# ifndef ESPFS_H
# define ESPFS_H
# include "espfsformat.h"
typedef enum {
} EspFsInitResult ;
// Only 1 MByte of the flash can be directly accessed with ESP8266
// If flash size is >1 Mbyte, SDK API is required to retrieve flash content
typedef enum {
ESPFS_MEMORY , // read data directly from memory (fast, max 1 MByte)
ESPFS_FLASH , // read data from flash using SDK API (no limit for the size)
} EspFsSource ;
typedef struct EspFsFile EspFsFile ;
typedef struct EspFsContext EspFsContext ;
typedef struct {
EspFsHeader header ; // the header of the current file
EspFsContext * ctx ; // pointer to espfs context
char name [ 256 ] ; // the name of the current file
char * position ; // position of the iterator (pointer on the file system)
} EspFsIterator ;
extern EspFsContext * espLinkCtx ;
extern EspFsContext * userPageCtx ;
EspFsInitResult espFsInit ( EspFsContext * ctx , void * flashAddress , EspFsSource source ) ;
EspFsFile * espFsOpen ( EspFsContext * ctx , char * fileName ) ;
int espFsIsValid ( EspFsContext * ctx ) ;
int espFsFlags ( EspFsFile * fh ) ;
int espFsRead ( EspFsFile * fh , char * buff , int len ) ;
void espFsClose ( EspFsFile * fh ) ;
void espFsIteratorInit ( EspFsContext * ctx , EspFsIterator * iterator ) ;
int espFsIteratorNext ( EspFsIterator * iterator ) ;
# endif