You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#### [1.1.5] Apr. 15, 2020
- Changed the [bootUri behavior]( to be an automatic pop-up at the captive portal.
- Supports AutoConnect [menu configuration](
- Supports the built-in OTA feature as [AutoConnectOTA](
- Supports an attempt order when available APs would be found multiple, and RSSI lower bound on AP signal strength. This option can specify the order of connection attempting according to the WiFi signal strength indicated with RSSI.
5 years ago
#### [1.1.4] Feb. 14, 2020
- Supports for overriding text of the menu items with user-defined labels.
- Fixed the compiler warning with experimental WiFi mode of ESP8266.
#### [1.1.3] Jan. 1, 2020
- Removed compiler warning of unused.
- Improved Config New button behavior.
- Fixed relocate Config New menu URI inability.
#### [1.1.2] Oct. 22, 2019
- Fixed crash when no SSID found.
- Fixed memory leak on destruction.
#### [1.1.1] Oct. 17, 2019
- Fixed crash with unique_ptr deleting reference content.
- Fixed disconnection request initialization missing.
#### [1.1.0] Oct. 15, 2019
- Supports static IPs with the [**Configure new AP**]( menu.
- Fixed compilation error that no member named 'printTo' with ArduinoJson 5.
#### [1.0.3] Sept. 30, 2019
- Fixed a return of AutoConnectCredential::entries().
#### [1.0.2] Sept. 19, 2019
- Fixed compilation error that no member named 'success' with ArduinoJson 5.
- Fixed SSID non termination.
- Fixed compilation error that getBytesLength missing with ESP32.
- Added #include directive restriction for EEPROM and ESP8266httpUpdate to FAQ.
#### [1.0.1] Sept. 13, 2019
- Added a sketch for ESP32 boards that migrates credentials stored in EEPROM partition to the Preferences.
#### [1.0.0] Sept. 7, 2019
- Supports Arduino core for ESP32 1.0.3.
- Supports AutoConnectUpdate for the [OTA update](
- Supports Preferences for saving credentials with ESP32 core 1.0.3 and later. **In ESP32, the credentials stored past in EEPROM will lose**.
- Supports [**AutoConnectAux::isValid**]( function.
- Supports the [**global**]( attribute with all AutoConnectElements.
#### [0.9.12] Aug. 18, 2019
- Fixed missing captive portal notifications on the newer mobile OS client. As a result of this fix, the SoftAP default IP address and gateway have been changed to ****.
#### [0.9.11] July 13, 2019
- Supports new element as AutoConnectSytle that can insert the custom CSS into AutoConnectAux page.
- Supports that `<br>` tags can now be added to each element.
- Supports that able to place the checkbox label forward or backward.
- Supports flicker signal output according to the status of WiFi_mode.
- Supports [**AutoConnectAux::fetchElement**]( function to retrieve inputted element values via a custom Web page.
- Fixed bug in AutoConnectCredential when offset is >256.
#### [0.9.10] June 12, 2019
- Fixed the unable to get AutoConnectElemets values in the sketch with ESP8266 arduino core 2.5.2.
#### [0.9.9] May 25, 2019
- Supports ESP8266 Arduino core 2.5.2.
- Menu text/background color can be statically customized.
6 years ago
- Added the [enable]( attribute to the AutoConnectElements. This attribute gives dynamically change to the element activation during the sketch executing.
- Added ID attribute to HTML tag generated from AutoConnectText.
- Fixed the input box layout collapsed.
- Fixed that the decoration of AutoConnectButton was disabled.
- Fixed that the value remains even after clearing the option with AutoConnectSelect.
- Fixed that an alignment violation exception occurred when loading AutoConnectAux described by JSON with PROGMEM attribute.
#### [0.9.8] May 3, 2019
- Supports ArduinoJson 6.9.1 or later.
- Supports allocating JsonDocument buffer to PSRAM on ESP32 with ArduinoJson 6.10.0 or later.
- Supports [**operator`[]`**]( as a shortcut for AutoConnectAux::getElement function.
- Supports [**AutoConnectElement::as<T\>**]( function to easily coding for conversion from an AutoConnectElement to an actual type.
- Supports new element type [**AutoConnectFile**]( and built-in file uploader.
- Supports a [**format**]( attribute with the AutoConnectText element.
- Supports a [**selected**]( attribute with the AutoConnectSelect element.
- Supports multiple element loading with [AutoConnectAux::loadElement](
- Changed menu labels placement in source files structure.
- Changed API interface of [**AutoConnect::where]( function.
- Fixed blank page responds with Configure new.
- Fixed loading elements value missing.
- Fixed losing elements in saveElement with ArduinoJson V6.
- Fixed compile error with older than ESP8266 core 2.5.0.
#### [0.9.7] Jan. 25, 2019
- Fixed crash in some environments. Thank you @ageurtse
- Supports AutoConnect menu extension by user sketch with [**AutoConnectAux**](
- Supports loading and saving of user-defined parameters with JSON format.
- Improved the WiFi connection sequence at the first WiFi.begin. Even if [**AutoConnectConfig::autoReconnect**]( is disabled when SSID and PSK are not specified, it will use the information of the last established access point. The autoReconnect option will achieve trying the connect after a previous connection failed.
- Supports the [**AutoConnectConfig::immediateStart**]( option and immediately starts the portal without first trying WiFi.begin. You can start the captive portal at any time in combination with the [**AutoConnectConfig::autoRise**]( option.
- Improved boot uri after reset. [**AutoConnectConfig::bootUri**]( can be specified either /_ac or HOME path as the uri to be accessed after invoking Reset from AutoConnect menu.
- Improved source code placement of predefined macros. Defined common macros have been moved to ```AutoConnectDefs.h```.
- Supports [**AutoConnectConfig::hostName**]( It activates ```WiFi.hostname()```/```WiFi.setHostName()```.
- Supports the captive portal time-out. It can be controlled by [**AutoConnectConfig::portalTimeout**]( and [**AutoConnectConfig::retainPortal**](
6 years ago
#### [0.9.6] Sept.27, 2018.
6 years ago
- Improvement of RSSI detection for saved SSIDs.
- Fixed disconnection SoftAP completely at the first connection phase of the [**AutoConnect::begin**](
6 years ago
7 years ago
#### [0.9.5] Aug.27, 2018.
- Supports ESP32.
- Fixed that crash may occur if the number of stored credentials in the EEPROM is smaller than the number of found WiFi networks.
#### [0.9.4] May 5, 2018.
- Automatically focus passphrase after selecting SSID with Configure New AP.
- Supports [**AutoConnectConfig::autoReconnect**]( option, it will scan the WLAN when it can not connect to the default SSID, apply the applicable credentials if it is saved, and try reconnecting.
#### [0.9.3] March 23, 2018.
- Supports a static IP address assignment.
#### [0.9.2] March 19, 2018.
- Improvement of string literal declaration with the examples, no library change.
#### [0.9.1] March 13, 2018.
- A release of the stable.