To allow changes both in STA or AP settings, they should be active.
Opmode is set to 3 few lines above, so changes allowed in both STA and
Because the above opmode set, this “if” is useless.
Added an if statement to APs scans cgi to avoid scan in AP mode.
Reduced to one set of warnings and add a fourth line to cover the only
AP mode option in Soft-AP setting´s page
Proper check of Soft-AP setting’s variables values on server side.
Only alphanumeric values and underscore are allowed in SSID and
Password. Now you can set Soft-AP as OPEN AP with custom SSID.
Fixed button spacing on console clear and log reset buttons
Renamed cgiReboot method to cgiReset and called the proper reset method
Normalized whitespace in cgiflash.c
- changed defaults for Flashconfig
- SNTP-Server: empty
- Syslog-Server: empty
- hostname: reverted to esp-link
- heavy cleanup in syslog.c
- removed debug messages
- add local syslog_compose function
syslog UDP messages are send via
syslog(uint8_t facility, uint8_t severity, const char tag[], const char message[], ...);
the syslog function queues any msg on system heap. If heap reaches a minimum size (8kB),
syslog stops queuing.
As soon as Wifi connectivity is available, syslog will send out all queued messages.
Queuing will be reenabled after all pending messages are sent.
we wrap both functions in much easier ones (register_usr_task, post_usr_task).
register_usr_task requires an os_task_t parameter (the task itself) and returns a
task number (0...MAXUSRTASKS) which is later on used by "post_usr_task".
register_usr_task is self-initializing. no static arrays - malloc only...