Minor modifications.

Modified (but commented out) audio setup for testing purpose.
Completed comments to Mega 1 and Teensy sketches.
Pierre-Loup Martin 4 years ago
parent 8f3496b4bb
commit 357894ac72
  1. 69
  2. 18
  3. 10
  4. 124

@ -70,15 +70,33 @@
* RX1 from teensy 19
* Note on switches : every switch is active low, using the internal pull-up resistor.
* The keys are active low with internal pull-up too.
* Note on rotary selectors : the one I found are 12-positions selector, with a setting washer limiting their travel.
* Here six positions are used, but more or less could be used as well to suit one needs for different waveforms.
* They are wired with a resistor array between their pins, with ground on the first pin, +5V on the sixth pin,
* and a 510ohm resistor between first and second pin, second and third, etc.
* (five resistors total for a six-position switch)
* Note on transpose (octave) switch : I used a three position temporary switch (ON)-OFF-(ON),
* each of its (ON) pin mapped to a different digital input.
* They share the same MIDI control command, sending 0 for octave - and 127 for octave +.
* Two tact switches can be used instead of this three-position switch, without modification of the code.
// includes
#include "MIDI.h"
#include "PushButton.h"
#include "ExpFilter.h"
#include "MIDI.h" // https://github.com/FortySevenEffects/arduino_midi_library
#include "PushButton.h" // https://github.com/troisiemetype/PushButton
#include "ExpFilter.h" // https://github.com/troisiemetype/expfilter
#include "defs.h"
// Constants
const uint8_t NUM_KEYS = 30;
// const uint8_t MIDI_OFFSET = 48; // todo : move to teensy !
// const uint8_t MIDI_OFFSET = 48; // moved to teensy !
const uint8_t NUM_SWITCHES = 15;
const uint8_t NUM_POTS = 16;
@ -94,6 +112,12 @@ const uint8_t KEYS[NUM_KEYS] = {
PushButton keys[NUM_KEYS];
* For memory : pin definitions. Some have moved, I let them here in case it would be needed.
* They could be used to init switch and pots tables and make them more readable,
* but once they are set they are unlikely to be modified.
const uint8_t PIN_MOD_MIX_1 = 2;
const uint8_t PIN_MOD_MIX_2 = 3;
@ -135,29 +159,42 @@ const uint8_t APIN_MIX_NOISE = A14;
const uint8_t APIN_MIX_EXT = A15;
// Every pin is defined through tables grouped by category. Pots, switches, keys (above).
// The main and setup loop can thus iterate the table to update every reanding easily.
const uint8_t APIN[NUM_POTS] = {A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15};
// Vars
// storing the last reading
uint16_t potState[NUM_POTS];
// switches pinout. Every switch is active low, and uses the internal pull-up resistor of the Atmega chip.
const uint8_t PIN[NUM_SWITCHES] = {3, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 14, 15, 16};
// Deboucing is handled by the push button library, as well as key initialisation and reading.
PushButton switches[NUM_SWITCHES];
// ExpFilter "debounces" ADC readings, filter noise. The readings only change when the users efectively moves a pot.
ExpFilter pots[NUM_POTS];
uint8_t selectors[NUM_SELECTORS];
// Keyboard
bool keyState[NUM_KEYS];
// Mixer
// Mixer stores the values from potentiometers and switches, because switch turn channel on / off.
// Depending of the switch position, the value from the potentiometer is to be sent or not,
// and when turned on the potentiometer value has to be sent again.
uint16_t mix[5];
bool mixSw[5];
// Misc
uint8_t defaultVelocity = 64;
// update flag for data request from Teensy.
bool update = 0;
// Internal communication between the three boards ca be faster then MIDI standard. They handle it well.
// They could probably handle a baudrate of 250000 or 500000.
struct midiSettings : public midi::DefaultSettings{
// static const bool UseRunningStatus = true;
static const long BaudRate = 115200;
@ -254,6 +291,8 @@ void loop(){
// This is equivalent to the map() function provided by Arduino.
// For some reason it didn't work well, so I wrote this one, that also bounds the value.
int32_t remap(int32_t value, int32_t lowerIn, int32_t upperIn, int32_t lowerOut, int32_t upperOut){
int32_t inRange = upperIn - lowerIn;
int32_t outRange = upperOut - lowerOut;
@ -266,6 +305,9 @@ int32_t remap(int32_t value, int32_t lowerIn, int32_t upperIn, int32_t lowerOut,
return value;
// Send a 14-bits control change.
// Control change from 0 to 31 are 14-bits long control change,
// each one associated with a LSB CC command ranging from 32 to 63.
void sendLongControlChange(uint8_t controlChange, uint16_t value, uint8_t channel = 1){
uint8_t valueHigh = value >> 7;
uint8_t valueLow = value & 0x7F;
@ -273,6 +315,14 @@ void sendLongControlChange(uint8_t controlChange, uint16_t value, uint8_t channe
midi1.sendControlChange(controlChange + 32, valueLow, channel);
// Handle switch + potentiometer combo for mixer.
* Update is sent when :
* Switch is turned OFF : volume 0 is sent.
* Switch is turned ON : last potentiometer value is sent.
* Potentiomter is moved AND switch is on : current volume is sent.
* When potentiometer is moved but switch is OFF, current value is localy stored but not sent.
void updateMix(uint8_t ch, bool fromSw = 0){
uint16_t value = 0;
@ -345,6 +395,7 @@ void updateSwitches(){
case 6:
// pin 8
// Mixer switches are handled by a dedicate function with pots.
mixSw[0] = (bool)change;
updateMix(0, 1);
@ -425,6 +476,8 @@ void updateControls(){
midi1.sendPitchBend((int16_t)value, 1);
case 4:
// Mod wheel uses a standard 270° potentiometer, but its course is around 90°.
// The input value is then remaped to the standard MIDI 14-bits range.
controlChange = CC_MOD_WHEEL;
value = remap(value, 360, 660, 0, 16384);
// value = map(value, 360, 660, 0, 16384);
@ -432,10 +485,13 @@ void updateControls(){
case 5:
// rotary selector : value must be divided by ~170
// Selectors use resistor array, as explained at the begining of this file.
// the divisions "re-maps" the 10-bits range of the ADC to the 0-6 range we need.
controlChange = CC_OSC1_RANGE;
value /= 170;
value = 5 - value;
// We have to check if the value after dividing is different from the previous one !
// Otherwise each selector change will send dozens of useless update !
if(value == selectors[0]){
} else {
@ -490,7 +546,7 @@ void updateControls(){
case 11:
// mix is to be sent only if switch is on.
// mix is to be sent only if switch is on, and is handled by a dedicated function (see above).
// controlChange = CC_OSC1_MIX;
mix[0] = value;
@ -519,6 +575,7 @@ void updateControls(){
// See comment about 14-bits control change at the sendLongControlChange() function.
if( controlChange < 32){
sendLongControlChange(controlChange, value, 1);
} else {
@ -527,6 +584,8 @@ void updateControls(){
// Handle requests from Teensy. For now, the only one needed is a global update.
// Maybe it could be usefull to use the data byte to specify which kind of controls are to be updated.
void handleControlChange(uint8_t channel, uint8_t command, uint8_t value){

@ -56,10 +56,19 @@
* RX1 from teensy 19
* Note on switches : every switch is active low, using the internal pull-up resistor.
* Note : Mega 2 has less things to handle then the Mega 1, but main functions are the same.
* See Mega1.ino for more exhaustive comments on functions.
// includes
#include "MIDI.h"
#include "PushButton.h"
#include "ExpFilter.h"
#include "MIDI.h" // https://github.com/FortySevenEffects/arduino_midi_library
#include "PushButton.h" // https://github.com/troisiemetype/PushButton
#include "ExpFilter.h" // https://github.com/troisiemetype/expfilter
#include "defs.h"
@ -71,6 +80,7 @@ const uint8_t POT_FILTER_COEF = 20;
// Note : pins are defined via tables, to improve code efficiency.
// Digital pin definition
// Only three digital pins are used, from 2 to 4. So this one is used as base to set the table in setup().
const uint8_t PIN_FILTER_MOD = 2;
const uint8_t PIN_KEYBOARD_CTRL_1 = 3;
@ -128,6 +138,8 @@ void setup(){
// Run init sequence to debounce switches and filter pots, so it's running for stable values.
// This one causes a bug on Mega 1, that I don't understand.
// Here it works perfect, when the system powers up every control is updated to its current state.
uint32_t initEnd = millis() + 500;
while(millis() < initEnd){
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_SWITCHES; ++i){

@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ AudioAnalyzePeak peakPreFilter; //xy=2254.7498779296875,147.75
AudioAnalyzePrint printPreFilter; //xy=2254.7498779296875,184.75001525878906
AudioMixer4 bandMixer; //xy=2363,392
AudioEffectEnvelope mainEnvelope; //xy=2542,393
AudioAnalyzePrint printPostFilter; //xy=2542.75,427.75
AudioAnalyzePeak peakPostFilter; //xy=2542.75,462.75
AudioAnalyzePrint printPostFilter; //xy=2545.7498779296875,430.75
AudioEffectBitcrusher bitCrushOutput; //xy=2778,390
AudioAmplifier masterVolume; //xy=2971,389
AudioOutputI2S i2s; //xy=3140,370
AudioOutputI2S i2s; //xy=3142.9998779296875,389
AudioConnection patchCord1(dcFilterEnvelope, filterEnvelope);
AudioConnection patchCord2(dcOscTune, 0, mainTuneMixer, 1);
AudioConnection patchCord3(dcKeyTrack, 0, mainTuneMixer, 0);
@ -103,4 +103,10 @@ AudioConnection patchCord50(mainEnvelope, bitCrushOutput);
AudioConnection patchCord51(bitCrushOutput, masterVolume);
AudioConnection patchCord52(masterVolume, 0, i2s, 0);
AudioConnection patchCord53(masterVolume, 0, i2s, 1);
// Sync connection
//AudioConnection patchCord54(osc1Waveform, 1, osc2Waveform, 2);
//AudioConnection patchCord55(osc1Waveform, 1, osc3Waveform, 2);
// Sync connection -end
// GUItool: end automatically generated code

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
* I2S LRCLK1 20
* I2S BCLK1 21
* D+ & D- are also used to break the USB port to the rear panel
* There are provision on the rear panel for sustain and expression control, not implemented yet.
#include <Audio.h>
@ -56,33 +56,56 @@
#include "Timer.h"
// constants
// my pots never go full clockwise... :/ So this can be used to adapt their range.
const uint16_t RESO = 1005;
const uint16_t HALF_RESO = RESO / 2;
// There is a function that handles and tracks the key presses. Here is the max.
// It can me more, but whith ten fingers on a monophonic synth, I think this is enough !
const uint8_t KEYTRACK_MAX = 10;
// Mega1 sends midi note 0 for the lower note ; we offset it by for octave to get into the usefull range
const uint8_t MIDI_OFFSET = 48;
//const uint8_t MIDI_OFFSET = 0;
// To be modified according to keybed used. It's actualy not used, and any note can be handled from MIDI in.
const uint8_t NUM_KEYS = 30;
// Octave range for oscillators and filter.
const uint8_t MAX_OCTAVE = 10;
const uint8_t FILTER_MAX_OCTAVE = 5;
// The base for computing DC levels for keys, modulation, pitchbend, etc.
const float NOTE_MIDI_0 = 8.1757989156434;
const float NOTE_RATIO = 1.0594630943593;
const float HALFTONE_TO_DC = (float)1 / (MAX_OCTAVE * 12);
const float FILTER_HALFTONE_TO_DC = (float)1 / (FILTER_MAX_OCTAVE * 12);
// Filter base frequency : the filter cutoff frequency varies around this value.
const float FILTER_BASE_FREQUENCY = 440.0;
// This corresponds to the min and max values for the variable filter available in the Teensy Audio library,
// which is used by the synth.
/* Note about the state variable (Chamberlin) filter:
* This filter can self oscillate, if given a resonnance value of around 50000.
* (and the library modified to accept such value ; the setter limits it to 5).
* It gives a nice sounding, pure sinewave.
* Problem is, usefull range for varying resonnace is about what the bare library allows (from 0.7 to 5).
* It would be nice to test some exponential course to enable both continuous resonance modification AND self-oscillation.
* I've tried some modifications, but couldn't come to something usable.
const float FILTER_MIN_Q = 0.7;
const float FILTER_MAX_Q = 5;
// Max mixer value for eahc channel if we want to avoid clipping.
// Value of 1 can be used, but induces distortion when more than one oscillator is used.
// Feedback should have its own value. If MAX_MIX is one feedback is powerfull,
// but with this value the difference with and without feedback is barrely noticeable.
const float MAX_MIX = 0.32;
// pots never go full clockwise... :/
const uint16_t RESO = 1010;
const uint16_t HALF_RESO = RESO / 2;
// To be put in Mega1 sketch, so it sends a value on 14 bits.
// Note : the pitchbend wheel poses problems on the other sketch. For now it will stay like that,
// but there is room for improvement.
//343 - 492 - 500 - 651
const int16_t PITCH_BEND_MIN = 343;
const int16_t PITCH_BEND_MAX = 651;
@ -91,6 +114,7 @@ const int16_t PITCH_BEND_COURSE = PITCH_BEND_MAX - PITCH_BEND_MIN;
// Maximum attack, decay, release and glide time (in milliseconds)
// These use an exponential course to have both fine-tune of low values and a great range.
const float MAX_ATTACK_TIME = 10000;
const float MAX_DECAY_TIME = 10000;
const float MAX_RELEASE_TIME = 10000;
@ -102,9 +126,12 @@ const uint16_t MOD_WHEEL_MAX = 666;
// Teensy can reset both Mega, if needed.
const uint8_t MEGA1_RST = 2;
const uint8_t MEGA2_RST = 18;
// Addresses for settings storing in memory. It uses Arduino's EEPROM functions but is saved to RAM on Teensy 4.0.
const uint16_t EE_BITCRUSH_ADD = 0;
const uint16_t EE_KEYBOARD_MODE_ADD = 1;
const uint16_t EE_MIDI_IN_CH_ADD = 2;
@ -118,7 +145,7 @@ const uint16_t EE_MOD_WHEEL_FILTER_RANGE = 9;
const uint16_t EE_DETUNE_TABLE_ADD = 20;
// variables
// Note :
uint8_t internalMidiChannel = 1;
uint8_t midiInChannel = 1;
uint8_t midiOutChannel = 1;
@ -137,9 +164,13 @@ bool function = 0;
bool oscMod = 0;
bool decay = 0;
// note : not used. It was intended to copy decay to release as on the orignal minimoog,
// but a release pot is present here.
// Anyway, the code is there, commented out, and there is a CC for it.
float filterDecay = 0;
float egDecay = 0;
// Stores the current band value, for recall when the band mode is changed.
int16_t filterBandValue = 0;
uint8_t pitchBendRange = 3;
@ -149,9 +180,15 @@ uint8_t modWheelFilterRange = 12;
// Waveforms
// detune table
// detune table. For emulating resistor-ladder keybed and induce key detuning.
float detuneTable[128];
// keyTrack
* Note on keytrack : there are two "keytracks" on the synth.
* One is the filter keytrack, that reflects the note being played on the filter's cutoff frequency.
* The other (this one) is a system tracks key being pressed to send not according to note priority setting.
* A better name for one or the other should be found...
uint8_t keyTrackIndex = 0;
struct {
uint8_t key;
@ -212,7 +249,7 @@ struct midiSettings : public midi::DefaultSettings{
static const long BaudRate = 115200;
// USB midi for sending and receiving to other device or computer.
// USB midi for sending and receiving to and from other device or computer.
// The ones we use on synth for internal communication between Mega and Teensy
MIDI_CREATE_CUSTOM_INSTANCE(HardwareSerial, Serial1, midi1, midiSettings);
@ -269,7 +306,6 @@ void setup() {
// audio settings
@ -290,7 +326,7 @@ void setup() {
ampPitchBend.gain(pitchBendRange * HALFTONE_TO_DC * 2);
@ -327,6 +363,7 @@ void setup() {
globalMixer.gain(0, 1);
globalMixer.gain(1, 0);
globalMixer.gain(2, 1);
noiseMixer.gain(0, 1);
noiseMixer.gain(1, 0);
@ -373,7 +410,7 @@ void setup() {
digitalWrite(13, 0);
@ -402,7 +439,7 @@ void setup() {
@ -421,26 +458,32 @@ void loop() {
Serial.print("pre filter :\t");
Serial.print("post filter :\t");
// if(timerGraph.update()) printPreFilter.trigger();
// if(timerGraph.update()) printPostFilter.trigger();
// handle note on. compute dc to waveforms, glide enveloppe triggering, etc.
void noteOn(uint8_t note, uint8_t velocity, bool trigger = 1){
Serial.print("playing :");
// Note tracking.
nowPlaying = note;
// Applying detune per key.
float fineTune = detuneTable[note] * detuneCoeff[detune];
// float duration = 1.0 + (float)glideEn * (float)glide * 3.75;
float duration = 1.0 + (float)glideEn * glide * MAX_GLIDE_TIME;
float level = ((float)note + 12 * transpose) * HALFTONE_TO_DC;
level += fineTune;
// filter level is for cutoff freqeuncy keytrack. It's computed anyway, but enable through the corresponding mixer.
float filterLevel = (((float)note - FILTER_BASE_NOTE) + (12 * transpose)) * FILTER_HALFTONE_TO_DC;
filterLevel += fineTune;
@ -454,6 +497,7 @@ void noteOn(uint8_t note, uint8_t velocity, bool trigger = 1){
// Stop note.
void noteOff(){
@ -461,6 +505,8 @@ void noteOff(){
// Keytrack functions
// This one check if the key is the lower one, or not, and returns the index of the lower one.
int8_t keyTrackGetLower(uint8_t note){
uint8_t lower = 127;
int8_t lowerIndex = keyTrackIndex - 1;
@ -480,6 +526,7 @@ int8_t keyTrackGetLower(uint8_t note){
return lowerIndex;
// Ditto upper key.
int8_t keyTrackGetUpper(uint8_t note){
uint8_t upper = 0;
int8_t upperIndex = keyTrackIndex - 1;
@ -499,6 +546,7 @@ int8_t keyTrackGetUpper(uint8_t note){
return upperIndex;
// Add a key to the keytrack table.
int8_t keyTrackAdd(uint8_t note, uint8_t velocity){
// We only keep count of a limited quantity of notes !
if (keyTrackIndex >= KEYTRACK_MAX) return -1;
@ -514,6 +562,7 @@ int8_t keyTrackAdd(uint8_t note, uint8_t velocity){
return keyTrackIndex++;
// remove a key that has been released on the keyboard, and reorder all that were pressed after.
int8_t keyTrackRemove(uint8_t note){
int8_t update = -1;
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < keyTrackIndex; ++i){
@ -539,6 +588,10 @@ int8_t keyTrackRemove(uint8_t note){
return update;
// Handle note on. Internal MIDI from Mega 1 lands here.
// Dispatch to settings if the function switch is enable.
// Apply the keyboard offset (Mega 1 has its first key corresponding to MIDI note 0)
// Echo the offset note to usbMIDI out.
void handleInternalNoteOn(uint8_t channel, uint8_t note, uint8_t velocity){
handleKeyboardFunction(note, 1);
@ -548,6 +601,8 @@ void handleInternalNoteOn(uint8_t channel, uint8_t note, uint8_t velocity){
handleNoteOn(channel, note + MIDI_OFFSET, velocity);
// Handle note ON. usbMIDI in lands here.
// Define if the new note has to be played, according to notes already played and key priority.
void handleNoteOn(uint8_t channel, uint8_t note, uint8_t velocity){
Serial.print("note ");
@ -620,6 +675,9 @@ void handleNoteOn(uint8_t channel, uint8_t note, uint8_t velocity){
// handle internal note off.
// Apply offset from keyboard, echo to usb MIDI out.
void handleInternalNoteOff(uint8_t channel, uint8_t note, uint8_t velocity){
// handleKeyboardFunction(note, 0);
@ -629,6 +687,9 @@ void handleInternalNoteOff(uint8_t channel, uint8_t note, uint8_t velocity){
handleNoteOff(channel, note + MIDI_OFFSET, velocity);
// Handle note off.
// usbMIDI in lands here.
// Manage note priority, i.e. stopping the note released and re-triggering the previous one if needed.
void handleNoteOff(uint8_t channel, uint8_t note, uint8_t velocity){
Serial.print("note ");
@ -706,6 +767,9 @@ void handleNoteOff(uint8_t channel, uint8_t note, uint8_t velocity){
// internal pitch bend from Mega 1.
// Echo to usb MIDI out.
// Still work to do here, as there is still this bug on Mega 1 side.
void handleInternalPitchBend(uint8_t channel, int16_t bend){
if(function) handlePitchBendFunction();
@ -717,11 +781,15 @@ void handleInternalPitchBend(uint8_t channel, int16_t bend){
// Pitch bend from usb MIDI in lands here.
void handlePitchBend(uint8_t channel, int16_t bend){
dcPitchBend.amplitude(((float)bend) / 8190);
// neutral at -11 from u(bend - PITCH_BEND_NEUTRAL) * PITCH_BEND_INTERNAL_TO_MIDIp, -24 from down. :/
// Handle internal control changes, and probably some from outside
// all notes off is the only one implemented for now from usb MIDI in.
// Dispatch to settings when the function switch is on.
void handleControlChange(uint8_t channel, uint8_t command, uint8_t value){
handleCCFunction(command, value);
@ -731,6 +799,10 @@ void handleControlChange(uint8_t channel, uint8_t command, uint8_t value){
Serial.print("control change ");
// Long value reconstruct the 14-bits value send with CC 0-31, associated to CC LSB 32-63.
// Ramp value is used for glide, attack, decay and release, which have exponential settings.
// Short times can be precisely set, but longer are available as well.
uint16_t longValue = 0;
float rampValue = 0;
if(command < 32){
@ -760,6 +832,8 @@ void handleControlChange(uint8_t channel, uint8_t command, uint8_t value){
// The first 32 CC are empty, has we wait for the associated LSB CC to apply the whole value at once.
// CC_1
@ -920,11 +994,12 @@ void handleControlChange(uint8_t channel, uint8_t command, uint8_t value){
// CC_53
vcf.resonance(0.7 + (float)longValue / 237.90);
vcf.resonance(FILTER_MIN_Q + (float)longValue / FILTER_DIV_Q);
// CC_54
filterMixer.gain(1, (float)longValue / RESO);
// filterMixer.gain(1, (float)longValue / RESO);
filterMixer.gain(1, (float)(longValue - HALF_RESO) / RESO);
// CC_55
@ -1135,6 +1210,8 @@ void handleControlChange(uint8_t channel, uint8_t command, uint8_t value){
// CC_119
// LFO shape is centered around 0 (range from -1 to 1) when triangle (like a finger vibrato on a violin)
// Square is offset, ranging from 0 to 1, like a duo-tone siren.
if(value > 63){
@ -1156,6 +1233,8 @@ void handleControlChange(uint8_t channel, uint8_t command, uint8_t value){
// Handle key press when in function mode.
// Select the function to be set, then apply and save to memory the new setting.
void handleKeyboardFunction(uint8_t key, bool active){
@ -1205,6 +1284,7 @@ void handleKeyboardFunction(uint8_t key, bool active){
// note : the EEPROM.put() function could probably be called just once, but not all settings share the same type.
if(key > KEY_UPPER) return;
@ -1237,6 +1317,8 @@ void handleKeyboardFunction(uint8_t key, bool active){
filterMode = (filterMode_t)key;
EEPROM.put(EE_FILTER_MODE, filterMode);
// This is the same as in the CC handle function.
// Could probably be a dedicate function called from both place.
if(filterMode == FILTER_BAND_PASS){
if(filterBandValue < HALF_RESO){
bandMixer.gain(0, ((float)HALF_RESO - (float)filterBandValue) / HALF_RESO);
@ -1256,6 +1338,7 @@ void handleKeyboardFunction(uint8_t key, bool active){
// change (usb) midi in channel
// for memory : MIDI channels go from 1 to 16, hence the +1 offset.
if(key > 15)return;
midiInChannel = key + 1;
@ -1300,6 +1383,8 @@ void handlePitchBendFunction(){
// handle CC when in function mode
// todo : use filter band mode control to set function in this mode, instead of keyboard.
void handleCCFunction(uint8_t command, uint8_t value){
@ -1319,6 +1404,7 @@ void handleCCFunction(uint8_t command, uint8_t value){
// Compute a new detune table.
void resetDetuneTable(){
uint16_t address = EE_DETUNE_TABLE_ADD;
