, AutoConnect will not disturb it. AutoConnect can use an already instantiated ESP8266WebServer object, or itself can assign it.</span>
## Supported hardware
Apply the [Arduino core]( of the ESP8266 Community.
- Generic ESP8266 modules
- Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266 (ESP-12)
- Heltec WiFi Kit 8
- NodeMCU 0.9 (ESP-12) / NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E)
- Olimex MOD-WIFI-ESP8266
- SparkFun Thing
- SweetPea ESP-210
## Simple usage
### The AutoConnect menu
### How embed the AutoConnect to the sketches you have
Most simple approach to applying AutoConnect for the existing sketches, follow the below steps.
<img src="docs/images/BeforeAfter.svg">
## More usages and Documentation
The documentation is available on, here are some shortcuts:
- Installation.
- Getting started.
- Usage the Library.
- API reference.
- FAQ.
## License
License under the [MIT license](LICENSE).