//===== Fetching console text
function fetchText ( delay , repeat ) {
var el = $ ( "#console" ) ;
if ( el . textEnd == undefined ) {
el . textEnd = 0 ;
el . innerHTML = "" ;
window . setTimeout ( function ( ) {
ajaxJson ( 'GET' , console _url + "?start=" + el . textEnd ,
function ( resp ) {
var dly = updateText ( resp ) ;
if ( repeat ) fetchText ( dly , repeat ) ;
} ,
function ( ) { retryLoad ( repeat ) ; } ) ;
} , delay ) ;
function updateText ( resp ) {
var el = $ ( "#console" ) ;
var delay = 3000 ;
if ( resp != null && resp . len > 0 ) {
// console.log("updateText got", resp.len, "chars at", resp.start);
var isScrolledToBottom = el . scrollHeight - el . clientHeight <= el . scrollTop + 1 ;
//console.log("isScrolledToBottom="+isScrolledToBottom, "scrollHeight="+el.scrollHeight,
// "clientHeight="+el.clientHeight, "scrollTop="+el.scrollTop,
// "" + (el.scrollHeight - el.clientHeight) + "<=" + (el.scrollTop + 1));
// append the text
if ( resp . start > el . textEnd ) {
el . innerHTML = el . innerHTML . concat ( "\r\n<missing lines\r\n" ) ;
el . innerHTML = el . innerHTML . concat ( resp . text
. replace ( /&/g , '&' )
. replace ( /</g , '<' )
. replace ( />/g , '>' )
. replace ( /"/g , '"' ) ) ;
el . textEnd = resp . start + resp . len ;
delay = 500 ;
// scroll to bottom
if ( isScrolledToBottom ) el . scrollTop = el . scrollHeight - el . clientHeight ;
return delay ;
function retryLoad ( repeat ) {
fetchText ( 1000 , repeat ) ;
//===== Text entry
function consoleSendInit ( ) {
var sendHistory = $ ( "#send-history" ) ;
var inputText = $ ( "#input-text" ) ;
var inputAddCr = $ ( "#input-add-cr" ) ;
var inputAddLf = $ ( "#input-add-lf" ) ;
function findHistory ( text ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < sendHistory . children . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( text == sendHistory . children [ i ] . value ) {
return i ;
return null ;
function loadHistory ( idx ) {
sendHistory . value = sendHistory . children [ idx ] . value ;
inputText . value = sendHistory . children [ idx ] . value ;
function navHistory ( rel ) {
var idx = findHistory ( sendHistory . value ) + rel ;
if ( idx < 0 ) {
idx = sendHistory . children . length - 1 ;
if ( idx >= sendHistory . children . length ) {
idx = 0 ;
loadHistory ( idx ) ;
sendHistory . addEventListener ( "change" , function ( e ) {
inputText . value = sendHistory . value ;
} ) ;
function pushHistory ( text ) {
var idx = findHistory ( text ) ;
if ( idx !== null ) {
loadHistory ( idx ) ;
return false ;
var newOption = m ( '<option>' +
( text
. replace ( /&/g , '&' )
. replace ( /</g , '<' )
. replace ( />/g , '>' )
. replace ( /"/g , '"' ) )
+ '</option>' ) ;
newOption . value = text ;
sendHistory . appendChild ( newOption ) ;
sendHistory . value = text ;
for ( ; sendHistory . children . length > 15 ; ) {
sendHistory . removeChild ( sendHistory . children [ 0 ] ) ;
return true ;
inputText . addEventListener ( "keydown" , function ( e ) {
switch ( e . keyCode ) {
case 38 : /* the up arrow key pressed */
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
navHistory ( - 1 ) ;
break ;
case 40 : /* the down arrow key pressed */
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
navHistory ( + 1 ) ;
break ;
case 27 : /* the escape key pressed */
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
inputText . value = "" ;
sendHistory . value = "" ;
break ;
case 13 : /* the enter key pressed */
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
var text = inputText . value ;
if ( inputAddCr . checked ) text += '\r' ;
if ( inputAddLf . checked ) text += '\n' ;
pushHistory ( inputText . value ) ;
inputText . value = "" ;
ajaxSpin ( 'POST' , "/console/send?text=" + encodeURIComponent ( text ) ,
function ( resp ) { showNotification ( "Text sent" ) ; } ,
function ( s , st ) { showWarning ( "Error sending text" ) ; }
) ;
break ;
} ) ;
//===== Log page
function showDbgMode ( mode ) {
var btns = $ ( '.dbg-btn' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < btns . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( btns [ i ] . id === "dbg-" + mode )
addClass ( btns [ i ] , "button-selected" ) ;
removeClass ( btns [ i ] , "button-selected" ) ;