//===== Collection of small utilities /* * Bind/Unbind events * * Usage: * var el = document.getElementyById('#container'); * bnd(el, 'click', function() { * console.log('clicked'); * }); */ var bnd = function( d, // a DOM element e, // an event name such as "click" f // a handler function ){ d.addEventListener(e, f, false); } /* * Create DOM element * * Usage: * var el = m('<h1>Hello</h1>'); * document.body.appendChild(el); * * Copyright (C) 2011 Jed Schmidt <http://jed.is> - WTFPL * More: https://gist.github.com/966233 */ var m = function( a, // an HTML string b, // placeholder c // placeholder ){ b = document; // get the document, c = b.createElement("p"); // create a container element, c.innerHTML = a; // write the HTML to it, and a = b.createDocumentFragment(); // create a fragment. while ( // while b = c.firstChild // the container element has a first child ) a.appendChild(b); // append the child to the fragment, return a // and then return the fragment. } /* * DOM selector * * Usage: * $('div'); * $('#name'); * $('.name'); * * Copyright (C) 2011 Jed Schmidt <http://jed.is> - WTFPL * More: https://gist.github.com/991057 */ var $ = function( a, // take a simple selector like "name", "#name", or ".name", and b // an optional context, and ){ a = a.match(/^(\W)?(.*)/); // split the selector into name and symbol. return( // return an element or list, from within the scope of b // the passed context || document // or document, )[ "getElement" + ( // obtained by the appropriate method calculated by a[1] ? a[1] == "#" ? "ById" // the node by ID, : "sByClassName" // the nodes by class name, or : "sByTagName" // the nodes by tag name, ) ]( a[2] // called with the name. ) } /* * Get cross browser xhr object * * Copyright (C) 2011 Jed Schmidt <http://jed.is> * More: https://gist.github.com/993585 */ var j = function( a // cursor placeholder ){ for( // for all a a=0; // from 0 a<4; // to 4, a++ // incrementing ) try { // try return a // returning ? new ActiveXObject( // a new ActiveXObject [ // reflecting , // (elided) "Msxml2", // the various "Msxml3", // working "Microsoft" // options ][a] + // for Microsoft implementations, and ".XMLHTTP" // the appropriate suffix, ) // but make sure to : new XMLHttpRequest // try the w3c standard first, and } catch(e){} // ignore when it fails. } // dom element iterator: domForEach($(".some-class"), function(el) { ... }); function domForEach(els, fun) { return Array.prototype.forEach.call(els, fun); } // createElement short-hand e = function(a) { return document.createElement(a); } // chain onload handlers function onLoad(f) { var old = window.onload; if (typeof old != 'function') { window.onload = f; } else { window.onload = function() { old(); f(); } } } //===== helpers to add/remove/toggle HTML element classes function addClass(el, cl) { el.className += ' ' + cl; } function removeClass(el, cl) { var cls = el.className.split(/\s+/), l = cls.length; for (var i=0; i<l; i++) { if (cls[i] === cl) cls.splice(i, 1); } el.className = cls.join(' '); return cls.length != l } function toggleClass(el, cl) { if (!removeClass(el, cl)) addClass(el, cl); } //===== AJAX function ajaxReq(method, url, ok_cb, err_cb) { var xhr = j(); xhr.open(method, url, true); var timeout = setTimeout(function() { xhr.abort(); console.log("XHR abort:", method, url); xhr.status = 599; xhr.responseText = "request time-out"; }, 9000); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState != 4) { return; } clearTimeout(timeout); if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) { // console.log("XHR done:", method, url, "->", xhr.status); ok_cb(xhr.responseText); } else { console.log("XHR ERR :", method, url, "->", xhr.status, xhr.responseText, xhr); err_cb(xhr.status, xhr.responseText); } } // console.log("XHR send:", method, url); try { xhr.send(); } catch(err) { console.log("XHR EXC :", method, url, "->", err); err_cb(599, err); } } function dispatchJson(resp, ok_cb, err_cb) { var j; try { j = JSON.parse(resp); } catch(err) { console.log("JSON parse error: " + err + ". In: " + resp); err_cb(500, "JSON parse error: " + err); return; } ok_cb(j); } function ajaxJson(method, url, ok_cb, err_cb) { ajaxReq(method, url, function(resp) { dispatchJson(resp, ok_cb, err_cb); }, err_cb); } function ajaxSpin(method, url, ok_cb, err_cb) { $("#spinner").removeAttribute('hidden'); ajaxReq(method, url, function(resp) { $("#spinner").setAttribute('hidden', ''); ok_cb(resp); }, function(status, statusText) { $("#spinner").setAttribute('hidden', ''); //showWarning("Error: " + statusText); err_cb(status, statusText); }); } function ajaxJsonSpin(method, url, ok_cb, err_cb) { ajaxSpin(method, url, function(resp) { dispatchJson(resp, ok_cb, err_cb); }, err_cb); } //===== main menu, header spinner and notification boxes function hidePopup(el) { addClass(el, "popup-hidden"); addClass(el.parentNode, "popup-target"); } onLoad(function() { var l = $("#layout"); var o = l.childNodes[0]; // spinner l.insertBefore(m('<div id="spinner" class="spinner" hidden></div>'), o); // notification boxes l.insertBefore(m( '<div id="messages"><div id="warning" hidden></div><div id="notification" hidden></div></div>'), o); // menu hamburger button l.insertBefore(m('<a href="#menu" id="menuLink" class="menu-link"><span></span></a>'), o); // menu left-pane var mm = m( '<div id="menu">\ <div class="pure-menu">\ <a class="pure-menu-heading" href="https://github.com/jeelabs/esp-link">\ <img src="/favicon.ico" height="32"> esp-link</a>\ <div class="pure-menu-heading system-name" style="padding: 0px 0.6em"></div>\ <ul id="menu-list" class="pure-menu-list"></ul>\ </div>\ </div>\ '); l.insertBefore(mm, o); // make hamburger button pull out menu var ml = $('#menuLink'), mm = $('#menu'); bnd(ml, 'click', function (e) { // console.log("hamburger time"); var active = 'active'; e.preventDefault(); toggleClass(l, active); toggleClass(mm, active); toggleClass(ml, active); }); // hide pop-ups domForEach($(".popup"), function(el) { hidePopup(el); }); // populate menu via ajax call var getMenu = function() { ajaxJson("GET", "/menu", function(data) { var html = "", path = window.location.pathname; for (var i=0; i<data.menu.length; i+=2) { var href = data.menu[i+1]; html = html.concat(" <li class=\"pure-menu-item" + (path === href ? " pure-menu-selected" : "") + "\">" + "<a href=\"" + href + "\" class=\"pure-menu-link\">" + data.menu[i] + "</a></li>"); } $("#menu-list").innerHTML = html; var v = $("#version"); if (v != null) { v.innerHTML = data.version; } $('title')[0].innerHTML = data["name"]; setEditToClick("system-name", data["name"]); }, function() { setTimeout(getMenu, 1000); }); }; getMenu(); }); //===== Wifi info function showWifiInfo(data) { Object.keys(data).forEach(function(v) { el = $("#wifi-" + v); if (el != null) { if (el.nodeName === "INPUT") el.value = data[v]; else el.innerHTML = data[v]; } }); var dhcp = $('#dhcp-r'+data.dhcp); if (dhcp) dhcp.click(); $("#wifi-spinner").setAttribute("hidden", ""); $("#wifi-table").removeAttribute("hidden"); currAp = data.ssid; } function getWifiInfo() { ajaxJson('GET', "/wifi/info", showWifiInfo, function(s, st) { window.setTimeout(getWifiInfo, 1000); }); } //===== System info function showSystemInfo(data) { Object.keys(data).forEach(function(v) { setEditToClick("system-"+v, data[v]); }); $("#system-spinner").setAttribute("hidden", ""); $("#system-table").removeAttribute("hidden"); currAp = data.ssid; } function getSystemInfo() { ajaxJson('GET', "/system/info", showSystemInfo, function(s, st) { window.setTimeout(getSystemInfo, 1000); }); } function makeAjaxInput(klass, field) { domForEach($("."+klass+"-"+field), function(div) { var eon = $(".edit-on", div); var eoff = $(".edit-off", div)[0]; var url = "/"+klass+"/update?"+field; if (eoff === undefined || eon == undefined) return; var enableEditToClick = function() { eoff.setAttribute('hidden',''); domForEach(eon, function(el){ el.removeAttribute('hidden'); }); eon[0].select(); return false; } var submitEditToClick = function(v) { // console.log("Submit POST "+url+"="+v); ajaxSpin("POST", url+"="+v, function() { domForEach(eon, function(el){ el.setAttribute('hidden',''); }); eoff.removeAttribute('hidden'); setEditToClick(klass+"-"+field, v) showNotification(field + " changed to " + v); }, function() { showWarning(field + " change failed"); }); return false; } bnd(eoff, "click", function(){return enableEditToClick();}); bnd(eon[0], "blur", function(){return submitEditToClick(eon[0].value);}); bnd(eon[0], "keyup", function(ev){ if ((ev||window.event).keyCode==13) return submitEditToClick(eon[0].value); }); }); } function setEditToClick(klass, value) { domForEach($("."+klass), function(div) { if (div.children.length > 0) { domForEach(div.children, function(el) { if (el.nodeName === "INPUT") el.value = value; else if (el.nodeName !== "DIV") el.innerHTML = value; }); } else { div.innerHTML = value; } }); } //===== Notifications function showWarning(text) { var el = $("#warning"); el.innerHTML = text; el.removeAttribute('hidden'); window.scrollTo(0, 0); } function hideWarning() { el = $("#warning").setAttribute('hidden', ''); } var notifTimeout = null; function showNotification(text) { var el = $("#notification"); el.innerHTML = text; el.removeAttribute('hidden'); if (notifTimeout != null) clearTimeout(notifTimeout); notifTimout = setTimeout(function() { el.setAttribute('hidden', ''); notifTimout = null; }, 4000); } //===== GPIO Pin mux card var pinPresets = { // array: reset, isp, conn, ser, swap, rxpup "esp-01": [ 0, -1, 2, -1, 0, 1 ], "esp-12": [ 12, 14, 0, 2, 0, 1 ], "esp-12 swap": [ 1, 3, 0, 2, 1, 1 ], "esp-bridge": [ 12, 13, 0, 14, 0, 0 ], "wifi-link-12": [ 1, 3, 0, 2, 1, 0 ], }; function createPresets(sel) { for (var p in pinPresets) { var opt = m('<option value="' + p + '">' + p + '</option>'); sel.appendChild(opt); } function applyPreset(v) { var pp = pinPresets[v]; if (pp === undefined) return pp; // console.log("apply preset:", v, pp); function setPP(k, v) { $("#pin-"+k).value = v; }; setPP("reset", pp[0]); setPP("isp", pp[1]); setPP("conn", pp[2]); setPP("ser", pp[3]); setPP("swap", pp[4]); $("#pin-rxpup").checked = !!pp[5]; sel.value = 0; }; bnd(sel, "change", function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); applyPreset(sel.value); }); } function displayPins(resp) { function createSelectForPin(name, v) { var sel = $("#pin-"+name); addClass(sel, "pure-button"); sel.innerHTML = ""; [-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,12,13,14,15].forEach(function(i) { var opt = document.createElement("option"); opt.value = i; if (i >= 0) opt.innerHTML = "gpio"+i; else opt.innerHTML = "disabled"; if (i===1) opt.innerHTML += "/TX0"; if (i===2) opt.innerHTML += "/TX1"; if (i===3) opt.innerHTML += "/RX0"; if (i==v) opt.selected = true; sel.appendChild(opt); }); var pup = $(".popup", sel.parentNode); if (pup !== undefined) hidePopup(pup[0]); }; createSelectForPin("reset", resp["reset"]); createSelectForPin("isp", resp["isp"]); createSelectForPin("conn", resp["conn"]); createSelectForPin("ser", resp["ser"]); $("#pin-swap").value = resp["swap"]; $("#pin-rxpup").checked = !!resp["rxpup"]; createPresets($("#pin-preset")); $("#pin-spinner").setAttribute("hidden", ""); $("#pin-table").removeAttribute("hidden"); } function fetchPins() { ajaxJson("GET", "/pins", displayPins, function() { window.setTimeout(fetchPins, 1000); }); } function setPins(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var url = "/pins"; var sep = "?"; ["reset", "isp", "conn", "ser", "swap"].forEach(function(p) { url += sep + p + "=" + $("#pin-"+p).value; sep = "&"; }); url += "&rxpup=" + ($("#pin-rxpup").checked ? "1" : "0"); // console.log("set pins: " + url); ajaxSpin("POST", url, function() { showNotification("Pin assignment changed"); }, function(status, errMsg) { showWarning(errMsg); window.setTimeout(fetchPins, 100); }); }