var currAp = "" ;
var blockScan = 0 ;
function createInputForAp ( ap ) {
if ( ap . essid == "" && ap . rssi == 0 ) return ;
var input = e ( "input" ) ;
input . type = "radio" ;
input . name = "essid" ;
input . value = ap . essid ;
input . id = "opt-" + ap . essid ;
if ( currAp == ap . essid ) input . checked = "1" ;
var bars = e ( "div" ) ;
var rssiVal = - Math . floor ( ap . rssi / 51 ) * 32 ;
bars . className = "lock-icon" ;
bars . style . backgroundPosition = "0px " + ( rssiVal - 1 ) + "px" ;
var rssi = e ( "div" ) ;
rssi . innerHTML = "" + ap . rssi + "dB" ;
var encrypt = e ( "div" ) ;
var encVal = "-65" ; //assume wpa/wpa2
if ( ap . enc == "0" ) encVal = "0" ; //open
if ( ap . enc == "1" ) encVal = "-33" ; //wep
encrypt . className = "lock-icon" ;
encrypt . style . backgroundPosition = "-32px " + encVal + "px" ;
var label = e ( "div" ) ;
label . innerHTML = ap . essid ;
var div = m ( '<label for=\"opt-' + ap . essid + '"></label>' ) . childNodes [ 0 ] ;
div . appendChild ( input ) ;
div . appendChild ( encrypt ) ;
div . appendChild ( bars ) ;
div . appendChild ( rssi ) ;
div . appendChild ( label ) ;
return div ;
function getSelectedEssid ( ) {
var e = document . forms . wifiform . elements ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < e . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( e [ i ] . type == "radio" && e [ i ] . checked ) {
var v = e [ i ] . value ;
if ( v == "_hidden_ssid_" ) v = $ ( "#hidden-ssid" ) . value ;
return v ;
return currAp ;
var scanTimeout = null ;
var scanReqCnt = 0 ;
function scanResult ( ) {
if ( scanReqCnt > 60 ) {
return scanAPs ( ) ;
scanReqCnt += 1 ;
ajaxJson ( 'GET' , "scan" , function ( data ) {
currAp = getSelectedEssid ( ) ;
if ( data . result . inProgress == "0" && data . result . APs . length > 0 ) {
$ ( "#aps" ) . innerHTML = "" ;
var n = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < data . result . APs . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( data . result . APs [ i ] . essid == "" && data . result . APs [ i ] . rssi == 0 ) continue ;
$ ( "#aps" ) . appendChild ( createInputForAp ( data . result . APs [ i ] ) ) ;
n = n + 1 ;
showNotification ( "Scan found " + n + " networks" ) ;
var cb = $ ( "#connect-button" ) ;
cb . className = cb . className . replace ( " pure-button-disabled" , "" ) ;
if ( scanTimeout != null ) clearTimeout ( scanTimeout ) ;
scanTimeout = window . setTimeout ( scanAPs , 20000 ) ;
} else {
window . setTimeout ( scanResult , 1000 ) ;
} , function ( s , st ) {
window . setTimeout ( scanResult , 5000 ) ;
} ) ;
function scanAPs ( ) {
// console.log("scanning now");
if ( blockScan ) {
scanTimeout = window . setTimeout ( scanAPs , 1000 ) ;
return ;
scanTimeout = null ;
scanReqCnt = 0 ;
ajaxReq ( 'POST' , "scan" , function ( data ) {
//showNotification("Wifi scan started");
window . setTimeout ( scanResult , 1000 ) ;
} , function ( s , st ) {
//showNotification("Wifi scan may have started?");
window . setTimeout ( scanResult , 1000 ) ;
} ) ;
function getStatus ( ) {
ajaxJsonSpin ( "GET" , "connstatus" , function ( data ) {
if ( data . status == "idle" || data . status == "connecting" ) {
$ ( "#aps" ) . innerHTML = "Connecting..." ;
showNotification ( "Connecting..." ) ;
window . setTimeout ( getStatus , 1000 ) ;
} else if ( data . status == "got IP address" ) {
var txt = "Connected! Got IP " + data . ip ;
showNotification ( txt ) ;
showWifiInfo ( data ) ;
blockScan = 0 ;
if ( data . modechange == "yes" ) {
var txt2 = "esp-link will switch to STA-only mode in a few seconds" ;
window . setTimeout ( function ( ) { showNotification ( txt2 ) ; } , 4000 ) ;
$ ( "#reconnect" ) . removeAttribute ( "hidden" ) ;
$ ( "#reconnect" ) . innerHTML =
"If you are in the same network, go to <a href=\"http://" + data . ip +
"/\">" + data . ip + "</a>, else connect to network " + data . ssid + " first." ;
} else {
blockScan = 0 ;
showWarning ( "Connection failed: " + data . status + ", " + data . reason ) ;
$ ( "#aps" ) . innerHTML =
"Check password and selected AP. <a href=\"wifi.tpl\">Go Back</a>" ;
} , function ( s , st ) {
//showWarning("Can't get status: " + st);
window . setTimeout ( getStatus , 2000 ) ;
} ) ;
function changeWifiMode ( m ) {
blockScan = 1 ;
hideWarning ( ) ;
ajaxSpin ( "POST" , "setmode?mode=" + m , function ( resp ) {
showNotification ( "Mode changed" ) ;
window . setTimeout ( getWifiInfo , 100 ) ;
blockScan = 0 ;
} , function ( s , st ) {
showWarning ( "Error changing mode: " + st ) ;
window . setTimeout ( getWifiInfo , 100 ) ;
blockScan = 0 ;
} ) ;
function changeWifiAp ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
var passwd = $ ( "#wifi-passwd" ) . value ;
var essid = getSelectedEssid ( ) ;
showNotification ( "Connecting to " + essid ) ;
var url = "connect?essid=" + encodeURIComponent ( essid ) + "&passwd=" + encodeURIComponent ( passwd ) ;
hideWarning ( ) ;
$ ( "#reconnect" ) . setAttribute ( "hidden" , "" ) ;
$ ( "#wifi-passwd" ) . value = "" ;
var cb = $ ( "#connect-button" ) ;
var cn = cb . className ;
cb . className += ' pure-button-disabled' ;
blockScan = 1 ;
ajaxSpin ( "POST" , url , function ( resp ) {
$ ( "#spinner" ) . removeAttribute ( 'hidden' ) ; // hack
showNotification ( "Waiting for network change..." ) ;
window . scrollTo ( 0 , 0 ) ;
window . setTimeout ( getStatus , 2000 ) ;
} , function ( s , st ) {
showWarning ( "Error switching network: " + st ) ;
cb . className = cn ;
window . setTimeout ( scanAPs , 1000 ) ;
} ) ;
function changeSpecial ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
var url = "special" ;
url += "?dhcp=" + document . querySelector ( 'input[name="dhcp"]:checked' ) . value ;
url += "&staticip=" + encodeURIComponent ( $ ( "#wifi-staticip" ) . value ) ;
url += "&netmask=" + encodeURIComponent ( $ ( "#wifi-netmask" ) . value ) ;
url += "&gateway=" + encodeURIComponent ( $ ( "#wifi-gateway" ) . value ) ;
hideWarning ( ) ;
var cb = $ ( "#special-button" ) ;
addClass ( cb , 'pure-button-disabled' ) ;
ajaxSpin ( "POST" , url , function ( resp ) {
removeClass ( cb , 'pure-button-disabled' ) ;
//getWifiInfo(); // it takes 1 second for new settings to be applied
} , function ( s , st ) {
showWarning ( "Error: " + st ) ;
removeClass ( cb , 'pure-button-disabled' ) ;
getWifiInfo ( ) ;
} ) ;
function doDhcp ( ) {
$ ( '#dhcp-on' ) . removeAttribute ( 'hidden' ) ;
$ ( '#dhcp-off' ) . setAttribute ( 'hidden' , '' ) ;
function doStatic ( ) {
$ ( '#dhcp-off' ) . removeAttribute ( 'hidden' ) ;
$ ( '#dhcp-on' ) . setAttribute ( 'hidden' , '' ) ;