@ -34,21 +34,37 @@ FLASH_SIZE ?= 4MB
i f e q ( "$(FLASH_SIZE)" , "512KB" )
# Winbond 25Q40 512KB flash, typ for esp-01 thru esp-11
ESP_SPI_SIZE ?= 0 # 0->512KB
ESP_FLASH_FREQ_DIV ?= 0 # 0->40Mhz
ESP_FLASH_MAX ?= 241664 # max bin file for 512KB flash: 236KB
ESP_SPI_SIZE ?= 0 # 0->512KB (256KB+256KB)
ESP_FLASH_FREQ_DIV ?= 0 # 0->40Mhz
ESP_FLASH_MAX ?= 241664 # max bin file for 512KB flash: 236KB
ET_FS ?= 4m # 4Mbit flash size in esptool flash command
ET_FF ?= 40m # 40Mhz flash speed in esptool flash command
ET_BLANK ?= 0x7E000 # where to flash blank.bin to erase wireless settings
e l s e i f e q ( "$(FLASH_SIZE)" , "1MB" )
# ESP-01E
ESP_SPI_SIZE ?= 2 # 2->1MB (512KB+512KB)
ESP_FLASH_FREQ_DIV ?= 15 # 15->80MHz
ESP_FLASH_MAX ?= 503808 # max bin file for 1MB flash: 492KB
ET_FS ?= 8m # 8Mbit flash size in esptool flash command
ET_FF ?= 80m # 80Mhz flash speed in esptool flash command
ET_BLANK ?= 0xFE000 # where to flash blank.bin to erase wireless settings
e l s e
# Winbond 25Q32 4MB flash, typ for esp-12
# Here we're using two partitions of approx 0.5MB because that's what's easily available in terms
# of linker scripts in the SDK. Ideally we'd use two partitions of approx 1MB, the remaining 2MB
# cannot be used for code.
# cannot be used for code (esp8266 limitation) .
ESP_SPI_SIZE ?= 4 # 6->4MB (1MB+1MB) or 4->4MB (512KB+512KB)
ESP_FLASH_MODE ?= 0 # 0->QIO, 2->DIO
ESP_FLASH_FREQ_DIV ?= 15 # 15->80Mhz
ESP_FLASH_MAX ?= 503808 # max bin file for 512KB flash partition: 492KB
#ESP_FLASH_MAX ?= 1028096 # max bin file for 1MB flash partition: 1004KB
ET_FS ?= 32m # 32Mbit flash size in esptool flash command
ET_FF ?= 80m # 80Mhz flash speed in esptool flash command
ET_BLANK ?= 0x3FE000 # where to flash blank.bin to erase wireless settings
e n d i f
# hostname or IP address for wifi flashing
@ -274,9 +290,9 @@ wiflash: all
./wiflash $( ESP_HOSTNAME) $( FW_BASE) /user1.bin $( FW_BASE) /user2.bin
flash : all
$( Q) $( ESPTOOL) --port $( ESPPORT) --baud $( ESPBAUD) write_flash \
$( Q) $( ESPTOOL) --port $( ESPPORT) --baud $( ESPBAUD) -fs $( ET_FS) -ff $( ET_FF) write_flash \
0x00000 " $( SDK_BASE) /bin/boot_v1.4(b1).bin " 0x01000 $( FW_BASE) /user1.bin \
0x7E000 $( SDK_BASE) /bin/blank.bin
$( ET_BLANK) $( SDK_BASE) /bin/blank.bin
$( Q) mkdir -p yui