// Copyright 2015 by Thorsten von Eicken, see LICENSE.txt // // Adapted from: github.com/tuanpmt/esp_bridge, Created on: Jan 9, 2015, Author: Minh #include "esp8266.h" #include "sntp.h" #include "cmd.h" #include "uart.h" #include <cgiwifi.h> #ifdef MQTT #include <mqtt_cmd.h> #endif #ifdef REST #include <rest.h> #endif #include <web-server.h> #ifdef SOCKET #include <socket.h> #endif #include <ip_addr.h> #include "esp-link/cgi.h" #include "config.h" #ifdef CMD_DBG #define DBG(format, ...) do { os_printf(format, ## __VA_ARGS__); } while(0) #else #define DBG(format, ...) do { } while(0) #endif static void cmdNull(CmdPacket *cmd); static void cmdSync(CmdPacket *cmd); static void cmdWifiStatus(CmdPacket *cmd); static void cmdGetTime(CmdPacket *cmd); static void cmdGetWifiInfo(CmdPacket *cmd); // static void cmdSetWifiInfo(CmdPacket *cmd); static void cmdAddCallback(CmdPacket *cmd); static void cmdWifiGetApCount(CmdPacket *cmd); static void cmdWifiGetApName(CmdPacket *cmd); static void cmdWifiSelectSSID(CmdPacket *cmd); static void cmdWifiSignalStrength(CmdPacket *cmd); static void cmdWifiQuerySSID(CmdPacket *cmd); static void cmdWifiStartScan(CmdPacket *cmd); void cmdMqttGetClientId(CmdPacket *cmd); // keep track of last status sent to uC so we can notify it when it changes static uint8_t lastWifiStatus = wifiIsDisconnected; // keep track of whether we have registered our cb handler with the wifi subsystem static bool wifiCbAdded = false; // keep track of whether we received a sync command from uC bool cmdInSync = false; // Command dispatch table for serial -> ESP commands const CmdList commands[] = { {CMD_NULL, "NULL", cmdNull}, // no-op {CMD_SYNC, "SYNC", cmdSync}, // synchronize {CMD_WIFI_STATUS, "WIFI_STATUS", cmdWifiStatus}, {CMD_CB_ADD, "ADD_CB", cmdAddCallback}, {CMD_GET_TIME, "GET_TIME", cmdGetTime}, {CMD_GET_WIFI_INFO, "GET_WIFI_INFO", cmdGetWifiInfo}, // {CMD_SET_WIFI_INFO, "SET_WIFI_INFO", cmdSetWifiInfo}, {CMD_WIFI_GET_APCOUNT, "WIFI_GET_APCOUNT", cmdWifiGetApCount}, {CMD_WIFI_GET_APNAME, "WIFI_GET_APNAME", cmdWifiGetApName}, {CMD_WIFI_SELECT_SSID, "WIFI_SELECT_SSID", cmdWifiSelectSSID}, {CMD_WIFI_SIGNAL_STRENGTH, "WIFI_SIGNAL_STRENGTH", cmdWifiSignalStrength}, {CMD_WIFI_GET_SSID, "WIFI_GET_SSID", cmdWifiQuerySSID}, {CMD_WIFI_START_SCAN, "WIFI_START_SCAN", cmdWifiStartScan}, #ifdef MQTT {CMD_MQTT_SETUP, "MQTT_SETUP", MQTTCMD_Setup}, {CMD_MQTT_PUBLISH, "MQTT_PUB", MQTTCMD_Publish}, {CMD_MQTT_SUBSCRIBE , "MQTT_SUB", MQTTCMD_Subscribe}, {CMD_MQTT_LWT, "MQTT_LWT", MQTTCMD_Lwt}, {CMD_MQTT_GET_CLIENTID,"MQTT_CLIENTID", cmdMqttGetClientId}, #endif #ifdef REST {CMD_REST_SETUP, "REST_SETUP", REST_Setup}, {CMD_REST_REQUEST, "REST_REQ", REST_Request}, {CMD_REST_SETHEADER, "REST_SETHDR", REST_SetHeader}, #endif {CMD_WEB_SETUP, "WEB_SETUP", WEB_Setup}, {CMD_WEB_DATA, "WEB_DATA", WEB_Data}, #ifdef SOCKET {CMD_SOCKET_SETUP, "SOCKET_SETUP", SOCKET_Setup}, {CMD_SOCKET_SEND, "SOCKET_SEND", SOCKET_Send}, #endif }; //===== List of registered callbacks (to uC) // WifiCb plus 10 for other stuff #define MAX_CALLBACKS 12 CmdCallback callbacks[MAX_CALLBACKS]; // cleared in cmdSync uint32_t ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cmdAddCb(char* name, uint32_t cb) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_CALLBACKS; i++) { //DBG("cmdAddCb: index %d name=%s cb=%p\n", i, callbacks[i].name, // (void *)callbacks[i].callback); // find existing callback or add to the end if (os_strncmp(callbacks[i].name, name, CMD_CBNLEN) == 0 || callbacks[i].name[0] == '\0') { os_strncpy(callbacks[i].name, name, sizeof(callbacks[i].name)); callbacks[i].name[CMD_CBNLEN-1] = 0; // strncpy doesn't null terminate callbacks[i].callback = cb; DBG("cmdAddCb: '%s'->0x%x added at %d\n", callbacks[i].name, cb, i); return 1; } } return 0; } CmdCallback* ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cmdGetCbByName(char* name) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_CALLBACKS; i++) { //DBG("cmdGetCbByName: index %d name=%s cb=%p\n", i, callbacks[i].name, // (void *)callbacks[i].callback); // if callback doesn't exist or it's null if (os_strncmp(callbacks[i].name, name, CMD_CBNLEN) == 0) { DBG("cmdGetCbByName: cb %s found at index %d\n", name, i); return &callbacks[i]; } } DBG("cmdGetCbByName: cb %s not found\n", name); return 0; } //===== Wifi callback // Callback from wifi subsystem to notify us of status changes static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cmdWifiCb(uint8_t wifiStatus) { if (wifiStatus != lastWifiStatus){ DBG("cmdWifiCb: wifiStatus=%d\n", wifiStatus); lastWifiStatus = wifiStatus; CmdCallback *wifiCb = cmdGetCbByName("wifiCb"); if ((uint32_t)wifiCb->callback != -1) { uint8_t status = wifiStatus == wifiGotIP ? 5 : 1; cmdResponseStart(CMD_RESP_CB, (uint32_t)wifiCb->callback, 1); cmdResponseBody((uint8_t*)&status, 1); cmdResponseEnd(); } } } //===== Command handlers // Command handler for Null command static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cmdNull(CmdPacket *cmd) { } // Command handler for sync command static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cmdSync(CmdPacket *cmd) { CmdRequest req; uart0_write_char(SLIP_END); // prefix with a SLIP END to ensure we get a clean start cmdRequest(&req, cmd); if(cmd->argc != 0 || cmd->value == 0) { cmdResponseStart(CMD_RESP_V, 0, 0); cmdResponseEnd(); return; } // clear callbacks table os_memset(callbacks, 0, sizeof(callbacks)); // TODO: call other protocols back to tell them to reset // register our callback with wifi subsystem if (!wifiCbAdded) { wifiAddStateChangeCb(cmdWifiCb); wifiCbAdded = true; } // send OK response cmdResponseStart(CMD_RESP_V, cmd->value, 0); cmdResponseEnd(); cmdInSync = true; // save the MCU's callback and trigger an initial callback cmdAddCb("wifiCb", cmd->value); lastWifiStatus = 0xff; // set to invalid value so we immediately send status cb in all cases cmdWifiCb(wifiState); return; } // Command handler for wifi status command static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cmdWifiStatus(CmdPacket *cmd) { cmdResponseStart(CMD_RESP_V, wifiState, 0); cmdResponseEnd(); return; } // Command handler for time static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cmdGetTime(CmdPacket *cmd) { cmdResponseStart(CMD_RESP_V, sntp_get_current_timestamp(), 0); cmdResponseEnd(); return; } // Command handler for IP information static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cmdGetWifiInfo(CmdPacket *cmd) { CmdRequest req; cmdRequest(&req, cmd); if(cmd->argc != 0 || cmd->value == 0) { cmdResponseStart(CMD_RESP_V, 0, 0); cmdResponseEnd(); return; } uint32_t callback = req.cmd->value; struct ip_info info; wifi_get_ip_info(0, &info); uint8_t mac[6]; wifi_get_macaddr(0, mac); cmdResponseStart(CMD_RESP_CB, callback, 4); cmdResponseBody(&info.ip.addr, sizeof(info.ip.addr)); cmdResponseBody(&info.netmask.addr, sizeof(info.netmask.addr)); cmdResponseBody(&info.gw.addr, sizeof(info.gw.addr)); cmdResponseBody(mac, sizeof(mac)); cmdResponseEnd(); } // Command handler to add a callback to the named-callbacks list, this is for a callback to the uC static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cmdAddCallback(CmdPacket *cmd) { CmdRequest req; cmdRequest(&req, cmd); if (cmd->argc != 1 || cmd->value == 0) return; char name[16]; uint16_t len; // get the callback name len = cmdArgLen(&req); if (len > 15) return; // max size of name is 15 characters if (cmdPopArg(&req, (uint8_t *)name, len)) return; name[len] = 0; DBG("cmdAddCallback: name=%s\n", name); cmdAddCb(name, cmd->value); // save the sensor callback } // Query the number of wifi access points static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cmdWifiGetApCount(CmdPacket *cmd) { int n = wifiGetApCount(); DBG("WifiGetApCount : %d\n", n); cmdResponseStart(CMD_RESP_V, n, 0); cmdResponseEnd(); } // Query the name of a wifi access point static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cmdWifiGetApName(CmdPacket *cmd) { CmdRequest req; cmdRequest(&req, cmd); int argc = cmdGetArgc(&req); DBG("cmdWifiGetApName: argc %d\n", argc); if (argc != 1) return; uint16_t i; cmdPopArg(&req, (uint8_t*)&i, 2); uint32_t callback = req.cmd->value; char myssid[33]; wifiGetApName(i, myssid); myssid[32] = '\0'; DBG("wifiGetApName(%d) -> {%s}\n", i, myssid); cmdResponseStart(CMD_RESP_CB, callback, 1); cmdResponseBody(myssid, strlen(myssid)+1); cmdResponseEnd(); } /* * Select a wireless network. * This can be called in two ways : * - with a pair of strings (SSID, password) * - with a number and a string (index into network array, password) */ static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cmdWifiSelectSSID(CmdPacket *cmd) { CmdRequest req; cmdRequest(&req, cmd); int argc = cmdGetArgc(&req); char ssid[33], pass[65]; if (argc != 2) return; int len = cmdArgLen(&req); if (len == 1) { // Assume this is the index uint8_t ix; cmdPopArg(&req, &ix, 1); wifiGetApName(ix, ssid); ssid[32] = '\0'; } else { // Longer than 1 byte: must be SSID if (len > 32) return; cmdPopArg(&req, ssid, len); ssid[len] = 0; } // Extract password from message len = cmdArgLen(&req); if (len > 64) return; cmdPopArg(&req, pass, len); pass[len] = 0; DBG("SelectSSID(%s,%s)", ssid, pass); connectToNetwork(ssid, pass); } #if 0 /* * Once we're attached to some wireless network, choose not to pick up address from * DHCP or so but set our own. */ static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cmdSetWifiInfo(CmdPacket *cmd) { DBG("SetWifiInfo()\n"); } #endif static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cmdWifiSignalStrength(CmdPacket *cmd) { CmdRequest req; cmdRequest(&req, cmd); int argc = cmdGetArgc(&req); if (argc != 1) { DBG("cmdWifiSignalStrength: argc %d\n", argc); return; } char x; cmdPopArg(&req, (uint8_t*)&x, 1); int i = x; DBG("cmdWifiSignalStrength: argc %d, ", argc); DBG("i %d\n", i); int rssi = wifiSignalStrength(i); cmdResponseStart(CMD_RESP_V, rssi, 0); cmdResponseEnd(); } // static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cmdWifiQuerySSID(CmdPacket *cmd) { CmdRequest req; cmdRequest(&req, cmd); uint32_t callback = req.cmd->value; struct station_config conf; bool res = wifi_station_get_config(&conf); if (res) { // #warning handle me } else { } DBG("QuerySSID : %s\n", conf.ssid); cmdResponseStart(CMD_RESP_CB, callback, 1); cmdResponseBody(conf.ssid, strlen((char *)conf.ssid)+1); cmdResponseEnd(); } // Start scanning, API interface static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cmdWifiStartScan(CmdPacket *cmd) { // call a function that belongs in esp-link/cgiwifi.c due to variable access wifiStartScan(); } // Command handler for MQTT information void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cmdMqttGetClientId(CmdPacket *cmd) { CmdRequest req; cmdRequest(&req, cmd); if(cmd->argc != 0 || cmd->value == 0) { cmdResponseStart(CMD_RESP_V, 0, 0); cmdResponseEnd(); return; } uint32_t callback = req.cmd->value; cmdResponseStart(CMD_RESP_CB, callback, 1); cmdResponseBody(flashConfig.mqtt_clientid, strlen(flashConfig.mqtt_clientid)+1); cmdResponseEnd(); os_printf("MqttGetClientId : %s\n", flashConfig.mqtt_clientid); }