//Stupid bit of code that does the bare minimum to make os_printf work. /* * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42): * Jeroen Domburg <jeroen@spritesmods.com> wrote this file. As long as you retain * this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, * and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "espmissingincludes.h" #include "ets_sys.h" #include "osapi.h" #include "uart_hw.h" static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR stdoutUartTxd(char c) { //Wait until there is room in the FIFO while (((READ_PERI_REG(UART_STATUS(0))>>UART_TXFIFO_CNT_S)&UART_TXFIFO_CNT)>=126) ; //Send the character WRITE_PERI_REG(UART_FIFO(0), c); } static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR stdoutPutchar(char c) { //convert \n -> \r\n if (c=='\n') stdoutUartTxd('\r'); stdoutUartTxd(c); } void stdoutInit() { //Enable TxD pin PIN_PULLUP_DIS(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_U0TXD_U); PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_U0TXD_U, FUNC_U0TXD); //Set baud rate and other serial parameters to 115200,n,8,1 uart_div_modify(0, UART_CLK_FREQ/BIT_RATE_115200); WRITE_PERI_REG(UART_CONF0(0), (STICK_PARITY_DIS)|(ONE_STOP_BIT << UART_STOP_BIT_NUM_S)| \ (EIGHT_BITS << UART_BIT_NUM_S)); //Reset tx & rx fifo SET_PERI_REG_MASK(UART_CONF0(0), UART_RXFIFO_RST|UART_TXFIFO_RST); CLEAR_PERI_REG_MASK(UART_CONF0(0), UART_RXFIFO_RST|UART_TXFIFO_RST); //Clear pending interrupts WRITE_PERI_REG(UART_INT_CLR(0), 0xffff); //Install our own putchar handler os_install_putc1((void *)stdoutPutchar); }