@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ You should then see a list of detected networks on the web page and you can sele |
yours. Enter a password if your network is secure (recommended...) and hit the connect button. |
You should now see that the esp-link has connected to your network and it should show you |
its IP address. _Write it down_ (due to a bug ou won't see it anymore after this) and then |
its IP address. _Write it down_ (due to a bug you won't see it anymore after this) and then |
follow the provided link (you will have to switch your |
laptop, phone, or tablet back to your network before you can actually connect). |
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ If you choose a different directory structure look at the Makefile for the appro |
variables to define. (I have not used the esptool for flashing, so I don't know whether what's |
in the Makefile for that works or not.) |
In order to OTA-update the esp8266 you should "export ESP_HOSTNAME=..." with the hostname or |
In order to OTA-update the esp8266 you should `export ESP_HOSTNAME=...` with the hostname or |
IP address of your module. |
This project makes use of heatshrink, which is a git submodule. To fetch the code: |
@ -142,3 +142,21 @@ Serial bridge and connections to Arduino, AVR, ARM, LPC microcontrollers |
In order to connect through the esp-link to a microcontroller use port 23. For example, |
on linux you can use `nc esp-hostname 23` or `telnet esp-hostname 23`. |
You can reprogram an Arduino / AVR microcontroller by pointing avrdude at port 23. Instead of |
specifying a serial port of the form /dev/ttyUSB0 use `net:esp-hostname:23` (where `esp-hostname` |
is either the hostname of your esp-link or its IP address). The esp-link detects that avrdude |
starts its connection with a flash synchronization sequence and sends a reset to the AVR |
microcontroller so it can switch into flash programming mode. |
You can reprogram NXP's LPC800-series ARM processors as well by pointing your programmer |
similarly at the esp-link's port 23. For example, if you are using |
https://github.com/jeelabs/embello/tree/master/tools/uploader a command line like |
`uploader -s -w esp-link:23 build/firmware.bin` should do the trick. |
The way it works is that esp-link detects that the uploader starts its connection with the |
flash synchronization sequence `?\r\n` and issues the appropriate "ISP" and reset sequence |
to the microcontroller to start the flash programming. |
Note that multiple connections to port 23 can be made simultaneously. The esp-link will |
intermix characters received on all these connections onto the serial TX and it will |
broadcast incoming characters from the serial RX to all connections. Use with caution... |