Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is but you are visiting
You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.
3 changed files with
5 additions and
5 deletions
@ -106,18 +106,18 @@ int8_t ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR getUInt16Arg(HttpdConnData *connData, char *name, uint1
return 1 ;
int8_t ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR getBoolArg ( HttpdConnData * connData , char * name , bool * config ) {
int8_t ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR getBoolArg ( HttpdConnData * connData , char * name , uint8_t * config ) {
char buff [ 16 ] ;
int len = httpdFindArg ( connData - > getArgs , name , buff , sizeof ( buff ) ) ;
if ( len < 0 ) return 0 ; // not found, skip
if ( os_strcmp ( buff , " 1 " ) = = 0 | | os_strcmp ( buff , " true " ) = = 0 ) {
* config = true ;
* config = 1 ;
return 1 ;
if ( os_strcmp ( buff , " 0 " ) = = 0 | | os_strcmp ( buff , " false " ) = = 0 ) {
* config = false ;
* config = 0 ;
return 1 ;
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ int8_t getUInt16Arg(HttpdConnData *connData, char *name, uint16_t *config);
// Get the HTTP query-string param 'name' and store it boolean value at 'config',
// supports 1/true and 0/false, returns -1 on error, 0 if not found, 1 if found
int8_t getBoolArg ( HttpdConnData * connData , char * name , bool * config ) ;
int8_t getBoolArg ( HttpdConnData * connData , char * name , uint8_t * config ) ;
int cgiMenu ( HttpdConnData * connData ) ;
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ FlashConfig flashDefault = {
. mqtt_host = " \0 " , . mqtt_clientid = " \0 " ,
. mqtt_username = " \0 " , . mqtt_password = " \0 " , . mqtt_status_topic = " \0 " ,
. sys_descr = " \0 " ,
. rx_pullup = 1 ,
. rx_pullup = 1 ,
. sntp_server = " \0 " ,
. syslog_host = " \0 " , . syslog_minheap = 8192 , . syslog_filter = 7 , . syslog_showtick = 1 , . syslog_showdate = 0 ,
. mdns_enable = 1 , . mdns_servername = " http \0 " , . timezone_offset = 0