/* mqtt.c * Protocol: http://docs.oasis-open.org/mqtt/mqtt/v3.1.1/os/mqtt-v3.1.1-os.html * * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Tuan PM <tuanpm at live dot com> * All rights reserved. * * Modified by Thorsten von Eicken to make it fully callback based * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Redis nor the names of its contributors may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ // TODO: // Handle SessionPresent=0 in CONNACK and rexmit subscriptions // Improve timeout for CONNACK, currently only has keep-alive timeout (maybe send artificial ping?) // Allow messages that don't require ACK to be sent even when pending_buffer is != NULL // Set dup flag in retransmissions #include <esp8266.h> #include "pktbuf.h" #include "mqtt.h" #ifdef MQTT_DBG #define DBG_MQTT(format, ...) os_printf(format, ## __VA_ARGS__) #else #define DBG_MQTT(format, ...) do { } while(0) #endif extern void dumpMem(void *buf, int len); // HACK sint8 espconn_secure_connect(struct espconn *espconn) { return espconn_connect(espconn); } sint8 espconn_secure_disconnect(struct espconn *espconn) { return espconn_disconnect(espconn); } sint8 espconn_secure_sent(struct espconn *espconn, uint8 *psent, uint16 length) { return espconn_sent(espconn, psent, length); } // max message size supported for receive #define MQTT_MAX_RCV_MESSAGE 2048 // max message size for sending (except publish) #define MQTT_MAX_SHORT_MESSAGE 128 #ifdef MQTT_DBG static char* mqtt_msg_type[] = { "NULL", "TYPE_CONNECT", "CONNACK", "PUBLISH", "PUBACK", "PUBREC", "PUBREL", "PUBCOMP", "SUBSCRIBE", "SUBACK", "UNSUBSCRIBE", "UNSUBACK", "PINGREQ", "PINGRESP", "DISCONNECT", "RESV", }; #endif // forward declarations static void mqtt_enq_message(MQTT_Client *client, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t len); static void mqtt_send_message(MQTT_Client* client); static void mqtt_doAbort(MQTT_Client* client); // Deliver a publish message to the client static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR deliver_publish(MQTT_Client* client, uint8_t* message, uint16_t length) { // parse the message into topic and data uint16_t topic_length = length; const char *topic = mqtt_get_publish_topic(message, &topic_length); uint16_t data_length = length; const char *data = mqtt_get_publish_data(message, &data_length); // callback to client if (client->dataCb) client->dataCb(client, topic, topic_length, data, data_length); if (client->cmdDataCb) client->cmdDataCb(client, topic, topic_length, data, data_length); } /** * @brief Client received callback function. * @param arg: contain the ip link information * @param pdata: received data * @param len: the length of received data * @retval None */ static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR mqtt_tcpclient_recv(void* arg, char* pdata, unsigned short len) { //os_printf("MQTT: recv CB\n"); uint8_t msg_type; uint16_t msg_id; uint16_t msg_len; struct espconn* pCon = (struct espconn*)arg; MQTT_Client* client = (MQTT_Client *)pCon->reverse; if (client == NULL) return; // aborted connection //os_printf("MQTT: Data received %d bytes\n", len); do { // append data to our buffer int avail = client->in_buffer_size - client->in_buffer_filled; if (len <= avail) { os_memcpy(client->in_buffer + client->in_buffer_filled, pdata, len); client->in_buffer_filled += len; len = 0; } else { os_memcpy(client->in_buffer + client->in_buffer_filled, pdata, avail); client->in_buffer_filled += avail; len -= avail; pdata += avail; } // check out what's at the head of the buffer msg_type = mqtt_get_type(client->in_buffer); msg_id = mqtt_get_id(client->in_buffer, client->in_buffer_size); msg_len = mqtt_get_total_length(client->in_buffer, client->in_buffer_size); if (msg_len > client->in_buffer_size) { // oops, too long a message for us to digest, disconnect and hope for a miracle os_printf("MQTT: Too long a message (%d bytes)\n", msg_len); mqtt_doAbort(client); return; } // check whether what's left in the buffer is a complete message if (msg_len > client->in_buffer_filled) break; if (client->connState != MQTT_CONNECTED) { // why are we receiving something?? DBG_MQTT("MQTT ERROR: recv in invalid state %d\n", client->connState); mqtt_doAbort(client); return; } // we are connected and are sending/receiving data messages uint8_t pending_msg_type = 0; uint16_t pending_msg_id = 0; if (client->pending_buffer != NULL) { pending_msg_type = mqtt_get_type(client->pending_buffer->data); pending_msg_id = mqtt_get_id(client->pending_buffer->data, client->pending_buffer->filled); } DBG_MQTT("MQTT: Recv type=%s id=%04X len=%d; Pend type=%s id=%02X\n", mqtt_msg_type[msg_type], msg_id, msg_len, mqtt_msg_type[pending_msg_type],pending_msg_id); switch (msg_type) { case MQTT_MSG_TYPE_CONNACK: //DBG_MQTT("MQTT: Connect successful\n"); // callbacks for internal and external clients if (client->connectedCb) client->connectedCb(client); if (client->cmdConnectedCb) client->cmdConnectedCb(client); client->reconTimeout = 1; // reset the reconnect backoff break; case MQTT_MSG_TYPE_SUBACK: if (pending_msg_type == MQTT_MSG_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE && pending_msg_id == msg_id) { //DBG_MQTT("MQTT: Subscribe successful\n"); client->pending_buffer = PktBuf_ShiftFree(client->pending_buffer); } break; case MQTT_MSG_TYPE_UNSUBACK: if (pending_msg_type == MQTT_MSG_TYPE_UNSUBSCRIBE && pending_msg_id == msg_id) { //DBG_MQTT("MQTT: Unsubscribe successful\n"); client->pending_buffer = PktBuf_ShiftFree(client->pending_buffer); } break; case MQTT_MSG_TYPE_PUBACK: // ack for a publish we sent if (pending_msg_type == MQTT_MSG_TYPE_PUBLISH && pending_msg_id == msg_id) { //DBG_MQTT("MQTT: QoS1 Publish successful\n"); client->pending_buffer = PktBuf_ShiftFree(client->pending_buffer); } break; case MQTT_MSG_TYPE_PUBREC: // rec for a publish we sent if (pending_msg_type == MQTT_MSG_TYPE_PUBLISH && pending_msg_id == msg_id) { //DBG_MQTT("MQTT: QoS2 publish cont\n"); client->pending_buffer = PktBuf_ShiftFree(client->pending_buffer); // we need to send PUBREL mqtt_msg_pubrel(&client->mqtt_connection, msg_id); mqtt_enq_message(client, client->mqtt_connection.message.data, client->mqtt_connection.message.length); } break; case MQTT_MSG_TYPE_PUBCOMP: // comp for a pubrel we sent (originally publish we sent) if (pending_msg_type == MQTT_MSG_TYPE_PUBREL && pending_msg_id == msg_id) { //DBG_MQTT("MQTT: QoS2 Publish successful\n"); client->pending_buffer = PktBuf_ShiftFree(client->pending_buffer); } break; case MQTT_MSG_TYPE_PUBLISH: { // incoming publish // we may need to ACK the publish uint8_t msg_qos = mqtt_get_qos(client->in_buffer); #ifdef MQTT_DBG uint16_t topic_length = msg_len; os_printf("MQTT: Recv PUBLISH qos=%d %s\n", msg_qos, mqtt_get_publish_topic(client->in_buffer, &topic_length)); #endif if (msg_qos == 1) mqtt_msg_puback(&client->mqtt_connection, msg_id); if (msg_qos == 2) mqtt_msg_pubrec(&client->mqtt_connection, msg_id); if (msg_qos == 1 || msg_qos == 2) { mqtt_enq_message(client, client->mqtt_connection.message.data, client->mqtt_connection.message.length); } // send the publish message to clients deliver_publish(client, client->in_buffer, msg_len); } break; case MQTT_MSG_TYPE_PUBREL: // rel for a rec we sent (originally publish received) if (pending_msg_type == MQTT_MSG_TYPE_PUBREC && pending_msg_id == msg_id) { //DBG_MQTT("MQTT: Cont QoS2 recv\n"); client->pending_buffer = PktBuf_ShiftFree(client->pending_buffer); // we need to send PUBCOMP mqtt_msg_pubcomp(&client->mqtt_connection, msg_id); mqtt_enq_message(client, client->mqtt_connection.message.data, client->mqtt_connection.message.length); } break; case MQTT_MSG_TYPE_PINGRESP: client->keepAliveAckTick = 0; break; } // Shift out the message and see whether we have another one if (msg_len < client->in_buffer_filled) os_memcpy(client->in_buffer, client->in_buffer+msg_len, client->in_buffer_filled-msg_len); client->in_buffer_filled -= msg_len; } while(client->in_buffer_filled > 0 || len > 0); // Send next packet out, if possible if (!client->sending && client->pending_buffer == NULL && client->msgQueue != NULL) { mqtt_send_message(client); } } /** * @brief Callback from TCP that previous send completed * @param arg: contain the ip link information * @retval None */ static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR mqtt_tcpclient_sent_cb(void* arg) { //DBG_MQTT("MQTT: sent CB\n"); struct espconn* pCon = (struct espconn *)arg; MQTT_Client* client = (MQTT_Client *)pCon->reverse; if (client == NULL) return; // aborted connection ? //DBG_MQTT("MQTT: Sent\n"); // if the message we sent is not a "pending" one, we need to free the buffer if (client->sending_buffer != NULL) { PktBuf *buf = client->sending_buffer; //DBG_MQTT("PktBuf free %p l=%d\n", buf, buf->filled); os_free(buf); client->sending_buffer = NULL; } client->sending = false; // send next message if one is queued and we're not expecting an ACK if (client->connState == MQTT_CONNECTED && client->pending_buffer == NULL && client->msgQueue != NULL) { mqtt_send_message(client); } } /* * @brief: Timer function to handle timeouts */ static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR mqtt_timer(void* arg) { MQTT_Client* client = (MQTT_Client*)arg; //DBG_MQTT("MQTT: timer CB\n"); switch (client->connState) { default: break; case MQTT_CONNECTED: // first check whether we're timing out for an ACK if (client->pending_buffer != NULL && --client->timeoutTick == 0) { // looks like we're not getting a response in time, abort the connection mqtt_doAbort(client); client->timeoutTick = 0; // trick to make reconnect happen in 1 second return; } // check whether our last keep-alive timed out if (client->keepAliveAckTick > 0 && --client->keepAliveAckTick == 0) { os_printf("\nMQTT ERROR: Keep-alive timed out\n"); mqtt_doAbort(client); return; } // check whether we need to send a keep-alive message if (client->keepAliveTick > 0 && --client->keepAliveTick == 0) { // timeout: we need to send a ping message //DBG_MQTT("MQTT: Send keepalive\n"); mqtt_msg_pingreq(&client->mqtt_connection); PktBuf *buf = PktBuf_New(client->mqtt_connection.message.length); os_memcpy(buf->data, client->mqtt_connection.message.data, client->mqtt_connection.message.length); buf->filled = client->mqtt_connection.message.length; client->msgQueue = PktBuf_Unshift(client->msgQueue, buf); mqtt_send_message(client); client->keepAliveTick = client->connect_info.keepalive; client->keepAliveAckTick = client->sendTimeout; } break; case TCP_RECONNECT_REQ: if (client->timeoutTick == 0 || --client->timeoutTick == 0) { // it's time to reconnect! start by re-enqueueing anything pending if (client->pending_buffer != NULL) { client->msgQueue = PktBuf_Unshift(client->msgQueue, client->pending_buffer); client->pending_buffer = NULL; } client->connect_info.clean_session = 0; // ask server to keep state MQTT_Connect(client); } } } /** * @brief Callback from SDK that socket is disconnected * @param arg: contain the ip link information * @retval None */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR mqtt_tcpclient_discon_cb(void* arg) { struct espconn* pespconn = (struct espconn *)arg; MQTT_Client* client = (MQTT_Client *)pespconn->reverse; DBG_MQTT("MQTT: Disconnect CB, freeing espconn %p\n", arg); if (pespconn->proto.tcp) os_free(pespconn->proto.tcp); os_free(pespconn); // if this is an aborted connection we're done if (client == NULL) return; DBG_MQTT("MQTT: Disconnected from %s:%d\n", client->host, client->port); if (client->disconnectedCb) client->disconnectedCb(client); if (client->cmdDisconnectedCb) client->cmdDisconnectedCb(client); // reconnect unless we're in a permanently disconnected state if (client->connState == MQTT_DISCONNECTED) return; client->timeoutTick = client->reconTimeout; if (client->reconTimeout < 128) client->reconTimeout <<= 1; client->connState = TCP_RECONNECT_REQ; } /** * @brief Callback from SDK that socket got reset, note that no discon_cb will follow * @param arg: contain the ip link information * @retval None */ static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR mqtt_tcpclient_recon_cb(void* arg, int8_t err) { struct espconn* pespconn = (struct espconn *)arg; MQTT_Client* client = (MQTT_Client *)pespconn->reverse; //DBG_MQTT("MQTT: Reset CB, freeing espconn %p (err=%d)\n", arg, err); if (pespconn->proto.tcp) os_free(pespconn->proto.tcp); os_free(pespconn); os_printf("MQTT: Connection reset from %s:%d\n", client->host, client->port); if (client->disconnectedCb) client->disconnectedCb(client); if (client->cmdDisconnectedCb) client->cmdDisconnectedCb(client); // reconnect unless we're in a permanently disconnected state if (client->connState == MQTT_DISCONNECTED) return; client->timeoutTick = client->reconTimeout; if (client->reconTimeout < 128) client->reconTimeout <<= 1; client->connState = TCP_RECONNECT_REQ; os_printf("timeoutTick=%d reconTimeout=%d\n", client->timeoutTick, client->reconTimeout); } /** * @brief Callback from SDK that socket is connected * @param arg: contain the ip link information * @retval None */ static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR mqtt_tcpclient_connect_cb(void* arg) { struct espconn* pCon = (struct espconn *)arg; MQTT_Client* client = (MQTT_Client *)pCon->reverse; if (client == NULL) return; // aborted connection espconn_regist_disconcb(client->pCon, mqtt_tcpclient_discon_cb); espconn_regist_recvcb(client->pCon, mqtt_tcpclient_recv); espconn_regist_sentcb(client->pCon, mqtt_tcpclient_sent_cb); os_printf("MQTT: TCP connected to %s:%d\n", client->host, client->port); // send MQTT connect message to broker mqtt_msg_connect(&client->mqtt_connection, &client->connect_info); PktBuf *buf = PktBuf_New(client->mqtt_connection.message.length); os_memcpy(buf->data, client->mqtt_connection.message.data, client->mqtt_connection.message.length); buf->filled = client->mqtt_connection.message.length; client->msgQueue = PktBuf_Unshift(client->msgQueue, buf); // prepend to send (rexmit) queue mqtt_send_message(client); client->connState = MQTT_CONNECTED; // v3.1.1 allows publishing while still connecting } /** * @brief Allocate and enqueue mqtt message, kick sending, if appropriate */ static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR mqtt_enq_message(MQTT_Client *client, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t len) { PktBuf *buf = PktBuf_New(len); os_memcpy(buf->data, data, len); buf->filled = len; client->msgQueue = PktBuf_Push(client->msgQueue, buf); if (client->connState == MQTT_CONNECTED && !client->sending && client->pending_buffer == NULL) { mqtt_send_message(client); } } /** * @brief Send out top message in queue onto socket */ static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR mqtt_send_message(MQTT_Client* client) { //DBG_MQTT("MQTT: Send_message\n"); PktBuf *buf = client->msgQueue; if (buf == NULL || client->sending) return; // ahem... client->msgQueue = PktBuf_Shift(client->msgQueue); // get some details about the message uint16_t msg_type = mqtt_get_type(buf->data); uint8_t msg_id = mqtt_get_id(buf->data, buf->filled); msg_id = msg_id; #ifdef MQTT_DBG os_printf("MQTT: Send type=%s id=%04X len=%d\n", mqtt_msg_type[msg_type], msg_id, buf->filled); #if 0 for (int i=0; i<buf->filled; i++) { if (buf->data[i] >= ' ' && buf->data[i] <= '~') os_printf("%c", buf->data[i]); else os_printf("\\x%02X", buf->data[i]); } os_printf("\n"); #endif #endif // send the message out if (client->security) espconn_secure_sent(client->pCon, buf->data, buf->filled); else espconn_sent(client->pCon, buf->data, buf->filled); client->sending = true; // depending on whether it needs an ack we need to hold on to the message bool needsAck = (msg_type == MQTT_MSG_TYPE_PUBLISH && mqtt_get_qos(buf->data) > 0) || msg_type == MQTT_MSG_TYPE_PUBREL || msg_type == MQTT_MSG_TYPE_PUBREC || msg_type == MQTT_MSG_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE || msg_type == MQTT_MSG_TYPE_UNSUBSCRIBE || msg_type == MQTT_MSG_TYPE_PINGREQ; if (msg_type == MQTT_MSG_TYPE_PINGREQ) { client->pending_buffer = NULL; // we don't need to rexmit this one client->sending_buffer = buf; } else if (needsAck) { client->pending_buffer = buf; // remeber for rexmit on disconnect/reconnect client->sending_buffer = NULL; client->timeoutTick = client->sendTimeout+1; // +1 to ensure full sendTireout seconds } else { client->pending_buffer = NULL; client->sending_buffer = buf; client->timeoutTick = 0; } client->keepAliveTick = client->connect_info.keepalive > 0 ? client->connect_info.keepalive+1 : 0; } /** * @brief DNS lookup for broker hostname completed, move to next phase */ static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR mqtt_dns_found(const char* name, ip_addr_t* ipaddr, void* arg) { struct espconn* pConn = (struct espconn *)arg; MQTT_Client* client = (MQTT_Client *)pConn->reverse; if (ipaddr == NULL) { os_printf("MQTT: DNS lookup failed\n"); if (client != NULL) { client->timeoutTick = client->reconTimeout; if (client->reconTimeout < 128) client->reconTimeout <<= 1; client->connState = TCP_RECONNECT_REQ; // the timer will kick-off a reconnection } return; } DBG_MQTT("MQTT: ip %d.%d.%d.%d\n", *((uint8 *)&ipaddr->addr), *((uint8 *)&ipaddr->addr + 1), *((uint8 *)&ipaddr->addr + 2), *((uint8 *)&ipaddr->addr + 3)); if (client != NULL && client->ip.addr == 0 && ipaddr->addr != 0) { os_memcpy(client->pCon->proto.tcp->remote_ip, &ipaddr->addr, 4); uint8_t err; if (client->security) err = espconn_secure_connect(client->pCon); else err = espconn_connect(client->pCon); if (err != 0) { os_printf("MQTT ERROR: Failed to connect\n"); client->timeoutTick = client->reconTimeout; if (client->reconTimeout < 128) client->reconTimeout <<= 1; client->connState = TCP_RECONNECT_REQ; } else { DBG_MQTT("MQTT: connecting...\n"); } } } //===== publish / subscribe static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR msg_conn_init(mqtt_connection_t *new_msg, mqtt_connection_t *old_msg, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t buflen) { new_msg->message_id = old_msg->message_id; new_msg->buffer = buf; new_msg->buffer_length = buflen; } /** * @brief MQTT publish function. * @param client: MQTT_Client reference * @param topic: string topic will publish to * @param data: buffer data send point to * @param data_length: length of data * @param qos: qos * @param retain: retain * @retval TRUE if success queue */ bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR MQTT_Publish(MQTT_Client* client, const char* topic, const char* data, uint16_t data_length, uint8_t qos, uint8_t retain) { // estimate the packet size to allocate a buffer uint16_t topic_length = os_strlen(topic); // estimate: fixed hdr, pkt-id, topic length, topic, data, fudge uint16_t buf_len = 3 + 2 + 2 + topic_length + data_length + 16; PktBuf *buf = PktBuf_New(buf_len); if (buf == NULL) { os_printf("MQTT ERROR: Cannot allocate buffer for %d byte publish\n", buf_len); return FALSE; } // use a temporary mqtt_message_t pointing to our buffer, this is a bit of a mess because we // need to keep track of the message_id that is embedded in it mqtt_connection_t msg; msg_conn_init(&msg, &client->mqtt_connection, buf->data, buf_len); uint16_t msg_id; if (!mqtt_msg_publish(&msg, topic, data, data_length, qos, retain, &msg_id)){ os_printf("MQTT ERROR: Queuing Publish failed\n"); os_free(buf); return FALSE; } client->mqtt_connection.message_id = msg.message_id; if (msg.message.data != buf->data) os_memcpy(buf->data, msg.message.data, msg.message.length); buf->filled = msg.message.length; DBG_MQTT("MQTT: Publish, topic: \"%s\", length: %d\n", topic, msg.message.length); //dumpMem(buf, buf_len); client->msgQueue = PktBuf_Push(client->msgQueue, buf); if (!client->sending && client->pending_buffer == NULL) { mqtt_send_message(client); } return TRUE; } /** * @brief MQTT subscribe function. * @param client: MQTT_Client reference * @param topic: string topic will subscribe * @param qos: qos * @retval TRUE if success queue */ bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR MQTT_Subscribe(MQTT_Client* client, char* topic, uint8_t qos) { uint16_t msg_id; if (!mqtt_msg_subscribe(&client->mqtt_connection, topic, 0, &msg_id)) { os_printf("MQTT ERROR: Queuing Subscribe failed (too long)\n"); return FALSE; } DBG_MQTT("MQTT: Subscribe, topic: \"%s\"\n", topic); mqtt_enq_message(client, client->mqtt_connection.message.data, client->mqtt_connection.message.length); return TRUE; } //===== Initialization and connect/disconnect /** * @brief MQTT initialization mqtt client function * @param client: MQTT_Client reference * @param host: Domain or IP string * @param port: Port to connect * @param security: 1 for ssl, 0 for none * @param clientid: MQTT client id * @param client_user: MQTT client user * @param client_pass: MQTT client password * @param keepAliveTime: MQTT keep alive timer, in second * @param cleanSession: On connection, a client sets the "clean session" flag, which is sometimes also known as the "clean start" flag. * If clean session is set to false, then the connection is treated as durable. This means that when the client * disconnects, any subscriptions it has will remain and any subsequent QoS 1 or 2 messages will be stored until * it connects again in the future. If clean session is true, then all subscriptions will be removed for the client * when it disconnects. * @retval None */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR MQTT_Init(MQTT_Client* client, char* host, uint32 port, uint8_t security, uint8_t sendTimeout, char* client_id, char* client_user, char* client_pass, uint8_t keepAliveTime) { DBG_MQTT("MQTT_Init\n"); os_memset(client, 0, sizeof(MQTT_Client)); client->host = (char*)os_zalloc(os_strlen(host) + 1); os_strcpy(client->host, host); client->port = port; client->security = !!security; // timeouts with sanity checks client->sendTimeout = sendTimeout == 0 ? 1 : sendTimeout; client->reconTimeout = 1; // reset reconnect back-off os_memset(&client->connect_info, 0, sizeof(mqtt_connect_info_t)); client->connect_info.client_id = (char*)os_zalloc(os_strlen(client_id) + 1); os_strcpy(client->connect_info.client_id, client_id); client->connect_info.username = (char*)os_zalloc(os_strlen(client_user) + 1); os_strcpy(client->connect_info.username, client_user); client->connect_info.password = (char*)os_zalloc(os_strlen(client_pass) + 1); os_strcpy(client->connect_info.password, client_pass); client->connect_info.keepalive = keepAliveTime; client->connect_info.clean_session = 1; client->in_buffer = (uint8_t *)os_zalloc(MQTT_MAX_RCV_MESSAGE); client->in_buffer_size = MQTT_MAX_RCV_MESSAGE; uint8_t *out_buffer = (uint8_t *)os_zalloc(MQTT_MAX_SHORT_MESSAGE); mqtt_msg_init(&client->mqtt_connection, out_buffer, MQTT_MAX_SHORT_MESSAGE); } /** * @brief MQTT Set Last Will Topic, must be called before MQTT_Connect */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR MQTT_InitLWT(MQTT_Client* client, char* will_topic, char* will_msg, uint8_t will_qos, uint8_t will_retain) { client->connect_info.will_topic = (char*)os_zalloc(os_strlen(will_topic) + 1); os_strcpy((char*)client->connect_info.will_topic, will_topic); client->connect_info.will_message = (char*)os_zalloc(os_strlen(will_msg) + 1); os_strcpy((char*)client->connect_info.will_message, will_msg); client->connect_info.will_qos = will_qos; client->connect_info.will_retain = will_retain; // TODO: if we're connected we should disconnect and reconnect to establish the new LWT } /** * @brief Begin connect to MQTT broker * @param client: MQTT_Client reference * @retval None */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR MQTT_Connect(MQTT_Client* client) { //MQTT_Disconnect(client); client->pCon = (struct espconn *)os_zalloc(sizeof(struct espconn)); client->pCon->type = ESPCONN_TCP; client->pCon->state = ESPCONN_NONE; client->pCon->proto.tcp = (esp_tcp *)os_zalloc(sizeof(esp_tcp)); client->pCon->proto.tcp->local_port = espconn_port(); client->pCon->proto.tcp->remote_port = client->port; client->pCon->reverse = client; espconn_regist_connectcb(client->pCon, mqtt_tcpclient_connect_cb); espconn_regist_reconcb(client->pCon, mqtt_tcpclient_recon_cb); // start timer function to tick every second os_timer_disarm(&client->mqttTimer); os_timer_setfn(&client->mqttTimer, (os_timer_func_t *)mqtt_timer, client); os_timer_arm_us(&client->mqttTimer, 1 * 1000000, 1); // initiate the TCP connection or DNS lookup os_printf("MQTT: Connect to %s:%d %p (client=%p)\n", client->host, client->port, client->pCon, client); if (UTILS_StrToIP((const char *)client->host, (void*)&client->pCon->proto.tcp->remote_ip)) { uint8_t err; if (client->security) err = espconn_secure_connect(client->pCon); else err = espconn_connect(client->pCon); if (err != 0) { os_printf("MQTT ERROR: Failed to connect\n"); os_free(client->pCon->proto.tcp); os_free(client->pCon); client->pCon = NULL; return; } } else { espconn_gethostbyname(client->pCon, (const char *)client->host, &client->ip, mqtt_dns_found); } client->connState = TCP_CONNECTING; client->timeoutTick = 20; // generous timeout to allow for DNS, etc client->sending = FALSE; } static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR mqtt_doAbort(MQTT_Client* client) { os_printf("MQTT: Disconnecting from %s:%d (%p)\n", client->host, client->port, client->pCon); client->pCon->reverse = NULL; // ensure we jettison this pCon... if (client->security) espconn_secure_disconnect(client->pCon); else espconn_disconnect(client->pCon); if (client->disconnectedCb) client->disconnectedCb(client); if (client->cmdDisconnectedCb) client->cmdDisconnectedCb(client); if (client->sending_buffer != NULL) { os_free(client->sending_buffer); client->sending_buffer = NULL; } client->pCon = NULL; // it will be freed in disconnect callback client->connState = TCP_RECONNECT_REQ; client->timeoutTick = client->reconTimeout; // reconnect in a few seconds if (client->reconTimeout < 128) client->reconTimeout <<= 1; } void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR MQTT_Reconnect(MQTT_Client* client) { DBG_MQTT("MQTT: Reconnect requested\n"); if (client->connState == MQTT_DISCONNECTED) MQTT_Connect(client); else if (client->connState == MQTT_CONNECTED) mqtt_doAbort(client); // in other cases we're already in the reconnecting process } void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR MQTT_Disconnect(MQTT_Client* client) { DBG_MQTT("MQTT: Disconnect requested\n"); os_timer_disarm(&client->mqttTimer); if (client->connState == MQTT_DISCONNECTED) return; if (client->connState == TCP_RECONNECT_REQ) { client->connState = MQTT_DISCONNECTED; return; } mqtt_doAbort(client); //void *out_buffer = client->mqtt_connection.buffer; //if (out_buffer != NULL) os_free(out_buffer); client->connState = MQTT_DISCONNECTED; // ensure we don't automatically reconnect } void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR MQTT_Free(MQTT_Client* client) { DBG_MQTT("MQTT: Free requested\n"); MQTT_Disconnect(client); if (client->host) os_free(client->host); client->host = NULL; if (client->connect_info.client_id) os_free(client->connect_info.client_id); if (client->connect_info.username) os_free(client->connect_info.username); if (client->connect_info.password) os_free(client->connect_info.password); os_memset(&client->connect_info, 0, sizeof(mqtt_connect_info_t)); if (client->in_buffer) os_free(client->in_buffer); client->in_buffer = NULL; if (client->mqtt_connection.buffer) os_free(client->mqtt_connection.buffer); os_memset(&client->mqtt_connection, 0, sizeof(client->mqtt_connection)); } void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR MQTT_OnConnected(MQTT_Client* client, MqttCallback connectedCb) { client->connectedCb = connectedCb; } void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR MQTT_OnDisconnected(MQTT_Client* client, MqttCallback disconnectedCb) { client->disconnectedCb = disconnectedCb; } void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR MQTT_OnData(MQTT_Client* client, MqttDataCallback dataCb) { client->dataCb = dataCb; } void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR MQTT_OnPublished(MQTT_Client* client, MqttCallback publishedCb) { client->publishedCb = publishedCb; }