#!/usr/bin/env python # Todo: # # - How does script_raw check the exitcode? Document this. # - Default values for input fields. # - If there are errors in the form, its values are empties. import sys import optparse import os import stat import json import BaseHTTPServer from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler from SocketServer import ThreadingMixIn import cgi import re import datetime import subprocess import base64 import tempfile import hashlib html_header = '''


''' html_footer = '''
''' html_list = ''' {header}
{footer} ''' html_form = ''' {header}



{footer} ''' html_submit_response = ''' {header}



{footer} ''' class ValidationError(BaseException): pass class ScriptFormError(BaseException): pass class ScriptForm: """ 'Main' class that orchestrates parsing the Form configurations, hooking up callbacks and running the webserver. """ def __init__(self, config_file, callbacks=None): self.config_file = config_file if callbacks: self.callbacks = callbacks else: self.callbacks = {} self.basepath = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(config_file)) def get_form_config(self): # Cache if hasattr(self, 'form_config_singleton'): return self.form_config_singleton path = self.config_file config = json.load(file(path, 'r')) title = config['title'] forms = [] callbacks = self.callbacks users = None if 'users' in config: users = config['users'] for form_name, form in config['forms'].items(): if 'script' in form: script = os.path.join(self.basepath, form['script']) else: script = None forms.append( FormDefinition(form_name, form['title'], form['description'], form['fields'], script, output=form.get('output', 'escaped'), submit_title=form.get('submit_title', None), allowed_users=form.get('allowed_users', None)) ) form_config = FormConfig( config['title'], forms, callbacks, users ) self.form_config_singleton = form_config return form_config def run(self, listen_addr='', listen_port=80): ScriptFormWebApp.scriptform = self #ScriptFormWebApp.callbacks = self.callbacks WebSrv(ScriptFormWebApp, listen_addr=listen_addr, listen_port=listen_port) class FormConfig: def __init__(self, title, forms, callbacks={}, users={}): self.title = title self.users = users self.forms = forms self.callbacks = callbacks # Validate scripts for form_def in self.forms: if form_def.script: if not stat.S_IXUSR & os.stat(form_def.script)[stat.ST_MODE]: raise ScriptFormError("{0} is not executable".format(form_def.script)) else: if not form_name in self.callbacks: raise ScriptFormError("No script or callback registered for '{0}'".format(form_name)) def get_form(self, form_name): for form_def in self.forms: if form_def.name == form_name: return form_def else: raise ValueError("No such form: {0}".format(form_name)) def callback(self, form_name, form_values, output_fh=None): form = self.get_form(form_name) if form.script: return self.callback_script(form, form_values, output_fh) else: return self.callback_python(form, form_values, output_fh) def callback_script(self, form, form_values, output_fh=None): # Pass form values to the script through the environment as strings. env = os.environ.copy() for k, v in form_values.items(): env[k] = str(v) if form.output == 'raw': p = subprocess.Popen(form.script, shell=True, stdout=output_fh, stderr=output_fh, env=env) stdout, stderr = p.communicate(input) return None else: p = subprocess.Popen(form.script, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() return { 'stdout': stdout, 'stderr': stderr, 'exitcode': p.returncode } def callback_python(self, form, form_values, output_fh=None): pass class FormDefinition: """ FormDefinition holds information about a single form and provides methods for validation of the form values. """ def __init__(self, name, title, description, fields, script=None, output='escaped', submit_title="Submit", allowed_users=None): self.name = name self.title = title self.description = description self.fields = fields self.script = script self.output = output self.submit_title = submit_title self.allowed_users = allowed_users def get_field(self, field_name): for field in self.fields: if field['name'] == field_name: return field def validate(self, form_values): """ Validate all relevant fields for this form against form_values. """ errors = {} values = form_values.copy() # First make sure all required fields are there for field in self.fields: if 'required' in field and \ field['required'] is True and \ field['name'] not in form_values: errors.setdefault(field['name'], []).append( "This field is required" ) # Validate the field values, possible casting them to the correct type. for field in self.fields: field_name = field['name'] if field_name == 'form_name': continue try: v = self.validate_field(field_name, form_values) if v is not None: values[field_name] = v except ValidationError, e: errors.setdefault(field_name, []).append(str(e)) return (errors, values) def validate_field(self, field_name, form_values): """ Validate a field in this form. """ # Find field definition by iterating through all the fields. field_def = self.get_field(field_name) if not field_def: raise ValidationError("Unknown field: {0}".format(field_name)) field_type = field_def['type'] validate_cb = getattr(self, 'validate_{0}'.format(field_type), None) return validate_cb(field_def, form_values) def validate_string(self, field_def, form_values): value = form_values[field_def['name']] maxlen = field_def.get('maxlen', None) minlen = field_def.get('minlen', None) if minlen is not None and len(value) < minlen: raise ValidationError("Minimum length is {0}".format(minlen)) if maxlen is not None and len(value) > maxlen: raise ValidationError("Maximum length is {0}".format(maxlen)) return value def validate_integer(self, field_def, form_values): value = form_values[field_def['name']] max = field_def.get('max', None) min = field_def.get('min', None) try: value = int(value) except ValueError: raise ValidationError("Must be an integer number") if min is not None and value < min: raise ValidationError("Minimum value is {0}".format(min)) if max is not None and value > max: raise ValidationError("Maximum value is {0}".format(max)) return int(value) def validate_float(self, field_def, form_values): value = form_values[field_def['name']] max = field_def.get('max', None) min = field_def.get('min', None) try: value = float(value) except ValueError: raise ValidationError("Must be an real (float) number") if min is not None and value < min: raise ValidationError("Minimum value is {0}".format(min)) if max is not None and value > max: raise ValidationError("Maximum value is {0}".format(max)) return float(value) def validate_date(self, field_def, form_values): value = form_values[field_def['name']] max = field_def.get('max', None) min = field_def.get('min', None) try: value = datetime.datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%d').date() except ValueError: raise ValidationError("Invalid date, must be in form YYYY-MM-DD") if min is not None: if value < datetime.datetime.strptime(min, '%Y-%m-%d').date(): raise ValidationError("Minimum value is {0}".format(min)) if max is not None: if value > datetime.datetime.strptime(max, '%Y-%m-%d').date(): raise ValidationError("maximum value is {0}".format(max)) return value def validate_radio(self, field_def, form_values): value = form_values[field_def['name']] if not value in [o[0] for o in field_def['options']]: raise ValidationError( "Invalid value for radio button: {0}".format(value)) return value def validate_select(self, field_def, form_values): value = form_values[field_def['name']] if not value in [o[0] for o in field_def['options']]: raise ValidationError( "Invalid value for dropdown: {0}".format(value)) return value def validate_text(self, field_def, form_values): value = form_values[field_def['name']] minlen = field_def.get('minlen', None) maxlen = field_def.get('maxlen', None) if minlen is not None: if len(value) < minlen: raise ValidationError("minimum length is {0}".format(minlen)) if maxlen is not None: if len(value) > maxlen: raise ValidationError("maximum length is {0}".format(maxlen)) return value def validate_password(self, field_def, form_values): value = form_values[field_def['name']] minlen = field_def.get('minlen', None) if minlen is not None: if len(value) < minlen: raise ValidationError("minimum length is {0}".format(minlen)) return value def validate_file(self, field_def, form_values): value = form_values[field_def['name']] field_name = field_def['name'] upload_fname = form_values['{0}__name'.format(field_name)] upload_fname_ext = os.path.splitext(upload_fname)[-1].lstrip('.') extensions = field_def.get('extensions', None) if extensions is not None and upload_fname_ext not in extensions: raise ValidationError("Only file types allowed: {0}".format(','.join(extensions))) return value class ThreadedHTTPServer(ThreadingMixIn, BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer): pass class WebSrv: """ Very basic web server. """ def __init__(self, request_handler, listen_addr='', listen_port=80): httpd = ThreadedHTTPServer((listen_addr, listen_port), request_handler) httpd.serve_forever() class WebAppHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): """ Basic web server request handler. Handles GET and POST requests. This class should be extended with methods (starting with 'h_') to handle the actual requests. If no path is set, it dispatches to the 'index' or 'default' method. """ def do_GET(self): self.call(*self.parse(self.path)) def do_POST(self): form_values = cgi.FieldStorage( fp=self.rfile, headers=self.headers, environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'POST'}) self.call(self.path.strip('/'), params={'form_values': form_values}) def parse(self, reqinfo): if '?' in reqinfo: path, params = reqinfo.split('?', 1) params = dict( [p.split('=', 1) for p in params.split('&') if '=' in p] ) return (path.strip('/'), params) else: return (self.path.strip('/'), {}) def call(self, path, params): """ Find a method to call on self.app_class based on `path` and call it. The method that's called is in the form 'h_'. If no path was given, it will try to call the 'index' method. If no method could be found but a `default` method exists, it is called. Otherwise 404 is sent. Methods should take care of sending proper headers and content themselves using self.send_response(), self.send_header(), self.end_header() and by writing to self.wfile. """ method_name = 'h_{0}'.format(path) method_cb = None try: if hasattr(self, method_name) and \ callable(getattr(self, method_name)): method_cb = getattr(self, method_name) elif path == '' and hasattr(self, 'index'): method_cb = self.index elif hasattr(self, 'default'): method_cb = self.default else: self.send_error(404, "Not found") return method_cb(**params) except Exception, e: self.send_error(500, "Internal server error") raise class ScriptFormWebApp(WebAppHandler): """ This class is a request handler for WebSrv. """ def index(self): form_config = self.scriptform.get_form_config() if len(form_config.forms) == 1: first_form = form_config.forms[0] return self.h_form(first_form.name) else: return self.h_list() def auth(self): """ Verify that the user is authenticated. This is required if the form definition contains a 'users' field. Returns True if the user is validated. Otherwise, returns False and sends 401 HTTP back to the client. """ form_config = self.scriptform.get_form_config() self.username = None # If a 'users' element was present in the form configuration file, the # user must be authenticated. if form_config.users: authorized = False auth_header = self.headers.getheader("Authorization") if auth_header is not None: auth_realm, auth_unpw = auth_header.split(' ', 1) username, password = base64.decodestring(auth_unpw).split(":") pw_hash = hashlib.sha256(password).hexdigest() # Validate the username and password if username in form_config.users and \ pw_hash == form_config.users[username]: self.username = username authorized = True if not authorized: # User is not authenticated. Send authentication request. self.send_response(401) self.send_header("WWW-Authenticate", 'Basic realm="Private Area"') self.end_headers() return False return True def h_list(self): form_config = self.scriptform.get_form_config() if not self.auth(): return h_form_list = [] for form_def in form_config.forms: if form_def.allowed_users is not None and \ self.username not in form_def.allowed_users: continue # User is not allowed to run this form h_form_list.append('''
  • {title}


  • '''.format(title=form_def.title, description=form_def.description, name=form_def.name) ) output = html_list.format( header=html_header.format(title=form_config.title), footer=html_footer, form_list=''.join(h_form_list) ) self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(output) def h_form(self, form_name, errors={}): form_config = self.scriptform.get_form_config() if not self.auth(): return field_tpl = { "string": '', "number": '', "integer": '', "float": '', "date": '', "file": '', "password": '', "text": '', "select": '', "radio": '{3}
    ', } def render_field(field, errors): tpl = field_tpl[field['type']] required = '' if field.get('required', None): required='required' if field['type'] == 'string': input = tpl.format(required, field['name']) elif field['type'] == 'number' or \ field['type'] == 'integer' or \ field['type'] == 'float': input = tpl.format(required, field.get('min', ''), field.get('max', ''), field['name']) elif field['type'] == 'date': input = tpl.format(required, field['name']) elif field['type'] == 'file': input = tpl.format(required, field['name']) elif field['type'] == 'password': input = tpl.format(required, field.get('minlen', ''), field['name']) elif field['type'] == 'radio': radio_elems = [] checked = 'checked' for option in field['options']: radio_elems.append(tpl.format(checked, field['name'], option[0], option[1])) checked = '' # Check first radio option input = ''.join(radio_elems) elif field['type'] == 'text': rows = field.get('rows', 5) cols = field.get('cols', 80) input = tpl.format( required, field['name'], rows, cols ) elif field['type'] == 'select': options = ''.join([ tpl.format(o[0], o[1]) for o in field['options'] ] ) input = ''.format(required, field['name'], options) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported field type: {0}".format( field['type']) ) return ('''
  • {title}

    {input} {errors}

  • '''.format( title=field['title'], input=input, errors=', '.join(errors) ) ) # Make sure the user is allowed to access this form. form_def = form_config.get_form(form_name) if form_def.allowed_users is not None and \ self.username not in form_def.allowed_users: raise Exception("Not authorized") html_errors = '' if errors: html_errors = '' output = html_form.format( header=html_header.format(title=form_config.title), footer=html_footer, title=form_def.title, description=form_def.description, errors=html_errors, name=form_def.name, fields=''.join([render_field(f, errors.get(f['name'], [])) for f in form_def.fields]), submit_title=form_def.submit_title ) self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(output) def h_submit(self, form_values): form_config = self.scriptform.get_form_config() if not self.auth(): return form_name = form_values.getfirst('form_name', None) form_def = form_config.get_form(form_name) if form_def.allowed_users is not None and \ self.username not in form_def.allowed_users: raise Exception("Not authorized") # Convert FieldStorage to a simple dict, because we're not allowd to # add items to it. For normal fields, the form field name becomes the # key and the value becomes the field value. For file upload fields, we # stream the uploaded file to a temp file and then put the temp file in # the destination dict. We also add an extra field with the originally # uploaded file's name. values = {} tmp_files = [] for field_name in form_values: field = form_values[field_name] if field.filename: # Field is an uploaded file. Stream it to a temp file tmpfile = tempfile.mktemp(prefix="scriptform_") f = file(tmpfile, 'w') while True: buf = field.file.read(1024 * 16) if not buf: break f.write(buf) f.close() field.file.close() tmp_files.append(tmpfile) # For later cleanup values[field_name] = tmpfile values['{0}__name'.format(field_name)] = field.filename else: # Field is a normal form field. Store its value. values[field_name] = form_values.getfirst(field_name, None) # Validate the form values form_errors, form_values = form_def.validate(values) if not form_errors: # Call user's callback. If a result is returned, we wrap its output # in some nice HTML. If no result is returned, the output was raw # and the callback should have written its own response to the # self.wfile filehandle. result = form_config.callback(form_name, form_values, self.wfile) if result: if result['exitcode'] != 0: msg = '{0}'.format(cgi.escape(result['stderr'])) else: if form_def.output == 'escaped': msg = '
    '.format(cgi.escape(result['stdout'])) else: msg = result['stdout'] output = html_submit_response.format( header=html_header.format(title=form_config.title), footer=html_footer, title=form_def.title, form_name=form_def.name, msg=msg, ) self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(output) else: # Form had errors self.h_form(form_name, form_errors) # Clean up uploaded files for file_name in tmp_files: if os.path.exists(file_name): os.unlink(file_name) def main_generate_pw(parser, options, args): import getpass plain_pw = getpass.getpass() if not plain_pw == getpass.getpass('Repeat password: '): sys.stderr.write("Passwords do not match.\n") sys.exit(1) print hashlib.sha256(plain_pw).hexdigest() sys.exit(0) def main_serve(parser, options, args): if len(args) < 1: parser.error("Insufficient number of arguments") sf = ScriptForm(args[0]) sf.run(listen_port=options.port) if __name__ == "__main__": usage = [ sys.argv[0] + " [option] ", " " + sys.argv[0] + " --generate-pw", ] parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.set_usage('\n'.join(usage)) parser.add_option("-g", "--generate-pw", dest="generate_pw", action="store_true", default=False, help="Generate password") parser.add_option("-p", "--port", dest="port", action="store", type="int", default=80, help="Port to listen on") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.generate_pw: main_generate_pw(parser, options, args) else: main_serve(parser, options, args)