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You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.
Added 1 ms offset to attack an release, to avoid clipping with 0 value. It seems that it's already implemented in the Audio Library, so it needs mors investigation.
Added filter mode function, to switch for band pass to a band stop filter with knob mid-course.
Modified readme to specify libraries used.
Moved MIDI offset from Mega 1 to Teensy, so it can be applied only for internal midi, and note for usb.
Added an intermediate function for note on and note off, to add offset from internal midi.
Modified keyboard hidden settings.
Modified mod wheel handling (almost ok) and pitch bend as well (no that good).
Added infos to readme, and pictures.
Function settings added : keymode (keytrack), retrigger (legato), detune, bitcrush, midi in & out channel setting.
All function settings are saved to eeprom.
Added optional detune for analog-like sound, with three level of setting.