You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

173 lines
5.4 KiB

import sys
import unittest
sys.path.insert(0, '../src')
import scriptform
from StringIO import StringIO
import json
import os
import copy
import thread
import time
import requests
import StringIO
base_config = {
"title": "test",
"forms": [
"name": "test",
"title": "title",
"description": "description",
"script": "",
"fields": [],
class FormConfigTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
Test the proper low-level handling of form configurations such as loading,
callbacks, etc.
def tearDownClass(cls):
if os.path.exists('tmp_stdout'):
if os.path.exists('tmp_stderr'):
def testMissing(self):
"""Missing script callbacks should raise an OSError"""
self.assertRaises(OSError, scriptform.ScriptForm, 'test_formconfig_missingscript.json')
def testNoExec(self):
"""Non-executable script callbacks should raise an ScriptFormError"""
self.assertRaises(scriptform.ScriptFormError, scriptform.ScriptForm, 'test_formconfig_noexec.json')
def testHidden(self):
"""Hidden forms should not show up in the list of forms"""
sf = scriptform.ScriptForm('test_formconfig_hidden.json')
fc = sf.get_form_config()
self.assertTrue(fc.get_visible_forms() == [])
def testCallbackStore(self):
"""Test a callback that returns output in strings"""
sf = scriptform.ScriptForm('test_formconfig_callback.json')
fc = sf.get_form_config()
res = fc.callback('test_store', {})
self.assertEquals(res['exitcode'], 33)
self.assertTrue('stdout' in res['stdout'])
self.assertTrue('stderr' in res['stderr'])
def testCallbackRaw(self):
"""Test a callback that returns raw output"""
sf = scriptform.ScriptForm('test_formconfig_callback.json')
fc = sf.get_form_config()
stdout = file('tmp_stdout', 'w+') # can't use StringIO
stderr = file('tmp_stderr', 'w+')
exitcode = fc.callback('test_raw', {}, stdout, stderr)
self.assertTrue(exitcode == 33)
self.assertTrue('stdout' in
class FormDefinitionTest(unittest.TestCase):
Form Definition tests. Mostly directly testing if validations work.
def setUp(self):
self.sf = scriptform.ScriptForm('test_formdefinition_validate.json')
self.fc = self.sf.get_form_config()
def testValidateString(self):
fd = self.fc.get_form_def('test_val_string')
form_values = {"val_string": "123"}
errors, values = fd.validate(form_values)
self.assertTrue('val_string' in errors)
self.assertTrue('Minimum' in errors['val_string'][0])
form_values = {"val_string": "1234567"}
errors, values = fd.validate(form_values)
self.assertTrue('val_string' in errors)
self.assertTrue('Maximum' in errors['val_string'][0])
def testValidateString(self):
fd = self.fc.get_form_def('test_val_integer')
form_values = {"val_integer": 3}
errors, values = fd.validate(form_values)
self.assertTrue('val_integer' in errors)
self.assertTrue('Minimum' in errors['val_integer'][0])
form_values = {"val_integer": 7}
errors, values = fd.validate(form_values)
self.assertTrue('val_integer' in errors)
self.assertTrue('Maximum' in errors['val_integer'][0])
def testValidateFloat(self):
fd = self.fc.get_form_def('test_val_float')
form_values = {"val_float": 2.05}
errors, values = fd.validate(form_values)
self.assertTrue('val_float' in errors)
self.assertTrue('Minimum' in errors['val_float'][0])
form_values = {"val_float": 2.31}
errors, values = fd.validate(form_values)
self.assertTrue('val_float' in errors)
self.assertTrue('Maximum' in errors['val_float'][0])
class WebAppTest(unittest.TestCase):
Test the web app by actually running the server and making web calls to it.
def setUpClass(cls):
def server_thread(sf):
cls.sf = scriptform.ScriptForm('test_webapp.json')
thread.start_new_thread(server_thread, (cls.sf, ))
# Wait until the webserver is ready
while True:
if cls.sf.running:
def tearDownClass(cls):
def testHidden(self):
"""Hidden forms shouldn't appear in the output"""
r = requests.get('http://localhost:8002/')
self.assertNotIn('Hidden form', r.text)
def testShown(self):
"""Non-hidden forms should appear in the output"""
r = requests.get('http://localhost:8002/')
self.assertIn('Output escaped', r.text)
def testOutputEscaped(self):
"""Form with 'escaped' output should have HTML entities escaped"""
data = {
"form_name": 'output_escaped',
"string": '<foo>'
r ='http://localhost:8002/submit', data)
self.assertIn('string=&lt;foo&gt;', r.text)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import coverage
cov = coverage.coverage(omit=['*test*'])