* @file
* @author Steve Lascos
* @company Blackaddr Audio
* LibBasicFunctions is a collection of helpful functions and classes that make
* it easier to perform common tasks in Audio applications.
* @copyright This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.*
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "Audio.h"
#include "BATypes.h"
#include "LibMemoryManagement.h"
namespace BAGuitar {
* QueuePosition is used for storing the index (in an array of queues) and the
* offset within an audio_block_t data buffer. Useful for dealing with large
* windows of audio spread across multiple audio data blocks.
struct QueuePosition {
int offset; ///< offset in samples within an audio_block_t data buffer
int index; ///< index in an array of audio data blocks
/// Calculate the exact sample position in an array of audio blocks that corresponds
/// to a particular offset given as time.
/// @param milliseconds length of the interval in milliseconds
/// @returns a struct containing the index and offset
QueuePosition calcQueuePosition(float milliseconds);
/// Calculate the exact sample position in an array of audio blocks that corresponds
/// to a particular offset given as a number of samples
/// @param milliseconds length of the interval in milliseconds
/// @returns a struct containing the index and offset
QueuePosition calcQueuePosition(size_t numSamples);
/// Calculate the number of audio samples (rounded up) that correspond to a
/// given length of time.
/// @param milliseconds length of the interval in milliseconds
/// @returns the number of corresonding audio samples.
size_t calcAudioSamples(float milliseconds);
/// Calculate the number of audio samples (usually an offset) from
/// a queue position.
/// @param position specifies the index and offset within a queue
/// @returns the number of samples from the start of the queue array to the
/// specified position.
size_t calcOffset(QueuePosition position);
/// Clear the contents of an audio block to zero
/// @param block pointer to the audio block to clear
void clearAudioBlock(audio_block_t *block);
/// Perform an alpha blend between to audio blocks. Performs
/// out = dry*(1-mix) + wet*(mix)
/// @param out pointer to the destination audio block
/// @param dry pointer to the dry audio
/// @param wet pointer to the wet audio
/// @param mix float between 0.0 and 1.0.
void alphaBlend(audio_block_t *out, audio_block_t *dry, audio_block_t* wet, float mix);
/// Applies a gain to the audio via fixed-point scaling accoring to
/// out = int * (vol * 2^coeffShift)
/// @param out pointer to output audio block
/// @param in pointer to input audio block
/// @param vol volume cofficient between -1.0 and +1.0
/// @param coeffShift number of bits to shiftt the coefficient
void gainAdjust(audio_block_t *out, audio_block_t *in, float vol, int coeffShift = 0);
class RingBuffer; // forward declare so AudioDelay can use it.
* Audio delays are a very common function in audio processing. In addition to
* being used for simply create a delay effect, it can also be used for buffering
* a sliding window in time of audio samples. This is useful when combining
* several audio_block_t data buffers together to form one large buffer for
* FFTs, etc.
* @details The buffer works like a queue. You add new audio_block_t when available,
* and the class will return an old buffer when it is to be discarded from the queue.
* Note that using INTERNAL memory means the class will only store a queue
* of pointers to audio_block_t buffers, since the Teensy Audio uses a shared memory
* approach. When using EXTERNAL memory, data is actually copyied to/from an external
* SRAM device.
constexpr size_t AUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE = sizeof(int16_t)*AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES;
class AudioDelay {
AudioDelay() = delete;
/// Construct an audio buffer using INTERNAL memory by specifying the max number
/// of audio samples you will want.
/// @param maxSamples equal or greater than your longest delay requirement
AudioDelay(size_t maxSamples);
/// Construct an audio buffer using INTERNAL memory by specifying the max amount of
/// time you will want available in the buffer.
/// @param maxDelayTimeMs max length of time you want in the buffer specified in milliseconds
AudioDelay(float maxDelayTimeMs);
/// Construct an audio buffer using a slot configured with the BAGuitar::ExternalSramManager
/// @param slot a pointer to the slot representing the memory you wish to use for the buffer.
AudioDelay(ExtMemSlot *slot);
/// Add a new audio block into the buffer. When the buffer is filled,
/// adding a new block will push out the oldest once which is returned.
/// @param blockIn pointer to the most recent block of audio
/// @returns the buffer to be discarded, or nullptr if not filled (INTERNAL), or
/// not applicable (EXTERNAL).
audio_block_t *addBlock(audio_block_t *blockIn);
/// When using INTERNAL memory, returns the pointer for the specified index into buffer.
/// @details, the most recent block is 0, 2nd most recent is 1, ..., etc.
/// @param index the specifies how many buffers older than the current to retrieve
/// @returns a pointer to the requested audio_block_t
audio_block_t *getBlock(size_t index);
/// Retrieve an audio block (or samples) from the buffer.
/// @details when using INTERNAL memory, only supported size is AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES. When using
/// EXTERNAL, a size smaller than AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES can be requested.
/// @param dest pointer to the target audio block to write the samples to.
/// @param offsetSamples data will start being transferred offset samples from the start of the audio buffer
/// @param numSamples default value is AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES, so typically you don't have to specify this parameter.
/// @returns true on success, false on error.
bool getSamples(audio_block_t *dest, size_t offsetSamples, size_t numSamples = AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES);
/// When using EXTERNAL memory, this function can return a pointer to the underlying ExtMemSlot object associated
/// with the buffer.
/// @returns pointer to the underlying ExtMemSlot.
ExtMemSlot *getSlot() const { return m_slot; }
/// Ween using INTERNAL memory, thsi function can return a pointer to the underlying RingBuffer that contains
/// audio_block_t * pointers.
/// @returns pointer to the underlying RingBuffer
RingBuffer *getRingBuffer() const { return m_ringBuffer; }
/// enumerates whether the underlying memory buffer uses INTERNAL or EXTERNAL memory
enum class MemType : unsigned {
MEM_INTERNAL = 0, ///< internal audio_block_t from the Teensy Audio Library is used
MEM_EXTERNAL ///< external SPI based ram is used
MemType m_type; ///< when 0, INTERNAL memory, when 1, external MEMORY.
RingBuffer *m_ringBuffer = nullptr; ///< When using INTERNAL memory, a RingBuffer will be created.
ExtMemSlot *m_slot = nullptr; ///< When using EXTERNAL memory, an ExtMemSlot must be provided.
* IIR BiQuad Filter - Direct Form I
* y[n] = b0 * x[n] + b1 * x[n-1] + b2 * x[n-2] + a1 * y[n-1] + a2 * y[n-2]
* Some design tools (like Matlab assume the feedback coefficients 'a' are negated. You
* may have to negate your 'a' coefficients.
* @details Note that the ARM CMSIS-DSP library requires an extra zero between first
* and second 'b' coefficients. E.g.
* {b10, 0, b11, b12, a11, a12, b20, 0, b21, b22, a21, a22, ...}
class IirBiQuadFilter {
IirBiQuadFilter() = delete;
/// Construct a Biquad filter with specified number of stages, coefficients and scaling.
/// @details See CMSIS-DSP documentation for more details
/// @param numStages number of biquad stages. Each stage has 5 coefficients.
/// @param coeffs pointer to an array of Q31 fixed-point coefficients (range -1 to +0.999...)
/// @param coeffShift coeffs are multiplied by 2^coeffShift to support coefficient range scaling
IirBiQuadFilter(unsigned numStages, const int32_t *coeffs, int coeffShift = 0);
virtual ~IirBiQuadFilter();
/// Process the data using the configured IIR filter
/// @details output and input can be the same pointer if in-place modification is desired
/// @param output pointer to where the output results will be written
/// @param input pointer to where the input data will be read from
/// @param numSampmles number of samples to process
bool process(int16_t *output, int16_t *input, size_t numSamples);
const unsigned NUM_STAGES;
int32_t *m_coeffs = nullptr;
// ARM DSP Math library filter instance
arm_biquad_casd_df1_inst_q31 m_iirCfg;
int32_t *m_state = nullptr;
* A High-precision version of IirBiQuadFilter often necessary for complex, multistage
* filters. This class uses CMSIS-DSP biquads with 64-bit internal precision instead
* of 32-bit.
class IirBiQuadFilterHQ {
IirBiQuadFilterHQ() = delete;
/// Construct a Biquad filter with specified number of stages, coefficients and scaling.
/// @details See CMSIS-DSP documentation for more details
/// @param numStages number of biquad stages. Each stage has 5 coefficients.
/// @param coeffs pointer to an array of Q31 fixed-point coefficients (range -1 to +0.999...)
/// @param coeffShift coeffs are multiplied by 2^coeffShift to support coefficient range scaling
IirBiQuadFilterHQ(unsigned numStages, const int32_t *coeffs, int coeffShift = 0);
virtual ~IirBiQuadFilterHQ();
/// Process the data using the configured IIR filter
/// @details output and input can be the same pointer if in-place modification is desired
/// @param output pointer to where the output results will be written
/// @param input pointer to where the input data will be read from
/// @param numSampmles number of samples to process
bool process(int16_t *output, int16_t *input, size_t numSamples);
const unsigned NUM_STAGES;
int32_t *m_coeffs = nullptr;
// ARM DSP Math library filter instance
arm_biquad_cas_df1_32x64_ins_q31 m_iirCfg;
int64_t *m_state = nullptr;
* A single-precision floating-point biquad using CMSIS-DSP hardware instructions.
* @details Use this when IirBiQuadFilterHQ is insufficient, since that version
* is still faster with 64-bit fixed-point arithmetic.
class IirBiQuadFilterFloat {
IirBiQuadFilterFloat() = delete;
/// Construct a Biquad filter with specified number of stages and coefficients
/// @details See CMSIS-DSP documentation for more details
/// @param numStages number of biquad stages. Each stage has 5 coefficients.
/// @param coeffs pointer to an array of Q31 fixed-point coefficients (range -1 to +0.999...)
IirBiQuadFilterFloat(unsigned numStages, const float *coeffs);
virtual ~IirBiQuadFilterFloat();
/// Process the data using the configured IIR filter
/// @details output and input can be the same pointer if in-place modification is desired
/// @param output pointer to where the output results will be written
/// @param input pointer to where the input data will be read from
/// @param numberSampmles number of samples to process
bool process(float *output, float *input, size_t numSamples);
const unsigned NUM_STAGES;
float *m_coeffs = nullptr;
// ARM DSP Math library filter instance
arm_biquad_cascade_df2T_instance_f32 m_iirCfg;
float *m_state = nullptr;