// Copyright 2015 by Thorsten von Eicken, see LICENSE.txt #include "espmissingincludes.h" #include "c_types.h" #include "user_interface.h" #include "espconn.h" #include "mem.h" #include "osapi.h" #include "gpio.h" #include "uart.h" #include "crc16.h" #include "serbridge.h" #include "serled.h" #include "config.h" #include "console.h" #include "cmd.h" static struct espconn serbridgeConn; static esp_tcp serbridgeTcp; static int8_t mcu_reset_pin, mcu_isp_pin; extern uint8_t slip_disabled; // disable slip to allow flashing of attached MCU static sint8 ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR espbuffsend(serbridgeConnData *conn, const char *data, uint16 len); // Connection pool serbridgeConnData connData[MAX_CONN]; // Given a pointer to an espconn struct find the connection that correcponds to it static serbridgeConnData ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR *serbridgeFindConnData(void *arg) { struct espconn *conn = arg; return arg == NULL ? NULL : (serbridgeConnData *)conn->reverse; } //===== TCP -> UART // Telnet protocol characters #define IAC 255 // escape #define WILL 251 // negotiation #define SB 250 // subnegotiation begin #define SE 240 // subnegotiation end #define ComPortOpt 44 // COM port options #define SetControl 5 // Set control lines #define DTR_ON 8 // used here to reset microcontroller #define DTR_OFF 9 #define RTS_ON 11 // used here to signal ISP (in-system-programming) to uC #define RTS_OFF 12 // telnet state machine states enum { TN_normal, TN_iac, TN_will, TN_start, TN_end, TN_comPort, TN_setControl }; // process a buffer-full on a telnet connection and return the ending telnet state static uint8_t ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR telnetUnwrap(uint8_t *inBuf, int len, uint8_t state) { for (int i=0; i write one to outbuf and go normal again state = TN_normal; uart0_write_char(c); break; case WILL: // negotiation state = TN_will; break; case SB: // command sequence begin state = TN_start; break; case SE: // command sequence end state = TN_normal; break; default: // not sure... let's ignore uart0_write_char(IAC); uart0_write_char(c); } break; case TN_will: state = TN_normal; // yes, we do COM port options, let's go back to normal break; case TN_start: // in command seq, now comes the type of cmd if (c == ComPortOpt) state = TN_comPort; else state = TN_end; // an option we don't know, skip 'til the end seq break; case TN_end: // wait for end seq if (c == IAC) state = TN_iac; // simple wait to accept end or next escape seq break; case TN_comPort: if (c == SetControl) state = TN_setControl; else state = TN_end; break; case TN_setControl: // switch control line and delay a tad switch (c) { case DTR_ON: if (mcu_reset_pin >= 0) { os_printf("MCU reset gpio%d\n", mcu_reset_pin); GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(mcu_reset_pin, 0); os_delay_us(100L); } else os_printf("MCU reset: no pin\n"); break; case DTR_OFF: if (mcu_reset_pin >= 0) { GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(mcu_reset_pin, 1); os_delay_us(100L); } break; case RTS_ON: if (mcu_isp_pin >= 0) { os_printf("MCU ISP gpio%d\n", mcu_isp_pin); GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(mcu_isp_pin, 0); os_delay_us(100L); } else os_printf("MCU isp: no pin\n"); slip_disabled++; break; case RTS_OFF: if (mcu_isp_pin >= 0) { GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(mcu_isp_pin, 1); os_delay_us(100L); } if (slip_disabled > 0) slip_disabled--; break; } state = TN_end; break; } } return state; } // Generate a reset pulse for the attached microcontroller void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR serbridgeReset() { if (mcu_reset_pin >= 0) { os_printf("MCU reset gpio%d\n", mcu_reset_pin); GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(mcu_reset_pin, 0); os_delay_us(100L); GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(mcu_reset_pin, 1); } else os_printf("MCU reset: no pin\n"); } // Receive callback static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR serbridgeRecvCb(void *arg, char *data, unsigned short len) { serbridgeConnData *conn = serbridgeFindConnData(arg); //os_printf("Receive callback on conn %p\n", conn); if (conn == NULL) return; // at the start of a connection we're in cmInit mode and we wait for the first few characters // to arrive in order to decide what type of connection this is.. The following if statements // do this dispatch. An issue here is that we assume that the first few characters all arrive // in the same TCP packet, which is true if the sender is a program, but not necessarily // if the sender is a person typing (although in that case the line-oriented TTY input seems // to make it work too). If this becomes a problem we need to buffer the first few chars... if (conn->conn_mode == cmInit) { // If the connection starts with the Arduino or ARM reset sequence we perform a RESET if ((len == 2 && strncmp(data, "0 ", 2) == 0) || (len == 2 && strncmp(data, "?\n", 2) == 0) || (len == 3 && strncmp(data, "?\r\n", 3) == 0)) { os_printf("MCU Reset=gpio%d ISP=gpio%d\n", mcu_reset_pin, mcu_isp_pin); os_delay_us(2*1000L); // time for os_printf to happen // send reset to arduino/ARM if (mcu_reset_pin >= 0) GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(mcu_reset_pin, 0); os_delay_us(100L); if (mcu_isp_pin >= 0) GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(mcu_isp_pin, 0); os_delay_us(100L); if (mcu_reset_pin >= 0) GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(mcu_reset_pin, 1); os_delay_us(100L); if (mcu_isp_pin >= 0) GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(mcu_isp_pin, 1); os_delay_us(1000L); conn->conn_mode = cmAVR; slip_disabled++; // disable SLIP so it doesn't interfere with flashing // If the connection starts with a telnet negotiation we will do telnet } else if (len >= 3 && strncmp(data, (char[]){IAC, WILL, ComPortOpt}, 3) == 0) { conn->conn_mode = cmTelnet; conn->telnet_state = TN_normal; // note that the three negotiation chars will be gobbled-up by telnetUnwrap os_printf("telnet mode\n"); // looks like a plain-vanilla connection! } else { conn->conn_mode = cmTransparent; } // Process return data on TCP client connections } else if (conn->conn_mode == cmTcpClient) { } // write the buffer to the uart if (conn->conn_mode == cmTelnet) { conn->telnet_state = telnetUnwrap((uint8_t *)data, len, conn->telnet_state); } else { uart0_tx_buffer(data, len); } serledFlash(50); // short blink on serial LED } //===== UART -> TCP // Transmit buffers for the connection pool static char txbuffer[MAX_CONN][MAX_TXBUFFER]; // Send all data in conn->txbuffer // returns result from espconn_sent if data in buffer or ESPCONN_OK (0) // Use only internally from espbuffsend and serbridgeSentCb static sint8 ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR sendtxbuffer(serbridgeConnData *conn) { sint8 result = ESPCONN_OK; if (conn->txbufferlen != 0) { //os_printf("%d TX %d\n", system_get_time(), conn->txbufferlen); conn->readytosend = false; result = espconn_sent(conn->conn, (uint8_t*)conn->txbuffer, conn->txbufferlen); conn->txbufferlen = 0; if (result != ESPCONN_OK) { os_printf("sendtxbuffer: espconn_sent error %d on conn %p\n", result, conn); } } return result; } // espbuffsend adds data to the send buffer. If the previous send was completed it calls // sendtxbuffer and espconn_sent. // Returns ESPCONN_OK (0) for success, -128 if buffer is full or error from espconn_sent // Use espbuffsend instead of espconn_sent as it solves the problem that espconn_sent must // only be called *after* receiving an espconn_sent_callback for the previous packet. static sint8 ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR espbuffsend(serbridgeConnData *conn, const char *data, uint16 len) { if (conn->txbufferlen + len > MAX_TXBUFFER) { os_printf("espbuffsend: txbuffer full on conn %p\n", conn); return -128; } os_memcpy(conn->txbuffer + conn->txbufferlen, data, len); conn->txbufferlen += len; if (conn->readytosend) { return sendtxbuffer(conn); } else { //os_printf("%d QU %d\n", system_get_time(), conn->txbufferlen); } return ESPCONN_OK; } void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR console_process(char *buf, short len) { // push buffer into web-console for (short i=0; ireadytosend = true; sendtxbuffer(conn); // send possible new data in txbuffer } //===== Connect / disconnect // Error callback (it's really poorly named, it's not a "connection reconnected" callback, // it's really a "connection broken, please reconnect" callback) static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR serbridgeReconCb(void *arg, sint8 err) { serbridgeConnData *sbConn = serbridgeFindConnData(arg); if (sbConn == NULL) return; if (sbConn->conn_mode == cmAVR) { if (slip_disabled > 0) slip_disabled--; } // Close the connection espconn_disconnect(sbConn->conn); // free connection slot sbConn->conn = NULL; } // Disconnection callback static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR serbridgeDisconCb(void *arg) { serbridgeConnData *sbConn = serbridgeFindConnData(arg); if (sbConn == NULL) return; // send reset to arduino/ARM if (sbConn->conn_mode == cmAVR) { if (slip_disabled > 0) slip_disabled--; if (mcu_reset_pin >= 0) { GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(mcu_reset_pin, 0); os_delay_us(100L); GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(mcu_reset_pin, 1); } } // free connection slot sbConn->conn = NULL; } // New connection callback, use one of the connection descriptors, if we have one left. static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR serbridgeConnectCb(void *arg) { struct espconn *conn = arg; // Find empty conndata in pool int i; for (i=0; ireverse = connData+i; connData[i].conn = conn; connData[i].txbufferlen = 0; connData[i].readytosend = true; connData[i].telnet_state = 0; connData[i].conn_mode = cmInit; espconn_regist_recvcb(conn, serbridgeRecvCb); espconn_regist_reconcb(conn, serbridgeReconCb); espconn_regist_disconcb(conn, serbridgeDisconCb); espconn_regist_sentcb(conn, serbridgeSentCb); espconn_set_opt(conn, ESPCONN_REUSEADDR|ESPCONN_NODELAY); } //===== Initialization void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR serbridgeInitPins() { <<<<<<< HEAD mcu_reset_pin = flashConfig.reset_pin; mcu_isp_pin = flashConfig.isp_pin; os_printf("Serbridge pins: reset=%d isp=%d swap=%d\n", mcu_reset_pin, mcu_isp_pin, flashConfig.swap_uart); if (flashConfig.swap_uart) { PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTCK_U, 4); PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTDO_U, 4); PIN_PULLUP_DIS(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTCK_U); PIN_PULLUP_DIS(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTDO_U); system_uart_swap(); } else { PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_U0TXD_U, 0); PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_U0RXD_U, 0); system_uart_de_swap(); } // set both pins to 1 before turning them on so we don't cause a reset if (mcu_isp_pin >= 0) GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(mcu_isp_pin, 1); if (mcu_reset_pin >= 0) GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(mcu_reset_pin, 1); // switch pin mux to make these pins GPIO pins if (mcu_reset_pin >= 0) makeGpio(mcu_reset_pin); if (mcu_isp_pin >= 0) makeGpio(mcu_isp_pin); ======= mcu_reset_pin = flashConfig.reset_pin; mcu_isp_pin = flashConfig.isp_pin; os_printf("Serbridge pins: reset=%d isp=%d swap=%d\n", mcu_reset_pin, mcu_isp_pin, flashConfig.swap_uart); if (flashConfig.swap_uart) { PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTCK_U, 4); PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTDO_U, 4); PIN_PULLUP_DIS(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTCK_U); PIN_PULLUP_DIS(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_MTDO_U); system_uart_swap(); } else { PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_U0TXD_U, 0); PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_U0RXD_U, 0); system_uart_de_swap(); } // set both pins to 1 before turning them on so we don't cause a reset if (mcu_isp_pin >= 0) GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(mcu_isp_pin, 1); if (mcu_reset_pin >= 0) GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(mcu_reset_pin, 1); // switch pin mux to make these pins GPIO pins if (mcu_reset_pin >= 0) makeGpio(mcu_reset_pin); if (mcu_isp_pin >= 0) makeGpio(mcu_isp_pin); >>>>>>> master } // Start transparent serial bridge TCP server on specified port (typ. 23) void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR serbridgeInit(int port) { serbridgeInitPins(); int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONN; i++) { connData[i].conn = NULL; connData[i].txbuffer = txbuffer[i]; } serbridgeConn.type = ESPCONN_TCP; serbridgeConn.state = ESPCONN_NONE; serbridgeTcp.local_port = port; serbridgeConn.proto.tcp = &serbridgeTcp; espconn_regist_connectcb(&serbridgeConn, serbridgeConnectCb); espconn_accept(&serbridgeConn); espconn_tcp_set_max_con_allow(&serbridgeConn, MAX_CONN); espconn_regist_time(&serbridgeConn, SER_BRIDGE_TIMEOUT, 0); }